[Dramatic Happening] Tenesse DA has gone ful yallqueda and is using Christian sharia to decide prosecutions instead of law statutes.

29  2019-06-04 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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The race of peace, folks! Mayocide when?

hey retard tennessee has two ns

There's got to be more than two.




Imagine caring about some american shithole states spelling.

Based and christpilled.

Crusaded and corrective rapepilled

We need to fight them over there so we don't have to ... oh, wait...

Look at this guy using yallqaeda unironically

coffee county

Damn that’s way too close for comfort. Being a bussy bandit there would be easier though


Imagine really believing in an omnipotent God and then putting man's laws above Him.