Legal advice OP thinks his leased car is now his to own for free since the dealership changed owners and is asking him to sign new paperwork to rent the car as the other paperwork was lost.

39  2019-06-04 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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That's one dense motherfucker.

Well obviously the car got lost in the shuffle and the new dealership has no idea it ever existed or that they're even missing a vehicle they bought and paid for. That's why this is just a huge fishing expedition. They probably sent that letter out to every house in the area in an attempt to intimidate OP into incriminating them self.

Those car dealers are fucking crafty I say.

literal mongoloid

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  1. Legal advice OP thinks his leased c... -,,

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Lol instead of just renegotiating a better deal he prefers to commit grand theft auto.

Just give it back to them and then buy it used for a better price.

someone sharted in the seat i want a discount

It's only illegal if he gets caught. He should just take off like Jason Statham did in the Death Race reboot.

Yeah, this was a good opportunity to get a way better deal and he royally fucked this up. Worst part, I bet the guy who had to communicate with him knew exactly what he was thinking.

lol fuck this moron for making me side with a car dealership

What a maroon.


Hmmm. 🤔🤔🤔

No title = no car.

What he needs to do is find someone to give him a salvage title!

I thought this was a legit thing, that if the loan company couldn’t prove you owed them money, they couldn’t hold you to it?


\implying records are expunged once the business changes hands

Barring some Mr. Robot shit, there is a record of that transaction somewhere, and someone wants that money.

Not every loan company is that incompetent with their paperwork. You're talking about those school loans that got lost, right?