Absolute genius thinks Toys-R-Us failed because there aren't enough children anymore.

79  2019-06-03 by Ghdust2


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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if they had lasted like six more months funko soys would have saved them

funko soys

I think everyone is entitled to their own tastes like 99% of the time, especially when it's something as harmless as collectibles... but adults who are into funko pop seem weird as hell. same with TY babies from back in the dy


retarded manchildren fundamentally broken by postindustrial alienation

what I want to know is how the corporations sold people on this shit. talk about a fuckin' revenue stream

"ok here's my idea: for every popular IP we have, we create 10 cent figurines and sell them as collectibles. only we limit supply, so they're hard to come by. we'll be able to produce 10,000 of them for $90 and somehow charge $30+ and people will just buy them."

I mean god damn. I'm not mad, I'm impressed.

i mean its just a rehash of silly bandz and other invented collectibles. culture industry has detatched many people from material reality making it much easier to profit off nostalgia etc

silly bandz

girls in my high school used to wear these indiscirminately and I would always be like, "hehe I heard the pink dinosaur means you are down for anal" but then none of them would stick anything in my ass :(


I'm sorry.

The reason why silly bandz failed was because it was a trend poor kids could get in on.

Huh I've been reading something on this exact topic

what is it?

or is this a joke about uncle teddy

or is this a joke about uncle teddy

I wish there was an emoji that just points to it's own nose slyly.

thats what i thought but im genuinely interested in research about this, i think its called "peter pan syndrome" clinically but i cant find much about it

I think it ties in pretty well with the concept of culture industry, since that's how they cope with that alienation. But be careful, that term was coined by weird people with big noses!

The Unabomber Manifesto is trash. Go read meaningful philosophy instead of the egoistic, hollow ramblings of a man psychologically broken by MK-Ultra.

No shit it is... But it is hilarious

Ok, I see now that you were taking a swipe at Teddy. Whoops.

Funko Pops are double sad - anyone collecting even expensive figurines or say, gayming special editions is already kinda weird, but alright we all have our guilty pleasures.

Funko pops are just awful - they usually portray super mainstream characters so it's not like they're special collectibles, the design of said characters is awful 90% 99% of the time, and the overall quality - build, fit, finish, it all sucks.

I just don't get it.

The only thing that could be """good""" about a few of them is that they have niche brands sometimes. But they still look ugly and the same.

I collect obscure ww1 and ww2 books. Does that make me better or worse in the eyes of a potential foid than generic mainstream funk pops

At least you can read those books. What do you even do with a Funko Pop? Even the most depraved degenerate can't jizz on them.

How the fuck do you know that i cum all over my waffen ss memoirs!?!?

Is this a cia nibber account or what

Does that make me better or worse in the eyes of a potential foid

It depends on the foid.

Some might fight shitty pop culture plastic dolls more interesting, but WW1/WW2 books are objectively much, much better. If anything it's a good test, buy some funko pops are put then next to the books, if the foid is more interested in funko pops kick her out.

Funko pop is for dumb babies I think I have like two from Christmas my sister thought I would like I collect the chad shfigarts

Funko pop is for dumb babies

Proceeds to admit owning some.

I didn’t buy them that’s the point there in a box on my attic

Why are you holding onto them? I wouldn't want them in my house even if they were packed away.

Because they were a gift and it’s not like I’m displaying them like the plebbitors

Never forget the Funko Pop contract - https://i.imgur.com/2bDZCXh.jpg

That’s amazing, is there a backstory?

old-school Disney

The Incredibles and Genie

lol millennials

I have articulated below the reasons why this is not an addiction:


I’m 90% sure that without the pops the dude would have started collecting human teeth or something. That moved past pathetic to disturbing really quick.

Jesus Christ this is depressing. How does anyone with enough mental capacity to get married have such low impulse control that they have to make a contract to stop them from buying stupid bobbleheads.

The same amount of 85 iq people get married the same rate as 115 iq people. Std dev and all.

Its fucking pathetic to be that into that shit past maybe one or two memorable ones

I think this requires an IQ closer to the 50-60 level.

You haven't read the contract fully. His discretionary spending is still quite high. He tossed her a bone.

Good point. I should have said slow down.

How does anyone with enough mental capacity to get married have such low impulse control

Simple, find someone with incredibly low standards.

I wish I was dead.

TY babies

Do you mean Beanie Babies? I’ve never seen anyone refer to them by the manufacturer’s brand before. But I get the appeal of those, they’re basically just cute stuffed animals, and kids like stuffed animals.

Imagine owning anything more than a loin cloth, a spear and a poorly-built lean-to

is what they're saying about toy r us actually true? the part about being used to settle debt by liquidating assets.

My understanding it the company was bought by some rich assholes who loaded it up with debt, paid themselves off more than the purchase price in dividends, then when the cash flow couldn't pay the debt it imploded.

Yup, that's pretty much it. It's worth noting that Toys R Us in Canada is still doing just fine, which is proof the business model remains sound, so long as management isn't actively trying to drive the company into the ground.

Yeah but canadians aren't people so they still haven't learned about internet shopping.

ToysRUs.ca would beg to differ.

No, bit of a broken clock scenario but those TDers are absolutely correct about how the buyout went down with a Bain subsidery. I disagree about their contention that it was a viable business though. Unless Toys-R-Us pulled a rabbit from the hat and fundamentally reshaped their business model like Best buy did they were looking at a lot of bad years ahead.

The only thing that could possibly save toys r us is having an order pick up kind of thing. People just order online and it is picked up in store. It has worked great for some companies such as target.

Yeah i mean the pioneers of online in store pickup and to house delivery aka Sears are doing so well. So so well.

What the fuck is sears



It's true: The amount of children (((Killary))) sacrifices daily in satanic rituals to please her extradimensional shape-shifting overlords (to keep her globalist agenda rolling!) is simply far too much to go by unnoticed.

Which makes no sense, everyone knows Killary kidnaps babies to harvest their blood and live longer, she would never kill her source of youth and an available fleshlight for billy

Well I never said these lizards were smart!

Keep talking shit about the reptilians. See what happens

He dead.

Mitt needs to be primaries out of office. Utah Republicans fucked up bigly. Total globalist cuck.

The Virgin Romney vs. The Chad T_D Poster

Sure, the wealthy Chad with a Mormon tradwife, mansions in two states, basketball team's worth of children, and successful careers in both business and politics is an absolute cuck. The guy lives the sort of life that this poster probably fantasises about while he cries and jerks off in the bathroom on his lunch break at Papa John's.

jerks off in the bathroom at Papa John's


Just like the people who call the guy who bangs porn stars and has been married 3 times an incel.

Words, what do they mean?

Daddy is an incel like Bannon is sober. Between the obvious loveless marriage and constant scrutiny, my guess is that he's not getting his willy wet while he's president, but he's gonna be back to pissing on strippers within two or six years.

Globalist chuck

Trump sure is.


The_doofus is proof enough that white trash idiots should have easy access to abortion options

Toys-R-US failed because there too many adult children in the world.



Sounds like you wanna get your butt pissed in, bud.

I don't know about him but you can piss in my butt anytime daddy owo