The Left is At War Over One Last Conservative Cultural Bastion: Gaming.

51  2019-06-05 by ztwizzle


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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“Conservative cultural bastion?”

I wish they’d cut the shit and just say “white males and black dudes who act like white males.”

Gaymers rise downward. That's the saddest excuse for an article I've read in a while

Gaming has at its core always been about overcoming impossible odds, slaying monsters, and defending kingdoms from invasion. The latest main quest for all gamers is to take back society itself.


gamers tunnel to the earth's mantle and allow the magma to consume you

He likes to think he's smart but he contradicted himself. Since people are having a hard time comprehending simple logic I'll spell it out for you. He said I don't know what thongs feel like because I'm a man. He is also a man but he thinks he knows what they feel like. But he already said guy's don't know how thongs feel. People on the internet just like to argue about anything

Mayocels 🤢🤢🤮

It makes more sense when you reframe it as a CoD advertisement.

The worst part is that this article, while retarded, also seems true.

When you try to win over zoomers by threatening them censorship and calling them Nazis le epic style 😎

The righoid menace needs to be eliminated, but not in that way.

May Allah throw gaymers into the sea the moment he finishes with Israel.



Company doesn't want teenagers screaming "faggot" on their private servers.

Rightoids: Is this the end of freedom?!

Yeah, exactly. People are sick of edgelords because they are annoying as fuck, not because of politics or whatever.

Are you sure you just aren't tired of being called out for being a faggot?


I was in the military for twelve years. I can confidently say that every last one of my fallen comrades laid down their lives for one single reason: so that the libs can't just shit up your retarded warshit games with female or ethnic characters.

Be a patriotic American and REEEEEEE on Twatter if the next warshit game has any gussy in it because playing a game like that is literally the exact same thing as spitting on the grave of a fallen serviceman.

They can never regulate what an individual says to one another through a mic. So, yes, I will call my retarded teammate nigger one more time.