I don’t get Tame Impala 🤷🏻‍♀️

5  2019-06-03 by HardIsLife

Their music is 😴😴😴😴

Wow so psychedelic wow /s

Wow they used electronic effects in their songs, so unique wow /s

Wow The vocalist trying to sound shoegaze but they just sound sleepy so different wow /s

Wow some of their songs are longer than normal pop songs so artistic wow /s

Listen to something better like this



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Call them pedestrian.

It's boring psychedelic Beatles

Mayo music 🤢🤢

See if you didn't say wrong things like this tame impala could have united Australia to save the platypi.

Their album currents is good af

I almost fell asleep. Their music sounds like music you hear in commercials.

Damn what commercials are you watching?

>Tame Impala.

Tame Impala is literally just Kevin Parker

Tame Impala is literally just Kevin Parker

Why does this get repeated. It's wrong.

The same argument would be made if KG blew up.

No. KG is kino.

I like them and my argument is old and boring, but you know that if any nitche band got famous theyd get hated on by "legit" fans.

They have enough variance in their style to avoid the argument.

I like both, but one is from my home town.

Oh nice. I live in America and tame Impala is huge, but I've literally never met anyone that's heard of king gizz

Theyre worth a listen

Oh ya I know. They're my favorite band.

Haha yeah they're alright, great live as well.

Nice. Didn't think any of the autists on r/drama listened to king gizz

King Gizzard is also trash. Discerning listeners get their psychedelic fix from rare Helios Creed vinyl.

Listen to something better like this

If you're going to listen to mayo crap, at least listen to metal, the only white music with testicles


ceres and calypso is their best album but catamaran off in the dream of sea life is the best album

Nothing to get. The music is dull.

I’m liking K Flay at the mo. The video is weird too https://youtu.be/rhrqbcufZXo

Tame Impala is one person




Jack Stauber is kinda out there but pretty good

Your opinion on tame impala isn't really needed tho. It's bad and wrohg.

sounds like tame impala :3


lmao at suggesting a band that’s broken up already as an alternative. but to be fair, everything tame impala released after innerspeaker is shit.

It’s music dawg. You either like it or you don’t.