/r/news struggles as the Netherlands let's a 17 year old commit assisted suicide instead of telling her to go rope herself at home.

57  2019-06-04 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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And there are people in the states that want to let these foids vote 🙄

>that article

what the actual fuck

Was reading about the girl earlier. Seriously sad. At 17 I don’t think assisted sudoku was the answer.

It's not in the English article from fox but when they wouldn't let her initially as she was denied. She purposely starved herself from food and liquids until she had to be put in a medical coma. Along with two doctors and two psychologists having to independently sign off that'd she would kill herself that way and they couldn't stop her by comaing her forever.

This is just retarded dude. I know people joke about mayo shit but this is seriously a white people thing. Progressives promote weakness to the very end.

Progressives promote weakness to the very end.

What are you even talking about?

This was allowes because of the highly progressive nordic culture m8.

I hate the damn Nordic Netherlands

So you'd rather she kill herself at home or death by starvation? Got it.

There was a cure for her, the culture around her just gave up.

There was a cure for her out there

Which is what exactly? They denied her the first time until she was literally starving herself and not drinking liquids long enough to be pretty much dead anyways.

They should just pumped her full of psychotropics and involuntarily committed her, that is the American way.

Shit they could have even tried getting addicted to pain killers, chasing the next high probably would have kept her going.

I actually believe this is a better option than suicide.

Getting her addicted to fent?

Yeah why not?

Honest to God, I wonder if that has ever been used to treat people that won't stop trying to kill themselves, honestly it could work.

Or just give them enough LSD or shrooms to fry their brain and turn them into a nature loving hippo.

can't "cure" mental illness. you manage it. terminology is important here.

this is wrong


lol nice grammar



Idk she sounds like a little bitch.

Maybe if all these toxic men would stop raping little girls, we never would be here.

That wasn’t on the version here. She was taking an out one way or another. Tragic.

There was a lot they could do. There are people who went suffered in wars that still lived fulfilling lives afterwards. This is a sign of the culture around her failing her, fuck nords aand their culture.

17 is pretty early to call it quits, but it's funny that mental illness is seen as always treatable. In any other field of medicine, when you can get treated for something for your entire life and show no signs of improvement, it's untreatable. In Psychiatrics, you didn't do it long enough or try hard enough or something.

Psychiatry is super early in development. They together with sociology have had a repetition crisis for years.

you can get treated for something for your entire life and show no signs of improvement

Sure, I guess Michael J Fox should just give up and kill himself. "Treatable" is not the same as "curable". However, just because someone has to deal with crap circumstances doesn't mean we should be helping them shuffle off their mortal coil at the first chance. Suicide is, in almost every case, an impulse, not a logical decision.

Sure, I guess Michael J Fox should just give up and kill himself.

This is why the assisted part is so important. Imagine trying to tie a knot or squeeze a trigger with Parkinson's.

I suppose it becomes a public health hazard with Parkinson's. He might take out a couple other people before he manages to get the bullet through his own skull.

I meant if there's no signs of the treatment itself improving their condition, even relatively. Don't be a fag about this.

I can't imagine situations outside of incredibly severe medical conditions in which assisting suicide would be even remotely ethical.

There are people who went suffered in wars that still lived fulfilling lives afterwards.

Because every person reacts the same way to trauma...

This is a sign of the culture around her failing her, fuck their culture and fuck those psychologist too.

Yes, it can't be the case that it was a legitimately severe and incurable mental illness, as was confirmed by four independent medical professionals.

Yeah fox took whole sections out after translating from Dutch.

Whoncares about reporting on the actual facts when you can just use it as fodder for the latest libtards owned segment?

Yeah, unassisted sudoku would've been the better option tbh

Living is better.

Not in the Netherlands

Fucking ban nords from coming to the US. Fucking nord retards, i rather a mexican in here than wants to work and live than instead of a miserable nords who dreams all day about offing themselves on goverment money.

Apparently so!

Not at all...


Read this earlier, unironically fucking disgusting. Seems like a really European white thing to promote, just the idea of "you are always right" to the very end, "sure you can kill yourself, anyone saying otherwise is a bigot".

Just fucking disguting and another reason progressivism can become sick at a certain point.

ru on ur period?


Eat some ice cream before you seriouspost all over the place, thanks



foids raus

Spoken like a true reactionary. It's 2019 and some people would rather kill themselves than live in this hellhole straight white man like you created. Get over it!

Yeah, it's so SJW to not want people to suffer from mental anguish that has been confirmed as incurable and seeds by multiple independent doctors and psychologists.

There is a reason this law is supported by 70% of the Dutch populace, with the primary political argumentation regarding it being whether to keep it as it is or expand it.

mayos cheering themselves on as they vasectomize themselves and commit suicide en masse unable to withstand the pressures of a postindustrial world. very lynchian but ultimately a self-rectifying problem

Yeah, letting the weak kill themselves is peak liberal degeneracy, supporting the weak forever and maybe even getting them to reproduce is what a healthy strong society should do.

Because someone is so weak for not recovering from being raped as a preteen...

Literally not even 18 yet.

How did the state, the parents, the doctors, the nurses, the psychologist/psychiatrist/whatever and literally every single person even remotely involved with this allowed it to go through?

Because they initially said no then she starved herself of food and water until she had to be put into a medical coma to prove how serious she was.

Yes, mentally ill/unstable people tend to do that.

The solution is to try and fix them, not kill them.

She wasn't gonna fuck you, nerd

Bussy is always the answer. Boys support boys.

proud of u taking the pledge 🙏

Exactly, I have everything to gain from her death because my best bet of getting up in them gruts is after she's dead already.

Holy fuck that's spicy

The solution is to try and fix them/help them, not kill them.

What solution do you have? You realize assisted suicide isn't a they actually help you thing right? It's more of a we don't IV you nutrients against your wishes permanently or give you some pills that will do the trick if you swallow them.

Everyone involved should be forbidden from practicing whatever profession they were practicing that allowed this to go through after passing through their desk/hands

Nah the right for someone to end their life should be a universal human right.

Honestly, just let her kill herself on her own. It may seem a bit gruesome, but allowing for assisted suicide is opening the door to many suicides that could have otherwise been prevented. There's no need to set such a devastating precedent based on this outlier.

Why should people be denied the right to end their own life?

How is this denying anyone the "right" to end their own life?

Because suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

suicide is a permanent solution

This is not a good thing to tell to suicidal people btw

I think he meant it as advice


Honestly, just let her kill herself on her own.

Better to DYI it than commit suicide with friends and family on hand, a medical professional to ensure the going is painless?

I'm not really against hospice situations, but it shouldn't be an allowance for suicides in general. If you're imagining a situation outside of hospice care, then you must be high to imagine family and friends gathering around to watch a depressed person kill themselves.

A vast majority of suicidal inclinations are not like this situation; they are [...] treatable.

Yes, and therefore they wouldn't meet the criteria for an assisted suicide in the Netherlands.

Nah the right for someone to end their life should be a universal human right.

In literally no way does suicide meet the definition of right.

What solution do you have?

Therapy? Give her a psychologist/psychiatrist literally anyone? Wait for her to become fucking 18 for her brain to at least have a semblance of finished development?

You realize assisted suicide isn't a they actually help you thing right?

It's more of a we don't IV you nutrients against your wishes permanently or give you some pills that will do the trick if you swallow them.

There's a massive difference from "We stop giving you IV" and "We give you pills that will kill you if you eat them" both are equally abhorent for a doctor.

There are multiple things that could have been done.

Get her addicted to heroin, chasing the next high would have kept her alive.

Give her so much LSD/schools that it fries her brain and turns her into a nature loving hippo.

Involuntarily commit her until her brain has matured and she can make an informed decision.

The solution is to try and fix them/help them

There was no way to "try and fix/help them". It was independently confirmed by multiple doctors and psychologists that she was in severe and incurable suffering.

ima keep it real with you autists

this is fucking ridiculous. whether or not they believed she would’ve killed herself it’s absurd they would end assist in ending her life. let her kill herself if need be but don’t help her. what the fuck


it’s absurd they would assist in ending her life. let her kill herself but don’t help her. what the fuck

How so? The girl was in severe and incurable pain, independently confirmed by multiple doctors and psychologists.

Srsly just the foid die. Dunno why everyone wants to waste money keeping her alive another year

What a drama queen, sheesh.

caring about the mentally ill/retarded is pure virtue signalling

This but unironically. Where did the serious posts come from

I'm genuinely conflicted. On one hand people below 21 shouldn't be allowed to determine whether or not they can die, but on the other hand any reduction in our carbon footprint is welcome.

Hey remember when this was only going to be used for the dying elderly?

The dying elderly and those in several pain with no hope of improvement, like this girl.