Pro lifers SEETHING at justified murder of pre-birth (mayo) babies

23  2019-06-05 by vtesterlwg


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womp womp


  1. Pro lifers SEETHING at justified mu... -,,

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What the fuck they acknowledge it’s a human being now and are still ok with killing it for know reason other than it’s “her”choice

They stole my radical centrist position. This is edgelord cultural appropriation and I won't tolerate it

Reminds me of my absolute confusion that even conservatoids rapidly shake their heads in agreement with lefties at the mention of rape or incest. The only altered variable is the woman is extra extra not wanting the baby, they give in immediately to the choice narrative. Me personally I believe that sometimes people need killing but I'm not comfortable with people like me getting scraped just because my mom was a kid when she gave birth to me. Breeding is gross though.

Yea lol it's still a fucking baby

Killing is sometimes justified, and abortion is killing in self defense. 100% okay.

I can't tell if this is a parody or not

The baby violated the NAP

Can I spike a baby like a football if it touches me without written consent?

Maybe the rape that started this whole thing was done in self-defense as well?

Seems like OP might not be telling the whole truth here

Catholic-cels btfo

We’re going full eugenics now

And that's a good thing

Thank god dumb whores willingly kill their babies. Otherwise we all know their dumbshit kid would be taking my stereo in 16 years. They are doing society a great service.

Based and eugenicpilled

Nazi's never understood that undesirables will willingly destroy their own offspring if given the option. No need for mass slaughter.

You'd think MAGAcels would at least tacitly support abortion for ethnics. But I suppose the allure of private prison bucks is too strong.

Man yeet that feet.

Just picture growing up and seeing that kid look more and more like the dude that chased you down an alley.

And then the kid murders you in your sleep so he can throw a party for his friends.

Reminder that the US has more "progressive" abortion laws than almost any other country including EU nations

I refuse to believe a mayo would not delight in the opportunity to raise another's child. t. LARP

You reposted my drama 😠😡😠

It's human, we're killing it, and that's totally fine as it's an invasive organism.

this is some of the most heinous shit i've ever read lmao