2  2019-06-05 by 2Manadeal2btw


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  1. DAE PUNCH NAZIS???/ - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Wooo I’ve made it as part of a post to drama. Pack it up me, we’re done here.

You know, I didn't care much for your comment. It was that guy a couple messages below you who keeps bringing up Reddit drivel about "punching Nazis".

Its typical Chapo tard rhetoric, and while I'm not energised enough to explain the flaws in such thinking, I do find it tiresome after all this time on reddit.

Well you see I’ve got the best of both worlds then. I’m not the focus so I’m not getting shit for what I said, but I’m still in it so I get to make bad jokes about it.

what a fag lol

Come on now, I at least deserve the time to spell out all of faggot. So try again please.
