what the fuck happened to imgur?

53  2019-06-03 by Futhermucker

i remember when i first started on reddit it was an awesome site. no more tinypic or photobucket slowing down my browser, just click upload and your file was now easily sharable.

throughout the years it got more and more bloated with bullshit and it's own little "community," but i didn't give a shit as long as it could still serve its original purpose.

i just tried to upload something on my phone and it wouldn't let me do shit without downloading some app. i don't want to download an app, i want your site to do what it's built to do and has done for the past decade. fucking ridiculous

and what the fuck is up with their "community," anyway? literally what does it offer that reddit doesn't? they just sit around commenting on pics that often don't even make sense outside the context of reddit?

are there any good alternatives out there that are basically what imgur was in 2011?


Request the desktop site and you can still upload directly without the app.

You're right though, it has completely gone to shit.

Yeah, it's really starting to suck. They even updated their desktop site recently to make it shittier.

and what the fuck is up with their "community," anyway? literally what does it offer that reddit doesn't? they just sit around commenting on pics that often don't even make sense outside the context of reddit?

Pretty much. Check out r/IgnorantImgur

and what the fuck is up with their "community," anyway? literally what does it offer that reddit doesn't? they just sit around commenting on pics that often don't even make sense outside the context of reddit?

r/ignorantimgur takes the piss out of them for exactly that lmao

upload to discord and then copy and paste the link lmao

Would it let me organize my collection of hundreds of Tay gifs tho?

not as well as http://taypeg-upload.com

discord tranny confirmed

You can upload on your [computer](https://imgur.com/gallery/96J9mCU without needing a login.

Figures a pathetic phoneposter like yourself wouldn't understand the eternal glory and freedom of desktop browsing

Can you imagine being so pathetic that your primary internet access is a phone? Sad!


Serious post: 3 year olds who use tablets are going to be so goddamn fucked up

it's more of a proto-reddit without subs than an image hosting site nowdays. the only real use it provides is a look back into 2011 since the mole-folk that unironically post there still think advice-animals are cool.
maybe try Gyazo as a substitute.

i use gyazo on my PC, does it have a phone equivalent?

sick thanx

Reddit still thinks advice animals AND rage comments are a thing. Those subs are still active to this day

There's also https://prnt.sc/

I think it's cute imgur users think they have a "community" 😹😹😹

I bet they have their own version of drama, some one needs to find it

Can confirm that there is drama. Not r/drama tho.

(show bad replies)

r/ignorantimgur is a funny place. Imgur users are like the sewer mutants in Futurama, they have a parallel subhuman society built around the cultural runoff of their betters.

I got a warning for stating scientific fact (gender dysphoria cannot be cured, only treated). Other people stated the same thing and their posts weren't deleted or warned.

This is the second time I have been wrongfully warned for some ignorant jackass moderating based on their personal feelings and letting emotions cloud their judgement.



My non dramatic take is that there is no money in hosting images for other sites, its literally pissing your VC down the drain, so the owners have to keep users on the actual site (not just the images) and have them stay there for a while to look at ads. Thats where communities come in, albeit the attempt being a bit pathetic in this example.


My dramatic take is post bussy to imgur lmao

Once you master the power of Google, you can find Imgur's Upload.

It’s the circle of life for image hosting

there are still a couple of old third-party android apps that work to upload to imgur.

Why are you posting this here? This is in no way drama or even funny. Go away.

I hate the new imgur

I believe this is the order things happened:

-reddit and imgur basically co-existed; the latter was the defaukt choice of image host for the former

-imgur removes (or rather makes you go through an extra step, and people are lazy) the ability to get a link to a page with the just the hosted image; almost all are now in that letterbox thing to encourage visitors to look at ads/spend longer on imgur

-reddit comes out with an integrated image host, removing a huge chuck of imgur's visitors

-imgur hemorrhages even more money and makes the website shittier to compensate lol

you can still upload from a phone, you just have to go to the actual upload link, https://imgur.com/upload and sometimes you have to make it load the desktop version.

imagine using imgur and not http://godhatesfags.church


Imgur has developed some kind of mole people community who unironically say that old reddit is too confusing to them. That's why reddit's mega janitors decided to make that abomination which is new reddit - so they can gather more mole people from sites like imgur.