Arab vs Turk drama.

40  2019-06-04 by xlhat


Daily reminder that Arab nationalism in the early 1900s and late 1800s was a reaction to Turkish nationalism and linguistic/cultural suppression. Revolting against the ottomans was justified tbh. the fact that mayos did mayo things later on doesn't change that.

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Daily reminder that any Arab who dreams of the return of the Ottoman empire is a straight up cuck.

So true

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Jews did this


  1. Arab vs Turk drama. -,,

  2. Main. -,

  3. "Arabs revolted against their musli... -,

  4. "Their grandpas wanted to be coloni... -,

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Based and fucking memripilled Snappy

Laughs in Sykes–Picot

Literally true btw

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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caring about drama between roaches

Implying we shouldn't be laughing at turkroaches

Turks are not arabs, just as pakistanis, sryian and afghanis are not arabs. Most muslims you see are not arabic even though its an arabic religion. Don't confuse them.

They're all terrible, and that's all that matters. Raping your daughter your goat ~your wife~~ your son you your livestock ~your pets~~ your extended family anything with a hole is how Pakistanis say hello. Afghanis were awful before Islam, and remained awful afterwards. Turks ruled half the world, and that half still hasn't forgiven them for it.

sryian are not Arabs

I'm sorry you hwat

Turks and Arabs are white and therefore terrible.

Attatürkcels are the fucking worst

Oh how the once glorious Ionians have fallen

Reminder Turkey's military history is so poor they still boast about beating a bunch of bogan retards yet still lost the war.

Turks lost to woman and old men with pistols

Roaches will always be shit brother

True, but they got numbers.

I'll never forgive the Turks for what happened in 05/29/1453. Fucking roaches.

Based and Byzantine empire pilled.

lmao cry harder you roman kafir, it's still called إسطنبول six hundred years later


It's now a dump full of street shitting Pakistanis. Aren't you glad you drove the Greeks out and replaced them with your "Muslim brothers" from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?

Its our land we can do whatever the fuck we want with it, for instance we can cuck the christians further by turning the historical hagia sophia church into a mosque where the bame of Allah is said on speakers.... oh wait we slready did that lmao

The Ottomans unironically saved that city

Unfortunately the empire had been reduced to a shadow of its former self. Too many enemies from too many sides and disease greatly weakened the empire and the city. I've always wondered how different history would've been, had Constantinople not fallen and the empire managed to recover. 😞😔

Christcucks backstab each other destroying what was left of the Roman empire instead of being united under Allah 😤😤

I've always wondered how different history would've been, had Constantinople not fallen and the empire managed to recover. 😞😔

The sick man of Europe would angrily swig Ouzo instead of Raki as the frogs and bongs partition his dying empire, and the Golden Dawn would have even more parallels to neo-nazis.

One bunch of greasy manlets displaced another, life went on

Turkcel talking about arabs don't have human rights 😆

Arab nations deserve to be colonized

lol fucking roaches