the bot that posts the link to the drama post from the op can lure them in but you gotta be crafty with title game plus the banout banned many of the lolcows so a lot of them cant respond if they were featured here before
You haven't noticed the distinct lack of home grown drama over the past 9 months or so? A few mods, one in particular, went full "ya'll can't behave." A couple of them had good intentions and were just worried about the sub being overrun (even if that was dumb), but one mod is quite open about banning those who disagree. Hell, he bans people who respond to his gimmick bait posts.
It's weird, because they were a fun poster. Some people let even the smallest amount of "power" go to their head.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-05
Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-06-05
I only downvote foids 😎
1 Intensely_Accurate 2019-06-05
1 Kellere31 2019-06-05
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2019-06-05
dw I won't down vote you
1 MachoMaamSandyRavage 2019-06-05
I'm doing my part.
1 Minimum_T-Giraff 2019-06-05
Since me being lazy. i don't vote
1 Lee13412 2019-06-05
We don’t even have lolcows for autists to downvote now that pinging is gone 😔😔😔
1 BernieMadeoffSanders 2019-06-05
the bot that posts the link to the drama post from the op can lure them in but you gotta be crafty with title game plus the banout banned many of the lolcows so a lot of them cant respond if they were featured here before
1 Wild_Hunt 2019-06-05
“The Fall of r/Drama” 2019, colourised
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-06-05
We don't have lolcows anymore because certain mods keep banning anyone that doesn't share their bland politics
1 Momruepari 2019-06-05
goddamn shame. I've noticed this
1 oss_spy 2019-06-05
Wait what?
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-06-05
You haven't noticed the distinct lack of home grown drama over the past 9 months or so? A few mods, one in particular, went full "ya'll can't behave." A couple of them had good intentions and were just worried about the sub being overrun (even if that was dumb), but one mod is quite open about banning those who disagree. Hell, he bans people who respond to his gimmick bait posts.
It's weird, because they were a fun poster. Some people let even the smallest amount of "power" go to their head.
1 Ardvarkeating101 2019-06-05
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-06-05
1 Ardvarkeating101 2019-06-05
Notch? Darqwolff?
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-06-05
All of the people you've mentioned have been mods for a long time, none of them. And if I was going to say who I would have already.
1 Ardvarkeating101 2019-06-05
1 RedditCanSuccMe 2019-06-05
Why wouldn't you say who so we can scream and yell and be dramatic about it? Afraid of getting banned? Just make a new account bozo.
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-06-05
I'm still trying to convince them to unban everyone
1 Kat_B0T 2019-06-05
This except unironically. There are a few agenda mods, yet tbd
1 LilKwazulaB2Fresh 2019-06-05
I only be down voting rayrays