“eat the rich” Chapotards on r/popheads are shocked that the popstars they listen to tend to be rich.

87  2019-06-04 by Ghdust2


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Who fucking downvoted Snappy? Seriously. 🤨😕🙄


'Eat the rich, except for these fat podcast guys that I pay for every month'

Eat the rich is such a faggy statement.

People that say it don’t realize that there are millions that are much poorer than they are.

Yea but those people are bigots

More like billions.

Yeah but those people will see our superior ways and will gladly strive to keep the stability of our glorious Communist union going, comrade!

Literal 1% of the human population red faced pointing at the 1% of the 1% for being too greedy while sipping a latte worth more than some people make in a day and typing on a phone that could buy someone a house in a different country.

True... There's like no meat.

Unless your buddy's name is Rich

Eat my ass is way more fun to say

Friendly reminder that the Chapo boys make $130k a month from their podcast, which works out to a cool $1.5 million a year. I'm sure they have a perfectly valid reason as to why they don't donate all that money when talking about how much they hate the rich.

No ethical consumption under capitalism


I want to lick Rihana's feet. Thoughts? Comments?


Based for sure

IDK if you have a shoe fetish on top of that foot fetish you sound like a bootlicker to me 🤔

I believe the term you're looking for is "bootlicking cuck".

Before or after being beaten unconscious from Chris "women are meat deserving a beat" Brown?

I wanna chope off her toesies and put them in my mouth and pretend I'm a doggie who stole a bag of Quorn brand chicken substitute chunks.

left: eat the rich

right: don't eat the rich

centrist: lick her feet

Do you start with the heels or the toes?

Based and rihannas feet-pilled

daily reminder that criticizing beyonce is racist

if you have a lot of money you’re depriving people

fucking retards have literally know idea how shit works

It always gives me a good chuckle seeing these economically illiterate retards say shit like this. Democracy is so fucked when idiots like these get to vote.

Redistributing income resulting in increased economic growth due to poorer people having a higher mpc is basic economics, what point are you making?


I'm pretty sure that's not what the original comment is about.

Ok, I didn’t see the full original comment

Keynesian Economic theory is not Socialism, nor is it Communism.

Did I say it was?

Democracy was a mistake return to normalcy. Return to a Jacobite Monarchy.

Never, butcher Cumberland did nothing wrong.

wdym? There are literally starving people you could give that money too instead of buying cars/jewelry/whatever. Not a complicated concept

Imagine thinking that economics is a zero-sum game. 🤣

I don't think that. Are you saying there's something stopping her from giving money to starving people (or other such people in need)?

Her money, her choice! 😤

There are homeless people where you live. You having a living space that is larger than just 1 bed means you’re hoarding all of the living space.

I am aware that I am not perfect, don’t worry

So you hold people to a higher standard then you do for yourself.

Not really, I am critical of myself and try to work on my flaws too. But there is still a difference between having $6 000 and having $600 000 000


yeah lol, couldn't think of a better word. But you know what I mean. I put it in quotes for a reason

maybe i would do the same thing if I had 6,000,000

you would

that’s why laws are needed to encourage behavior that benefits society

like taxes? I don’t see a problem.

Do you think the current tax system is perfect, every percentage is exactly right?

Not really, I am critical of myself and try to work on my flaws too.

Maybe she thought really critical to not give her money away, too. Maybe even more than you.

Then why don't you start by housing some people in your place, perhaps a spare room or your couch?

Spend an extra $40 on a camping cot and house a homeless person and share your food.

Practice what you preach and even then it'll still be a retarded system lmao

Supply side economics is surprisingly popular with leftoids.

Zero-sum thinking is fucking retarded

Rihanna is cool in my book




Anyone who is rich enough to make a Chapo seethe is good.

It never began for beycels

Ussr was hella racist what were they on about, free market / capitalism lets people gain higher status and power. Capitalism is good for ethnic minorities

Yeah it has truly done wonders for black people in America.

it really is sad how rich black people are today, they do not deserve it

Honestly not quite sure how else you're gonna cut it. I wouldn't call the economically harmful Jim Crow laws that restrict employment and promote segregation to be economically based policies.

Having an underclass is a feature not a bug of capitalism.

I was referring to the part where the underclass has a much different skin color composition than the others.

If there were no black people it would simply be another group of people. This is again a feature not a mishap.

Well yeah, but it wouldn't be racist then.

And? That wouldn't make it any less shit.

If America genocided every non white person tomorrow the country would still be just as divided even without a shred of racism.

Well I'm not saying it's better, just that it wouldn't be racist anymore.

Ok, yes, I agree. My point was black people happen to be that group not that capitalism is designed to single out black people specifically.

genocided every non white


mmmm yes black people are truly the only minorities to exist in the US, never mind the fact that Indians, Jews, and Asians out earn everyone else to ridiculous degree.

LMAO to call Jews minorities. Asians self select compared to black people because it takes already good circumstances for them to make it to America versus being in their home country.

Also ignore all the shit that has happened over time like red lining and how criminal justice system operates. School in America also notorious for being very equal.

Yeah those privelaged Jews haven't faced any real struggle in the past.

In America?

sorry, i don't take burger politics seriously enough to actually care about any of that

You took it seriously enough to think you had a valid rebuttal.

How tf are Jews not a minority in the US? They're like 2% of the population.

How the fuck are Luxembourg expats not a minority in America, there are hardly any of them?

Lux. expats are a minority in America, just not one that is politically relevant

I am pointing out the absurdity of labeling Jews in with groups like black people.

Why should they not be in the same group?

Talking about Jews as a minority makes as much sense as talking about the oppression of Irish Americans.

They nevertheless are a minority. And Irish Americans were oppressed at some point.

Yeah look at sub-Saharan Africa totally worse than being black in the U.S.

Lol what is colonialism?

True, True, I am wrong slavery is a higher starting point than colonialism the more western exposure the better.

Colonialism is enslaving of entire countries and taking all their resources.

Imagine unironically thinking this lmao.

Why the fuck do you think colonies are created?

Colonized countries are better off having been ruled even for a little while by Europeans. They'd be significantly worse off now than if they didn't have the left over infrastructure from when whitey dipped out. And look what they do with it.

People are watching "Empire of Dust". It'son YouTube.

Oh yes, Congo should be thankful for what Europe did to it.

Yes, they have something resembling civilization, however faint the resemblance may be, rather than n slurs stabbing each other with sharp sticks.

The ones that were savages were the invading genocidal Europeans.


Do you even know what happened in Congo?

Can't imagine it's worse than what the various tribes around there were doing to each other before.

So that is a no. Where you from that education failed you this fucking hard?

This subreddit is entertaining but goddamn it makes me see things I wish I never saw. What the fuck even is this.

Oh wow, you found retards on the internet. I had a wild first day too.

capitalism's biggest flaw is that it lets retards believe that it doesn't work

Chapos are starting to outdo nazis in terms or retardation level

indoctrinated capitalists will defend a dying institution even as the world burns around us and climate change begins to wipe us off the earth

Just imagine being this fucking dramatic and wrong at the same time.

They all do the quirky "lol i wish i was dead but not really" bit and then say shit like this. Like fucking act on it then

Our unproven, not yet tested, no basis in reality system of economic and political reform will totally work, comrade!

Am I the only person who remembers her dumb fuckin song "Rude Boy"? Go and listen to that and try not to pull a Chris Benoit

That's a name I haven't seen in a while.

At the time of me posting this, unkill the dill or whoever has posted SO mich bollywood and cricket crap you need to go back 7 pages before they're 1 day old.

Imagine posting once every 8 minutes for a whole day. Holy hell someone needs a friend

Rich people bad

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Class cuckoldry good

Yes but with less sarcasm

Not being sarcastic at all

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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in case of Rihanna here, this money is mostly tied to her "brand". If she didn't have this money, nobody would

this is your brain on capitalism

white males of CTH: 👏 more 👏 successful 👏 women👏 of 👏 color 👏👏👏

white males of CTH: no no wait that's too successful. don't those colored folk know their place?

Garnished with unironic "Y'ALL CAN'T BEHAVE" post from mod. Delicious.

I wish she gave back to the black Americans who made her who she is today. As a black woman im unsure of how I feel abt her. I feel like shes more of a rags to riches propaganda figure then anything.

lmao crabs in a fucking bucket

What the fuck makes these people think they're entitled to anything?