After ruining shaving forever with their Gillette ad, Procter and Gamble now has gotten to redefine the word 'black'. Is there anything they can't do?

119  2019-06-05 by CJ_from_Grove_St


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. After ruining shaving forever with ... -,

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They should be grateful that their lives are comfortable enough that they can spend their time complaining about this.

The fact that people can complain about this sort of thing only proves that giving freedoms to anyone but landowners was a mistake.

The fact that so much trivial bullshit makes the news these days is actually a good sign. I'd rather the news of the day be that some trannie couldn't buy a train ticket or some such thing rather than the war and disease tier stuff that previous generations had to deal with.

Black is beautiful. It's slimming, rarely if ever out of fashion, and smells of cocoa butter.

Black don't crack.

It's because of the cocoa butter.

Brb, rubbing a melted Hershey's chocolate bar on my face

American "chocolate" that barely contains any of the good stuff? Gtfo.

Well actually black do lots of crack

But black doesn't crack much even after slamming back a ton of crack.

It's amazing how English has such wonderful morphology. It even has conditional transitive verbs which change based on pluralisation.

For example:

"black don't crack" when pluralised becomes "blacks do crack".

If black is beautiful and fat is beautiful then what are big black women (BBW)?

You can't wear fat during the summertime so it's not versatile.

This is your mind on masturbatory fantasies about Tiffany Haddish.

I don't mind those fantasies one bit

alright im ready for woke capitalism to die

Communism, dystopia and the collapse of advanced civilization doesn't look so bad next to the thought of a few decades of performatively woke corporations clumsily virtue signalling.



Oh, I know, I know, but given a choice between chapocels destroying the world and watching Budweiser tweet about grey-asexuals and ""enbys"", I'm re-evaluating my will to continue life.

The Dinosaurs 🦖 cannot return soon enough.

Agreed. The consumption needs to happen and happen soon damnit!








Commies started International Women's Day. There's no escape.

This is honestly what changed my mind on the environment. I wonder if the great filter is that all advanced species eventually discover mass media and go insane from the self-awareness.

The only form of communism worth embracing is Posadism. A healthy dose of accelerationism followed by a commie version of road warrior.

I am ready for the Busch light all lives matter boomer woke

Straight pride parade brought to you by monster energy and Purdue pharma

Ironic that the same people that cheer this also despise Corporations and Capitalism.

You just can't handle that it was the free market that finally fixed white racism.

When companies did not care for women of color, you mayos just said "jUsT fOuNd YoUr OwN cOmPanY AnD mAkE mOnEy WiTh iT iF yOu dOnT LiKe iT".

Now companies actually realized they can make bank with women of color, too, and you mayos can't handle it to be not the center of attention 27/7.

Prove me wrong.

13% have .52% of the money.


New definitions being proposed by Proctor and Gamble.

black [adjective] \ ˈblak  \

  1. Beatiful; hot; banging body; fuckable; tasty.
  2. Nice tight wet meathole you want to slam your erect cock into.
  3. Thing that makes you cum. Cum so hard. Wet warm jizz plastered on the insides of your boxer briefs from seeing it.
  4. Porn

I was wrong - I have blacked your mother!


The true definition can be found in the N section

nigger[ nig-er ]SHOW IPA EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person. a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.


Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a black beautiful person. a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.

Get with the times, gramps

any dark skinned people

Syrup niggers are cancelled

Every other race has beauty privilege and that needs to be fixed.

Mayo women everywhere are paying the toll for equity.


there is a perfectly fine definition for black if you look up "black definition" on google. why should the term black be replaced by beautiful? no races should have this type of leg up. this is the type of thing a teenage girl would petition for after getting angry over some petty dickish online comment.

So a giant corporation is running test on how to control one finds this creepy? No one? Ok then.

I'm with you buddy but I didn't wanna be the first to say it.

I do but people have been increasingly wanting corporations to do stuff like this

They do that all the time and have been for a long time.

Does anyone know if gingivitis is a real word? No. But the ads say it so it must be real.

Uber is a rideshare, not a private car service.

Dominos is "pizza", not "cardboard".

yep! REAL CHICKEN and half of the medical ads are shit

Does anyone know if gingivitis is a real word? No. But the ads say it so it must be real.

Brush your teeth.

excellent setup and delivery


I mean yeah, these are the same people who say that the government shouldn't be the one who decides what speech is acceptable in public and that it should be up for 4 companies who run 98% of social media. This is the norm now.

Imagine thinking anyone learns language from or any other dictionary 😂

We're talking about basic human instinct here. We're comfortable in the light and fearful in the dark, hence darkness/blackness is negative.

Most blacks people in America aren’t even actually the color black. They’re more like a brown color. Africans from Africa are the ones that are black and I’m guessing they give a shit about this woke nonsense.

The real problem: the Swahili dictionary.

Yeah because they all have significant white ancestry



Y’all had neckbeards way before this. Don’t pretend one Gillette ad had anything to with it

And this might be why: Nearly two in three people say they choose, switch, avoid or boycott a brand based on its stand on social issues, according to a 2018 Edelman Earned Brand report

looooool bull shit. either they phrased that question retardedly or their survey sample all comes from Portland

I'd wager 1/10 is probably more accurate, and even then, only to an extent. Like how many brands get so extremely political in public that they piss people off enough to avoid them? I hate left-wing social politics but I don't mind gays, so really the only brand I actively avoid is Nike and its subsidiaries, since they fund extremist things like that 9-year-old trans stripper.

Honestly $PG is a great investment

Imagine being this insecure about your race.

I see dramautists are still falling for obvious corporate troll bait.

Sparking a conversation

Every time this stupid phrase is mentioned, it actually means a negative conversation and outrage.

My white is right. My white is might.

I work at a branch of a prominent bank and we have TVs that play promotional material on loop. For pride month, they released stock footage of a graduate with an LGBTQIAP stole waving to a large cheering crowd. Meanwhile, a slogan flashes on the screen that says:

“We take PRIDE in supporting you.”



I’d rather black-clad leftists revolutionaries burst through the windows and bash me over the skull than endure WOKE capitalism.

I know someone working in marketing for P&G, they are currently trying to find a way to market womens products to men. They are greenlighting interrns (21 and two weeks into the job) ideas on how to expand into these new markets. I think this is the explanation for all the retarded progressive shit theyve been doing.