In an attempt to cope over their inability to make offensive jokes, Britcels mow an image of a penis into a field to own Daddy.

49  2019-06-03 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. In an attempt to cope over their in... -,*

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It's over for dicklets.

Just jelq-max bro!


someone told me about this recently so I googled it (bc I have a lil weiner) and apparently it destroys all the nerve endings in your benis

or maybe that's just what big soy WANTS me to think o_0

I've heard that too. Don't do it. Luckily, I don't ever need to do that ;)

2039 prediction: Dedicated white liberals in Europe will universally develop mental issues over the next 20 years.

Getting thrown off roofs will do that to you.

His comments on crime and the Asian population.

We’re still pretending Chinese and Muslims are the same?

The absolute state of Br*tbongs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Well there are some that are the same, just for not much longer

China is shoving their Muslims into concentration camps. And that's terrible.

English citizens don't refer to Chinese as Asians. Why can't Americans get this through their fat skulls? In England, "Asian" is meant to refer to Pakistanis, Indians, and Bangladeshis, with the vast majority of them happening to be Muslims.

Drawing dicks on things will never not be funny

Took this outside of my flat when I was stationed in Bahrain. Shit never gets old.



One ball is bigger than the other. I hate asymmetry. Arrest this man.

Asymmetrical testicle is besticle.

Weird balls deserve jail. CMV

Oi you got a loicense for that wanker on your lawn mate?


This is so sad. He's not even gonna fucking see it. Buy an ad space and play a video of him sucking a dick. Or fly a fucking massive flag. Not this lawn mowing shit.

How cucked can one country get?

It’s funny. Why do you not find a giant penis cut into grass funny?