Is this Chinese guy an asshole for getting paternity test for his hapa looking kids while his wife is also Chinese?

20  2019-06-05 by HardIsLife


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This, but unironically.


  1. Is this Chinese guy an asshole for ... -,

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So you're suggesting his kids should look more jungle?


Has he considered that he or his wife may be the result of a mayo turning his blood line into a riceline?

smh r u allowed to say that???!?! I thought only official changers were allowed

I like that guy suggesting that he's an asshole because he didn't do the correct thing, which would be if you suspect cheating you should ask the supposed cheater, because even though they would lie to you and stab you in the back, they wouldn't lie about cheating, somehow, magically. Although to be fair wahmen are wonderful so this makes sense.


You wouldn't ask the cheater if they're cheating, that's just fucking retarded. You'd ask about why they think the kids look different and then gauge their reaction.

yeah...nobody could add 2 and 2 together when you ask that type of question

appropriate flair tho, magnifique understanding of social interactions sperg

Imagine being a big enough autist to not understand the concept of "subtlety".

Friend we're in Reddit, any suggestion that hinges on their ability to be subtle is a bad suggestion.

Centrist take: yes, he’s an asshole, but not for the test. All Chinese are assholes by virtue of their being Chinese