The "Best Western is over there" guy who got called the <gamer word> really does not like r/Drama mods!

46  2019-06-04 by ArlenBilldozer


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. The "Best Western is over there" gu... -,

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Lmao intersectionality strikes again.

Cancel the gay black man because he doesn't want to get irl bob and vagene trapped who cares that someone called him the gamer word

I think he overreacted and went overboard to being called the gamer word. Throwing a woman at night is not something a real man does. If a man said those words to him then sure, have at it, but her being a mother changes everything imo.

I wouldn't expect a gay to know how to act like a real man though lmao.

Next time you have a heated gamer moment I hope that the nog on the receiving end has the wherewithal to shoot you.

Next door to my country, black slaves were still being bought and sold up until the 1970, no one is gonna do shit to me lmao.

Lol third worldcel

There was hotel across the street you imbecile white knight.

A real man would still not allow a woman in the dark without a mahram with her.

Peak hypocrisy

The life motto of TERFS

Valuable input, farts

The lynch mob is always hungry.

This is the natural conclusion to all that intersectionality bullshit. Wokies finding out that lower class blacks, Latinos, Muslims, etc. are really reactionary on issues that don’t pertain specifically to their race or religion.

It's obvious these people never grew up around black or Latino communities because anyone that has knows they are very conservative when it comes to LGBT stuff. Same goes for abortion especially in the south but wokies don't wanna hear that truth.

literally who

If you accept the woke premises, you have to accept the whole package, even if it’s on a wo-man with boobies and a big dick.

a wo-man with boobies and a big dick.

The ideal human

A based muslim Afro-latinx womyn with big boobies and big dick and a blue check mark ✅ will be our messiah that brings about the mayocide.

what's interesting is that a white male dug all this up to somehow undermine his experience. interesting indeed...

@poonNOpeen posted a pic of a tweet, @kylelop3z retweeted and it showed up in my TL. I hoped it was a fake because I had liked & RTed the guy. Went to verify and all those other transphobic tweets popped up. Also, none of us are white.

lmao "No no no, no white! No white!"

"The cancelling is coming from inside the race!"