Cop is attacked by basketball Americans with (water)guns. Mayo's lose their shit and call for them all to be tazed/shot.

31  2019-06-04 by BeIIeAryan


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Cop is attacked by basketball Ameri... -,,

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They violated the NAP, it's too late for them.


Nigga Aggression Principle.

Recreational McNukes inbound

Is this Philly? It looks like Philly.

Alabama from what I read.

Yep. This isn't a black thing; it's a Southern thing. This is probably the tenth time something stupid like this has happened to that sheriff.

acab [-10]

Until you need them then your tone changes [-3]

Nah, I can defend myself just fine [+9]

lolbertarians in the wild

Its all so tiresome.

Lmao at the people in that thread pretending racism isn't justified.

What a bunch of niggers