[SCHIZOPOST OF THE HOUR] Big brain wants to use CRISPR to create a "Fuckmeat Battery" to replace a fetus so he can have hot, natural, pregnant sex all year round with none of the consequences.

41  2019-06-06 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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I would do the same TBH.

Finally getting to fuck a pregnant Snally

The best life-fuel

Finally being able to impregnate men so we can start the mayocide and the foidcide simultaneously.

As a proud pregcel, I agree. I don't want kids because kids fucking suck which means I'm destined to probably never fuck a pregnant chick which totally blows.

You know how hard it is to find a pregnant chick that wants to fuck a random dude? Let alone one that's actually hot.

I'm sure you could find plenty of desperate preggos in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.

That's a good point honestly, never really thought of pregnant sex tourism as an option. I'm super into pregnant chicks but they have to be hot, like just being pregnant does nothing for me alone. Most hot pregnant chicks have a dude that put a baby in 'em for a reason ya know?

Yo so I was just driving and I saw a car with an advertisement for surrogates. Like they are a middleman for women who need surrogates or whatever. I might call them and see if I can just get a list of their surrogates since I bet a lot of them are single. Might have just hit a gold mine, thought you might want to know.

As in the rest of life, porn breeds ingenuity.

Is there a grindr for preggo pegging?

I actually posted about this in the past. Well not the pegging part.

But Preggr needs to be a thing.

Almost all preggo porn fetishists are major TMNT fans. They like the preggo porn because they imagine Krang inside the womb controlling the foid.

tbf the vast majority of foids barely sapient and are equivalent to brainless, oversized robotic infants and are only controlled by the erratic urges of the abhorrent alien monstrosity in their abdomens.

Krang's body was like a sexy homer Simpson

Some basic gene research tutorials later and you'll know how to target a specific gene and direct its development.

Literally the birthing process of antivaxxers, climate change deniers, and flat-earthers.