Rusky comes up with the hottest take on the Chernobyl accident to this date.

49  2019-06-06 by Mathieu_van_der_Poel


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Rusky comes up with the hottest tak... -,,

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What about the fact that you're lynching negroes 😤😤😥😭

Not even a chapotard, just europoors

That guy is a chapotard somehow he referenced their holohoax.

ryskis are animals, glad the world come to realize it

Rusky comes up with the hottest take on the Chernobyl accident to this date.

Why do you seethe about russians so much tho?

Too many people talk about Stalin's "mistakes", what about all the people who have died in natural disasters caused by capitalism?

natural disasters caused by capitalism


I gave Pompeii 50 bucks to erupt

Do we go to the same gay strip club 😍

*Mount Vesuvius

It's quite telling that most of the one star ratings of the Chernobyl show on IMDB and the like is written in perfect Runglish

It's quite telling that most of the low rated reviews of the Chernobyl show on IMDB and the like are written in perfect Runglish

tbh it has 9.1 on russian imdb


This tard is trying to compare fukushima and Chernobyl. The 9.0 earthquake and 50 ft tsunami were just communist propaganda.

if that was the cause then how come germany shut down their nuclear plants as a result??

Because Germany is retarded.

unironically, this.

I guess it's refreshing it's an actual Russian instead of some white college liberal.

The Chernobyl series is pretty good imo. Definitely worth a watch. But the best part about it is that it's triggered so many tankies just by existing.

Until now, about 100,000 tons of contaminated liquid is dumping every day, the entire Pacific Ocean is polluted with this shit. Where are the movies about it?

This guys has not seen Godzilla.

If I could but have lived a few more decades, I would've handled the Slavic menace in the same manner as I handled the Hibernians.

in the same manner as I handled the Hibernians.

Based and Barbados'd.

Eat potatoes and die, faggot.

Don't make me exhume and re-behead you.

oye, look at me. I think desicrating a dead body means shit.

Sorry, Father McDiddleson, I really couldn't care any less about my corpse.