Stable genius asks other stable geniuses if life is a joke

64  2019-06-06 by SubjectEgg


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Stable genius asks other stable gen... -,,

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I agree, but nonetheless we must continue to spout communist propaganda to all.

Yeah I'm sure a chapo cutie is really persuasive IRL.

A lot of people have a feeling that shit is wrong, they just don’t have the language to describe it without licking boots

Poor folx we must enlighten them !

God damn OP.... Raspootin is my LOLCOW, regardless you might find this of interest:

You might remember this piece of subhuman filth certified badass as the guy who has done over 500 uber trips with a 4.89 rating:

The retard who purchased a 99 cent app that can detect tornados and wonders why the NWS pays so much for meteorologists:

Or the total dipshit who doesn't understand how electricity bills work:


I hope your driving is better than your victimhood because that is pathetic. I guess some never become adults.


Thank you for this 👌.

hes a marvelous lolcow that doubles down on stupid

Oh yes he does !

Great find.

This is what he sent me before he deleted his first account... I still wish we had made it in to a snappy quote:

If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.

Watch your back 😨

Can't ping justcool to make him aware of the quote :(

The admins have gone too far

God damnit 😤😭😥

I have resorted to private messaging him like a god damn savage.

Yeah I was gonna suggest that.

Please do, this quote is amazing.

If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.

The best thing about this is that you know he was genuinely furious when he wrote it because there’s so many typos

Yep. I #gotem good that time.

Ironically he now thinks everyone who dislikes him is the same guy.

There is someone on this sub...who by analyzing their text and sentence structure has at least 20 sock accounts. I even found a post on another sub where they admitted to someone they had "dozens of alt accounts". That same person will also screen shot any drama on here and post it over on the "drama" sub. They post literally all hours of the day so it's prob someone unemployed kid or a basement dweller.

I haven't responded to him in months, which means that literally every single other hater he has is different people but he hates me so much he groups all of his haters together in his mind as "me". Apparently I am up 24 hours a day to post "screen shots" of his retarded shit on the "drama" sub

with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard.

With the typo, it kind of ends up being a compliment.

isn't this the guy who's always shitting up r/cedarrapids and made an alt?

Yep, ME-EFFECT who ragedeleted his account is now raspootin

He was excited to stay in the same hotel where (he thinks) a lot of porn was filmed:

I stayed at Country Inn and Suites by the airport a couple of years ago. Come to find out the exact room I stayed in, which featured a Whirlpool bath tub, was the site where a bunch of porn was filmed. Not making this up, happy to give a URL.

Lol, THIS is this guy's brush with greatness?

fucking yikes

Fucking moronic CHUD bootlicking redneck hillbilly backwater swamp-dwelling knuckle-dragging idiots!! Why won't they engage in my commie praxis?? Don't they know they are actively hurting their own interests??

These cuties compare themselves and others cuties to Jesus.

White Man's Burden V2

Thanks for sharing this. I feel this deeply. $130k (90% private) in school debt for a 2 year degree I cannot utilize, unable to participate in most of the labor force due to circumstances beyond my control. The bank told me it would be $600 a month to cover interest alone. I’m 30 and own nothing.

Without the dream of a left in America I wouldn’t be drawing breath.

This is what makes me absolutely seethe about commies. Why should I have to pay for your retardation?

Lol, he basically admitted he was a moron but someone else should have to pay for it. Be more selfish.

Literally you created an entire generation of debt serfs and your response as a society is just to mock them and tell them to suck it up

When the guillotines fall don't say I didn't warn you

I should have learned to code 😭

He's like a foid, but can't get married to someone that will pay off his bills.

$130k (90% private) in school debt for a 2 year degree

I must be reading this associate's? No, that can't be.

I can’t even begin to understand how he got that much debt for an associates

Changed majors like 5-6 times? That's how the chapo types I know IRL managed to fuck themselves with student loans.

And refusing to work during that time.

Hahaha how fucking stupid can capitalists be

Raising tuition by massive amounts and hugely indebting an entire generation for the profit of the receiving class. And then your like 'Well why didn't you work at one of the slave wage jobs'? After letting wages stay stagnant for decades, again to free the gullet of the owner parasites.

It's like you throw someone in million gallon pool and see them drowning, and then you throw them a bucket and tell them that with a little elbow grease they could be standing in dry land soon. Hahahaha so fucking delusional, capitalism is the dumbest system every devised. I don't even have to fight you, you'll destroy yourselves in your greed and short sightedness.

Soon the parasitic class of vermin will discover that, indeed, violence is part of evolution. If you beat an animal long enough don't be astonished when you get weeded out.

I mean, I'm not opposed to a good banker hunt either. Let the two useless layers of society kill each other.

Imagine being this delusional.

commie calling someone else a parasite

The irony.

Changed majors like 5-6 times?

That explains why he is 30 by now.

Yeah but aren't community/technical college classes are like $600 a pop? A grand total of $130k is completely unfathomable.

Maybe he's one of the super-special people who attended a private liberal arts college for their associate's.

Jesus fucking Christ that worthless garbage is 600 a fucking credit now, I can't believe it. Not even for a semester, a single credit. How greedy can the receiving class be.

It’s per class (3 hours), not per credit. I looked up the tuition for the CC by me and it’s $180 per credit hour.

Maybe one of those shitty, exploitative "art schools" that advertise on bus stops?

being dumb

How is this even fucking possible lol I know gambling addicts with less debt and more to show for it

Poor people spend their money much more effectively than rich people do

Capitalism is the act of workers subsidizing the inefficient habits of the receiving class in the 0.1%, as well as their loyal mutts in the top 10% who they don't ravage for loot as hard as the other classes.

I hate that I know the gig.

Chapos are always on the verge of suicide. Really makes me think...


Without the dream of a left in America I wouldn’t be drawing breath.

"The only thing keeping me alive right now are my delusions"

There are many more like him. We are building strength. You like to ban my for talking about guillotines and 'threatening violence', it is not a threat, it is a warning. It is no longer in the best interests of the proletariat to keep shoving shit down the gullets of the bourgeois, why should the proletariat do something that is not in their interest? Why should they continue to give to the takers, who receive all and give back nothing but mockery and entitlement?

You are not the bourgeois, don't flatter yourself BTW. You're lower than that, you're their running dog.

Either this isn't real watermark or you really fell off 😴😴😴

He got handed enough money that would suffice for a life of luxury in like half of the world but still complains.

To someone who is not from a rich country, his entitlement must read like:

"So unfair! At first I invested $2mio to live in a mansion in Seattle. Then I tried even harder and invested $7mio to a big house in Hollywood. I also spent $4mio in cars alone. And I am still no billionaire star. It is not my fault that the job market does not make me a billionaire. It is so bad, I never even had a job for one day in my life despite all my efforts. I only have $13mio debts now. My only hope is that a left revolution will save poor people like me."

He got charged enough for that, he did not receive that, retard. How on earth had it become dozens of times more expensive to provide students with an education over the past few decades? When did society suddenly become incapable of this apparently?

I could live for like 10 years off of 130k and I'm an American lol. It's a lot of money.

Yes, and for somebody from India these 130k really seem like 13mio.

I'm a college dropout and I bought my house when I was 23. These retards have no excuse

I make more than you do, and I make more than you ever will, and I can't even every imagine owning a home at the current rate. Yes that's even if I stopped eating out or whatever, discretionary expenses are only a small fraction of the typical Americans budget, even I lived like a nun that would be like what, 10k a year? 20k? At that rate I can buy a small town house in only a few decades. Golly gee lucky me. I know you're full of shit. That or you live in a single wife trailor with your sister bride.

cope more retard

Okay grandpa, now you're jerking in the opposite direction

I'm 27 you retarded zoomer

what kind of up-and-coming New York Times opioid piece do you live in, that you can afford a house at 23?

I live in a flyover state and don't flip burgers for a living

Why should you have to pay capital owners?

Who’s putting a gun to these peoples head and forcing them to take our tens of thousands in student loans? Can we find this person and stop them? Is it Trump?

That's the frustrating thing. No one is holding a gun to their heads, yet for some reason a ton of people are taking out huge student loans. And now they are asking the rest of us to pay for it because apparently if enough people make stupid financial decisions, it was somehow out of their hands.

It's the system, man.

I mean, they have a tiny shred of a point: 18-year-olds are fucking idiots with almost zero life experience, and we probably shouldn't let them incur six-figure financial obligations. No private lender would extend that sort of credit, except for the federal guarantee on student loans.

Muh "Your brain keeps developing until you are 25" meme. People in general are stupid. We saw that with the foreclosures in 2008. Doesn't change the fact that they're are 18 year olds who didn't borrow who are being asked to subsidize those who did.

That said, I agree that making student loans not dischargeable through bankruptcy was basically making the rope these idiots are using to hang themselves.

Muh "Your brain keeps developing until you are 25" meme.

It's not that so much as every segment of society -- high, low, liberal, conservative, smart, dumb, adults, peers, etc. -- screaming "Go to college!!! It'll be great!!!" at 17-year-olds, people who, whatever the state of their neurons, have high hopes but jack shit for life experience. Literally every person in their life (probably) is bombarding them with the same message; it seems a little churlish to ding them for taking the hint.

making student loans not dischargeable through bankruptcy was basically making the rope these idiots are using to hang themselves

Incentives being real, I think you'd have to put some limits on dischargeability, or everyone would just file for chapter 7 the day after graduation. Even then, you'd still be sticking the taxpayers with part of the bill, unless you cut the federal guarantee from 95% (iirc?) to something less.

If you make a loan to a person who obviously can't pay it back you shouldn't be surprised when you lose your money. Tough shit. Pay more attention next time. It's not the responsibility or the interest of society to chain them up as a slave for your for the rest of their life so that you can recoup as much as possible from your poor decision. Literally if society enforces debt to that degree, it is only rewarding the people who chose to lend irresponsibly and encouraging the behavior.

the people who chose to lend irresponsibly

But the lenders aren't acting irresponsibly given the current setup. If the borrower completely defaults, the federal government will step in and pay-off the lender at 95 cents on the dollar. Which is WAY better than creditors usually do in insolvency situations.

Yeah this entire student loan crisis was literally just a massive inexplicable outbreak of fiscal irresponsibility, that's literally what they'll write in the history books. Just like when unemployment goes up, it's because people suddenly get really lazy en masse for no reason. You rightists have an explanation for everything and are totally not just sticking your heads in the sand.

Also the teachers have already taught the students and educated them, literally society has already paid the cost of their education. The only thing that would happen if we nullified the student loans is that some parasites wouldn't be able to suck off of these people for decades. The average American would literally not notice in the least, unless they had student loans. You're such a cuck though you're fine with this.

92% of studentl loans are owned by the DoE. We'd all notice a sudden $1.4 trillion hit to the national debt. Especially those of us who are fiscally responsible and actually pay taxes.

Kid: "I want to be an artist."

Parents: "This is really a cool hobby. But you won't make enough money with this except for a few rare exceptions. Have you considered becoming an lawyer, engineer or doctor?"

Teenager: "Now I really want to be an activist."

Society: "This is nice, but this is not a job. Have you considered becoming a lawyer, engineer or doctor?"

18yo: "The STEM circle jerk is so annoying. There are other jobs than lawyer, engineer or doctor. I will study gender studies."

Society: "I would really recommend studying to become a lawyer, engineer or doctor."

22yo: "Look, society, I did it! I have a degree in social studies now! Fuck your STEM circlejerk. I did it!"

Society: "Okay. I am just saying that if money is important to you, you should have studied law, engineering or medicine."

23yo: "Fuck, I can't get a job that pays my debts. Society! Help me!!!"

Society: "Your fault. This is why I said you should study law, engin-"

23yo: "Yes! You said I should study! Lol, society is so stupid!! First society tells you to study! Then society lets you alone with these debts!! Why wasn't there a single voice that warned me about this and told me what I should have done if I want a job later????"



Damn, yes! I wish there would be at least some one else who told me.

Never do you ever get told that STEM is better. So how am I supposed to know if nobody tells me? Society is so rotten!

study law

That's a bigger debt trap than liberal arts, m8

TFW you go to college so you can earn more but all your extra income has to go to paying off massive debt and living somewhere expensive to work your office job and now you're more poor than the redneck who works at McDonalds.

In another timeline I would have been an astronomer or a mathematician, but in this one I drew the straw marked "communist."

This almost sounds like fate. CMV: No overly online group is more religious than communists. Anyway, of course, society is to blame for this guy being a failure and not a TOP SCIENTIST!

I recognized the username: naturally, a prolific SRD poster. But for real, read through the whole thing:

I've just come to accept that my life is going to be horrible and depressing, so the only thing left for me to do is fight. I have nothing to lose any more. All my dreams and ambitions were taken from me, so my new dreams and ambitions are to exact precise and justified vengeance against the individuals and parties that have wronged me and the people whom I love. It is the coldest of comforts, but it's good enough to live for.

In another timeline I would have been an astronomer or a mathematician, but in this one I drew the straw marked "communist." In that way, shit gets better, but like you said, not anytime soon, and definitely not for me personally. But that was never in the cards under capitalism no matter what I do, so fuck it. Praxis is genuinely fulfilling labor, let me testify. It beats the dogshit out of capitalist alienation.

This guy literally is just a communist to try to flex on people who bullied him high school lmao

still unemployed then?

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Jesus longpostbot, show some mercy.

capitalist alienation

There's literally no difference between his situation and that of dark satanic mill workers.

Daily reminder: that poem shares the same intellectual tradition as Black Hebrews

Praxis is genuinely fulfilling labor

What are you talking about Reddit doomer posting is not praxis

Can anyone tell me what the frick praxis is. I can't keep up with all these words commies make up to cope.

Can anyone tell me what the frick praxis is.

It's some gay shit about what's good for gommunism

It just means practice. As in, practice vs theory.

"Praxis is genuinely fulfilling labor" is just an extremely stupid way of saying "doing stuff instead of whining makes your feel better."

(They of course aren't actually doing stuff.)

Examples of good drama praxis: killing white people, having Black lives matter and Blue Lives Matter bumper stickers on your car, creating anti-papist memes

Practicing what you preach

So is it good praxis to browse chapo on my iPhone?

In another timeline I would have been an astronomer or a mathematician, but in this one I drew the straw marked "communist."

Yeah, damned capitalists and their ownership of means of mathematics production! Proletarians of intellectual work, unite!

Why do people think they would be automatically better under communism, they would be a ditch digger there too just a poorer one.

Why do people think they would be automatically better under communism

Probably lacking in self discipline to effect any meaningful change by themselves in their lives. They think once it is forced upon them by the state, they will turn a new leaf in no time.

Same thing applies to /pol/tards tbh

Pretty sure they all think that they would be top-tier nomenklatura under communism, getting paid big rubles to design uniforms or study snow leopards.

In reality, of course, they'd have the same part-time retail job, only now the store shelves would be bare.

commies all think theyd be some officer lording all their shit over the peasants

nazis think that the world would be better without hollywood and big banks

Temporarily embarrassed commissars.

  • Juden Steinbeck

Imagine thinking you'd be poorer without giving 90% of your labor value to leeches.

Temporarily embarrassed commissars

It is the coldest of comforts, but it's good enough to live for.

Fashion accessories: trenchcoat, fingerless gloves, cheetoh dust.

Communists deserve to be miserable their entire lives

It's a real chicken and egg type of thing

Um Steve Francois youre gonna have to save some of that based for the rest of us.

well its what they want under communism isnt it

Generally speaking, people who are losers would be losers under any system.

In life, you usually get what you deserve.

What a cuck mentality

Slaves living under slavery were just losers getting what they deserved, if they worked harder and were thriftier they'd be billionaires.

Spartacus says you’re wrong

All my dreams and ambitions were taken from me

Translated from Commie, this means "I flunked out of college because I spent all my time sperging-out on the internet instead of studying," right?

It's almost ingenious really, almost, he won't take any responsibility under the guise that he's sacrificing himself to help the little peoples.

I can't ping you dear occupant but you're deluding yourself, ranting online about capitalism is easy to do, getting a career you enjoy is hard work. You found an easy scapegoat for your inadequacies in real life.

Haha what the hell

Jesus fuck why even go on if your life Outlook is that bleak. Like what's even the goal there

Some could say it's some kind of clown world.

Still trying to shove this clownworld shit down people's throats?

Do you just search for clown world and ignore any context it's used in?

Search? I read comments.


The linked post is saying exactly the clown world meme, and you conjure up the genius take that I'm pushing it?

Imagine reading links instead of titles.


I'm a nazi so I'm going to say clown world

My bad, go ahead.

Cool, I'm also going to say the 'n' word.

Hope you got a license for that

In another timeline I would have been an astronomer or a mathematician, but in this one I drew the straw marked "communist."

This almost sounds like fate. CMV: No overly online group is more religious than communists. Anyway, of course, society is to blame for this guy being a failure and not a TOP SCIENTIST!

I recognized the username: naturally, a prolific SRD poster. But for real, read through the whole thing:

I've just come to accept that my life is going to be horrible and depressing, so the only thing left for me to do is fight. I have nothing to lose any more. All my dreams and ambitions were taken from me, so my new dreams and ambitions are to exact precise and justified vengeance against the individuals and parties that have wronged me and the people whom I love. It is the coldest of comforts, but it's good enough to live for.

In another timeline I would have been an astronomer or a mathematician, but in this one I drew the straw marked "communist." In that way, shit gets better, but like you said, not anytime soon, and definitely not for me personally. But that was never in the cards under capitalism no matter what I do, so fuck it. Praxis is genuinely fulfilling labor, let me testify. It beats the dogshit out of capitalist alienation.

This guy literally is just a communist to try to flex on people who bullied him high school lmao

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

living in the most prosperous and peaceful time in history with global poverty at all time lows

Weird, they forgot to include this.

Hey! Just because I browse reddit all day with my MacBook in a Starbucks drinking $5 coffees does not mean that I am better off than a 19th century coal miner living in a 12qm apartment together with his wife and four kids shared with three other families. In fact, I have more dept than hundreds of these workers, meaning my life is 100x harder than theirs ever was!

If you didn't drink Starbucks you could literally be a millionaire by 20 😎👌😎

It's hilarious the capitalists always say this shit. Like if millenials really did become super fucking thrifty en masse and saving all their discretionary income, the economy would implode over night, they'd all be fired from their slave white jobs, and the bourgeoisie would get totally wiped out in the stock market. I swear the bourgeoisie never think shit through.

I spent my first year out of college spending jackshit and saving up to start my own business and I made my first million by age 25. You should try coping more.

If you didn't drink Starbucks you could literally be a millionaire by 20

This is complete bullshit! My coffees only cost my $20 a day. I could drink Starbucks coffee for 150years before it costs me a million, you mathlet.

You just sound like my boomer parents! I confronted them once about how it is unfair that they are uneducated, but can afford a house. Damn bootlickers told me that "maybe you should not have spent $10k on my summer vacation in Paris and saved for a house instead". Fucking mathlets everythere! A house for 10k, lol!? Besides I have debt anyway.

I've just come to accept that my life is going to be horrible and depressing, so the only thing left for me to do is fight. I have nothing to lose any more. All my dreams and ambitions were taken from me, so my new dreams and ambitions are to exact precise and justified vengeance against the individuals and parties that have wronged me and the people whom I love. It is the coldest of comforts, but it's good enough to live for.

Oh for the love of Christ.



absolutely, both personally and overall. not only am I wholly unremarkable as a person and at best an obstacle and most of the time an active deterrent to just about anything I participate in

Kudos. That's the greatest amount of self-reflection I've ever seen a chapotrap.

All my dreams and ambitions were taken from me

everything bad that happened to me is the fault of everything else in the world and not my own failings as a person.

External locus of control is a bitch

Communist sad-boy schizoposters are the lowest form of scum on the planet.

lmao at their lives. This is literally the best time in all of history to be alive and these retards do nothing but wallow in self pity

Are you a fucking high schooler reading those glowing bs articles about how awesome it is to live now? You know billionaires give those people millions of dollars to spread the message far and wide about how, no, really its awesome and this system that only seems to be garbage to the vast majority of participants is actually doing awesome. Shocking, the ruling class likes to reward those who say they're doing an awesome job, and likes spreading their message far and wide.

But only a teenager with no life experience could ever actually believe something so stupid.

cope more retard

you cant make this shit up

they insult themselves way better than i could lmao

almost makes me feel bad for them then i remember who they are and think nah lol

I'd like to point out that tankies always get mad at everyone and call them bootlickers, but commies are the worlds biggest bootlosers