r/politics whines about T_D not being banned for the 10200th time. (Feat. Spez)

110  2019-06-05 by Ghdust2


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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Listen, we've had this discussion 1000's of times. The_Donald is a containment board it exists, so that we don't have to deal with boomers on the other subs

Besides, the spike in dramacoin wouldn't be worth it.

Politics always fail to realize that Boomers are not smart enough to know how to navigate other subreddits.

Which is irrelevant to the real world in which boomers know how to navigate to the voting booth, something r/politics fails to do because in their mind reddit upvotes and overly dramatic, hyperbolic comments are the same as rascal scootering your fentanyl addled fatass to a voting booth.

hey come on you can't spell slacktivism without acktivism

I think the drama would totally be worth it, TD barely contributes any drama and i think you underestimate boomers victim complex's the millennial is only the apprentice.

T_D doesn't need to contribute drama. Their mere existence is enough to cause leftoids to seethe.

This one gets it. By having Trump be associated with Reddit no matter how small, generates more for dramacoin than an outright banning

"Why isnt TD banned yet" Electric boogaloo nintendo 64 is not drama.

Hate speech is what is posted recurringly in TD, not merely "political speech" as Spez mentioned. It's an important distinction that the admins of Reddit should critically consider. Reddit is continuing to allow hate speech on their site, which given time can -- and has -- led to the restriction of free speech. If Reddit wants to truly promote free speech, then you must not allow hate speech. If one political side is advocating hate speech -- no matter their party affiliation -- it should not be allowed.

Was this written by some kind of retarded alien from another planet or something?

Well it is a r/politics user

I remember when we pinged a user from there and they confessed to being a depressed, drug addict.

Gosh, so shocked

Did they also moderate FucktheAltRight?

Oh, so a European or Canuck?

Definitely s mayo

If someone called that guy a faggot online he would faint

No 👏 such 👏 thing 👏 as 👏 hate 👏 speech 👏


Hate speech is violence thus mayocide is self-defense.

Hate speech is political speech lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Censorship is freedom of speech

i wonder which group would be targeted by liberal Americans after they purge the donald and the nazis from reddit?

who would get eaten first, white foids or asian men? how does the social totem pole work nowadays

If Donald goes, Braincels is next.

Then they came for /r/drama and there was no one left to speak for me.

White gays for sure. Followed by white women followed by east Asians.

Fetish subs for being problematic

Don't link shame hun

It would start small. Things everyone on Reddit that isn't on /r/Drama hates. Braincels, super weird fetish boards like /r/raceplay and tankie subreddits like /r/FULLCOMMUNISM .

Then the in fighting happens. First white gays of /r/ainbow and /r/LGBT . Then the femcels of TwoX, GC, and CB2 go because "problematic". Then the real purge starts. Trans people who don't fall in line, anyone white, and straight/gay men of any race. Finally it ends with only /r/traaaaans /r/LateStageCaptalism and /r/blackladies being left.

No we do not Senator. There is absolutely no replacement for Reddit. As a software developer I depend on Reddit. Maybe I could change professions or starve. Is that your suggestion?

Sir, Mr. Senator Sir. Without reddit I would literally starve to death. Is that what you want sir?

I would shut down reddit just for that reason.

Who's the guy (on this sub) that made the servers stop for a couple hour? I wanna hire him.

Just cool


How the fuck does he depend on the Reddit for his job? Lmao

Unless he's the guy who writes the astroturf bots, I have no clue. If he's talking about code advice, it's really bad for it. The only people who post code stuff here are Computer Science students and it shows by their code. Be an adult code monkey and use Stack Oveflow or some dude's medium blog.

Half the time it's just some random site of a guy who wrote a detailed step by step guide. Most recently I was graced by the existence of emailmonks.com which inexplicably exists and I needed to do a string builder html email so there we went.

Email 🤮

The business I support is all boomers so if I can make it so they can approve deals on mobile it makes them horney

Lmao I used to work support and boomers are unbearable.

writing spambots

being a regular on /r/drama

You're literally the worst person to ever be born

It's all internal emails lol. The people getting them want them.


Stack Overflow is filled with bitter hyper autists whose only joy in life is shitting on people who ask questions.

The real secret of using stack overflow is to have two accounts. One posts a question, the other posts an obviously wrong answer. The autists then get triggered so hard that they have to call out the wrong answer and actually answer the question.

Cunningham's law. Brilliant.

Oh trolling SO. I like this idea.

well my productivity just skyrocketed, thanks!

This is true. I never said it was a good site. Just better than reddit. Which is a really, really low bar

The only other place I've ever seen as much pathos as I've seen at Stack Overflow is at Audible.

For some reason, something about the audiobook format just brings out the most passionate hatred and petty nitpicking in people. The reviews can be outright savage.

Anyone who uses Reddit for coding advice is actually retarded

Maybe I could change professions or starve. Is that your suggestion?

Yes make America Slim Again.

Based hat


Learn to co-


How incompetent of a programmer do you have to be to depend on Reddit of all places? "Sir I could boycott Reddit sir, but sir, then I'd to actually figure out how to be good at my job sir.

I can't believe how many people used sir, lmao.

That comment triggered me so hard, there's so many NEETs that pretend they're software developers or people that work basic IT support jobs that pretend to be software developers.

If you look through his comment history, he never ever talks about coding, and just shitposts on r/politics. What exactly is he dependent on Reddit for?

His daily dose of #resist

Bro he’s a developer he’s learning python okay? He’s even made a script that doesn’t work.

I asked him what he uses reddit for. He basically said, "Just Google it!" Of course.

Guarantee he’s a tier one helpdesk dude at a call center or geek squad member if he thinks Reddit’s tech subs are anything amazing.

I don't even think he's that. I was curious, so I searched through his 7 year comment history using Redditsearch.io

I couldnt find one instance of him asking a question on a tech sub, or answering a question. I could barely even find instances of him taking about anything tech related. All he does is post on r/politics and brings up his "career" when it's useful to push a narrative.

He’s claimed to be a person who’s worked in the financial industry for 20 years and majored in finance in one of his comments. You are correct, he’s larping to push narratives.

Of course he is 🙄

Jesus Christ this. As a dev I’m almost positive my productivity would increase without this shithole of a site lol. Reddit has done literally nothing for my career. Hell even LinkedIn has been way more useful. And 90% of the help/research is on Stack Overflow, not here.

I mean, unless he works for reddit, why does this person depend so much on it?

I love how every person who asks for an example of all the terrible spooky no-good bad words coming from TD are met with downvotes and "just look for yourself idiot OMG." Where did all these faggots that just want to ban everything come from?

just look for yourself idiot OMG.

Not their job to educate you !

Fuck that's too real.

I miss smuggies.

if you mean the subreddit, it’s still around, just quarantined.

I’ll probably go on a list if I go there tho.


They're the participation trophy generation. Never known adversity. Everyone knew they'd be whiny shits when they grew up.

Something Awful

They already permanently altered this entire site just so they could hide t_d from the virgin eyes of the average /r/politics user. You have to go out of your way to even access the place assuming you even know it exists.

How obsessed do you have to be to spam on and on about it?

Its all they have in their lives. Don't take that away from them.

This has been my line of thinking for a while now. I honestly wouldn't even know that sub existed if it wasn't for all the griping and complaining from everyone. You're intentionally going way out of your way to be a lolcow and expect everyone else to save you from yourself.

You're intentionally going way out of your way to be a lolcow and expect everyone else to save you from yourself.

Leftist politics in a nutshell.

Spez is just trolling at this point, he knows they'll throw an impotent fit no matter what he does, most people wouldn't even bother responding to the retards ITT, but he does it for fun.

t_D is lame as shit, but if you're offended, genuinely offended and scared, by the most milquetoast cringe boomerposting imaginable then you don't belong on the internet.

Ban politics in general.

a good argument for banning t_d:

they will create a t_d offshoot combined with Q posting

Lmao why do redditors assume that businesses care about doing the right thing. They do realize that unless it's privately owned the shareholders can vote out bad CEOs who ban retarded boomers. Also "eroding our democracy" lmao what does they even mean.

"eroding our democracy" lmao what does they even mean.

People doing things that hurt my feelings

Hello Senator,

I would ask you ask Reddit to provide you information on how many of the posts on The_Donald are posted by people living in Russia. They can determine that figure based on IP addresses and time of day of posting.

This Russia shit will never end. Even more ironic coming from the most astrosurfed sub on the site.

It's like these retards have never heard of a VPN

that cross the line toward inciting the hatred that is eroding our democracy

Has this democrat not heard anything other democrats have said? They incite hatred of Trump supporters, and right wingers in general, every day.

Do they think that this time of crying to spez is going to cause him to reverse course and stop td?

wtf I love spez now

-1200 lmao


Holy shit they are not happy with that answer. I wonder when one of the is going to rent a gun and shoot up reddit HQ for not removing "THE DEN OF EBIL NATSEES"?