Anarcho-primitivist murderer, terrorist, arsonist, and avid Jew-namer Varg "23 stab wounds in self-defense" Vikernes gets his youtube channel Alex Jones-ed

67  2019-06-05 by Wraith_GraveSpell


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


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Burzum SUCKS

Black metal sucks in general tbh

completely based

thrash til' death


Prog metal is the only true art

Does Dream Theater know you're ditching the pep assembly? I'll tell them if you don't go back

Dream theater is only good as instrumental. Gay vocals kill it. Opeth is where its at

Umm sweaty, have you listened to Oranssi Pazuzu?

Agreed, except Deafheaven

Ewww hipster black metal OUT OUT OUT

Only pagan caveman riffs here sweaty

It's so boring. They give lifeless shows so that their corpse paint doesn't sweat off, and people who are into it are an irritating mixture of self-serious and utterly ridiculous.

The best are the trve kvlt retards. They're the musical equivalent of girls who totally got into witchcraft because of Harry Potter.

Imagine seeing black metal bands live. what were you at GAYchella

Do they have black metal at Coachella? I thought it was all top 100 and edm these days.

burzum was good

Hvis lyset tar oss was the highlight for me.

(Take that back right now!)[]

Black Metal was bound to get caught up in this shit eventually. Shoulda spent more time practicing their instruments and less time on dark mythos and shit.


YouTube went after (conspiracy theorist) videos claiming that Jëws control the world.

Excellent move. Someone watch the ‘spiracy subs next few days.

Someone watch the ‘spiracy subs next few days.

Already on it the Baal conspiracy thread over there now if full of Bible thumper.

Third wave black metal is just a bunch of emo hipster mayo dudes. No more church burning Vikings.

Theres been a few recently in New Zealand and Louisiana tho. The Lords of Chaos movie probably had something to do with it

Didn’t even know there was black metal from NZ and Louisiana lol I haven’t listened to any new black mental albums since like 2015-ish.

nothing silences the jews controlling the world conspiracy like a giant company keeping people from talking about it. lol

Ya with a CEO named Susan Wojcicki definitely not adding any fuel to that fire

Where are all these lads going to? I can't miss out on my hilariously fucktarded conspiracy theorist videos.

Why would an Anprim use Twitter?

anarcho-primitivism isn't an ideology, it's a fashion statement.

It's more a mental deficiency, but sure.

Yep. Its one of the few ideologies where you can literally just go live it out if you want to, but nobody does for obvious reasons (no toilet paper, too many bugs)

Uncle Ted did.

He's the only one and that's why he's cool


... to be fair he's not an actual anarcho primitivist, the title was a joke, and he also literally does live in the woods and rarely uses technology

His channel was fucking bizarre, gonna miss it

Same. He was actually closer to nazbol than anything else. Talked shit about the left and right, because they both supported jews and capitalism

that sounds suspiciously centrist

centrism comes in all sorts of flavors of crazy ideologies, most of it is just not associating with a mainstream dogma


His video on how to find a blue eyed Norwegian wife was golden

Tfw no big tiddy blue eyed blonde hair evropean trad wife to give you 9 kids as you live off welfare

Noooooo. Trad daddy don’t go😭🤮😭. Where am I gonna get my white supremacy board game updates. Crying so hard I threw up on my “Proud 2 be Mayo” mug😭🤮🤮🤮😭.

I used to be a huge huge fan of Black Metal in my teen angst years and even then, Burzum sucked ass. This is coming from a person who listens to repetitive drone music like everyday.

a person who listens to repetitive drone music like everyday

What do you think of the new Earth album?

They are not the kind of drone music that I like. I like stuff like this

Damn, that was a cool piece. I'd never heard of William Basinski. Where would you recommend starting for further listening? His discography looks massive.

The Disintegration Loops I-IV are his iconic works (have a read up on the background to them) although in total they make for about 6 hours of listening. The first 2 are essential though. Other than that A Shadow in Time, 92982 and Melancholia are all really great.

Would also recommend Stars of the Lid, Coil, The Caretaker/The Stranger (same guy), The Haxan Cloak, Tim Hecker for other good starting points into the genre.

He’s one of those musicians who doesn’t seem to produce bad music lol but my personal favorites (apart from the one I linked previously) are


d|p 3

The Deluge

For David Robert Jones

Salva Oscura 1.1


And I second the other dude about the Caretaker. Here are my favorites.

Camaraderie at arms length

Libet’s Delay

Into Each Other’s Eyes

Late Afternoon Drifting

All Eyes Bewildered

Varg’s an interesting dude. He legit believes that blonde-haired, blue-eyed people are the only true and pure members of his race, no matter where they’re from.

He had a video where he was talking about this and he said something like “this ‘Norwegian’ ” and it had a picture of some Norwegian with brown hair and brown eyes, basically implying that they’re not the same race, despite both of them being white Norwegians. Based varg was so based he even went onto a forum for Germanic peoples (Skadi) and from I can remember he was arguing with them about how important hair color and eye color is. Or something along those lines. Of course those brown haired Amerimutt cucks on that forum got triggered they were getting told by an actual blonde, blue-eyed Nordic dude that being “Germanic” is not enough.

Nah, Varg doesn’t even really go by labels like “Nordic” or whatever. He just thinks true, pure Europeans are blonde with blue eyes. That is why I brought up the point the point he made of the brown haired Norwegian. It’s also why the people on Skadi didn’t seem to like him very much. Because he adheres strictly to this belief. In that way, he is probably even more extreme than the original Nazis.

Who tf cares lmao

If you didn’t want a serious discussion about Varg Vikernes, you shouldn’t have responded to my long ass comment on this thread dumb faggot.

Shut the fuck up cracker

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I’m a Chicago world news verified top shooter in the gds, and I’ve been involved in numerous hits on The bds, and I have over 300 bodies. I am trained in chiraq warfare and I’m the top shooter in the entire city. You are nothing to me but just another opp. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying shit about motor over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the city and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, Memo. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 600 ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in shooting opps, but I have access to wooskis entire arsenal and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, memo.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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bitch all you want. the mayocide is happening and theres no stopping it.

I’m not bitching lol. I just like Varg because he’s so extreme he pisses some racist right wing extremists off.

Ok i actually agree completely. Have a nice day


sounds like a drama gold mine



oh shit i have to like him

Varg really is hilarious. I bet some turboautist on 4chin has all his videos archived, you should look for them.

Dudes a drama queen for sure. Hes a boomer who hates boomers, An antisemite who hates the alt right, Thinks civilization destroyed the modern man, is probably closeted homo, and thinks that stabbing someone 23 times is reasonable self defense. Also he actually responds to comments and response videos. He once called me an afro-eurasian wigger because i said that hes retarded for thinking that viking beserkers ate psilocybin mushrooms when they had aminita mushrooms which make you go apeshit.

I'm pretty sure that Varg is a Gen Xer (he was born in 1973).

Hes the 40 year old boomer variant.

Big F for the AnPrim-NazBol prince.

he looks like a gnome

I like how Varg considered autism some degenerate modern disease until he met his autistic wife who convinced that autism is actually an Aryan trait inherited from the Neanderthals

Pagans eternally BTFO

The virgin pagan vs the Chad christian vs the Thad Muslim vs the GAD God's chosen tribe

Look at how (((THEY))) massacred my boy

“Self defense” as in the man he stabbed was planning to murder him, not in the act.

Euronymous intended to torture Varg to death and sell the snuff film to raise publicity for the band they were in together, Mayhem.

Varg caught wind and murdered Euronymous to save his own life.