DDF decides someone getting doxxed and newspaper hiring a known hacker as a reporter means they need to go to war. They're under attac and being oppressed!

15  2019-06-06 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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Is it Disingenuous Day?

Gonna need some context on this one, I'm out of the loop

They are talking about this article. There's also a fight that between journalists going on about whether they agree articles like this are to far or not.

Creates fake news and he's still victim ofc. Jeez

Slapping a cheap voice effect on a video of a politician

Yeah truly an evil mastermind who deserves what he gets.

He's probably white too



lmao why do american media outlets get so hostile and underhanded when people make memes

remember the cnn trump wrestling one

President Trump, are you reading this? We need help ASAP!
