Peak mayo civilisation

42  2019-06-05 by Endless_mining_shaft


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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we could end bullying if we followed the second amendment and let every kid carry at school

Mayocide today, Mayocide tomorrow, MAYOCIDE FOREVA 😀😀πŸ’ͺ


Since when are maple syrup n****rs white?

Day of the Rake when?

Day of the rake when?

I’m still not convinced these people actually exist in real life

Communists online are troll accounts invented and maintained by Barron Trump.

I played dodge ball in elementary school, and I'm pretty sure that's not a thing at all anymore.

One of my female friends in 2009 told me that the prominent swastika on the cover of my copy of William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich was potentially problematic and oppressive.

Since then, it's only gotten worse as I meet more and more people who believe in all this shit unironically.

I'm here to report that white people are not only real but they may be in your house right now

just another example of why social sciences are a joke


Competitive sport is problematic because it teaches children that winning and being better than others is actually a good thing. This does not fit will the current idea that you should collect as many oppression points as possible.

Education majors do have some of the lowest IQs around.

I can't wait until we start digitizing education and can shuffle all these room-temp alcoholics into some other containment profession that doesn't make the rest of society stupider.

I liked dodgeball. Just make sure you get hit ASAP and then you can spend the rest of the game watching girl's asses

Lemme guess, you’re fat?

I am fat now, but I wasn't back then. As a half South-Italian I just adhere to the Mediterranean idea that every human being can only take a limited number of steps before dying. So if you want live long, just sit on a bench and watch the pretty girls walk by.

I am fat now

every human being can only take a limited number of steps before dying

Based and cheese-stuffed-raviolipilled

Based and cheese-stuffed-raviolipilled

That's anorexia-tier compared to ciccioli

I am used to economic, military and cultural prosperity, so I don't know a whole lot about Italy.

It's incredible how much their projecting their own inferiority complexes on children

Dodgeball isn't just problematic, it's an unethical tool of 'oppression': researchers.

I want off this ride.

As we consider the potential of physical education to empower students by engaging them in critical and democratic practices

Fuck I didn't know my fatty PE teacher was really teaching me critical thinking and democratic practices! I thought I was just learning how not to be a loser

She was a shit teacher if you're posting here

Why is this whole subreddit blurry

Check your screen fluid.

Tbh, when I become president I was really considering annexing Alberta but honestly if this is how you faggots behave than it's not even worth the oil money.

I had a gym teacher in grade school that would ln always participate and not hold back at all. He would annihilate ten year olds in dodgeball.

Was that the same one that taught you how to get fisted by a gym teacher?

πŸ‘ IT'S πŸ‘ TIME πŸ‘ TO πŸ‘ CANCEL πŸ‘ SPORTS πŸ‘ Y'ALL

Bullying should be government enforced. 😀

Written by a fatty for sure.

This is a textbook example of a Russian Troll. The same Russian trolls that will help Trump steamroll in 2020.