She's back!

136  2019-06-06 by volcel_wisdom


Daily reminder that Anita is queen and was unironically right about almost everything she spoke about in her videos.

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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She'll end up fucking some retarded rightoid, mark my words.

Cope, keep dreaming

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Laci Green, i think.

Oh wow i thought she was trans

Her bf might be, but I have to add this, dude is fucking a chick way out of his league. Respec dat.

Was, the broke up like a year ago

Wtf? Don't do this to me.

She is a puritan, so yeah probably.

every time theres an outspoken bitter sjw they always have a fetish for nazis

and every time theres a bitter brown or asian woman that hates white people they have a secret fetish for white men raping them

women are broken lmao

She's been banging Sargon for a while now.

Of course she was right. Her videos was like toddler level Motte sjw stuff. It's like being impressed if she created a math channel and covered addition and subtraction.

You say that now, but I vividly remember people freaking out completely.

There was a lot of shit talking outside of the videos. Big game talk like she was going to out the sexist core of gaming and then the videos come out and it's a tepid take on how princess peach in a game for children is a low effort trope.

I've never watched any of her content but even in this thread people are unironically sperging out. If stale takes can cause that, you must be doing something right.

It's like the "it's OK to be white" stuff. You have to read between the lines a bit. Very high level trolling, the only way to resist the bait is to go full radcen and not give a shit.

Are you trying to say it's not okay to be white? Because it's not.

princess peach in a game for children is a low effort trope.

it's a good trope ... well not good, but nothing is better

Eh, I mean it's fine but it's also pretty lazy. Definitely forgivable because her origin was in a time where the developers needed to motivate the player with basically no actual story.


She said male butts are never in games is all I can remember. It was shit

all feminism is wrong sorry

I can take the tayposting and chapoposting, but this is a bridge too far.

I unfriend you.

How about moar emoji posting 🤔


what did they mean by this???

Imagine watching this dumb gussys videos unironically

My favorite swerf by far 😍

Based gendercritical poster

My TERF? He's 5'11".

No she wasn’t

lmao the best part is that youre probably not joking

male feminists smh

I disagree with her bashing skullgirls though

Anita actually worked to get booth babes banned from E3. Putting women out of work. How feminist of her.

Why does she hate women so much?

I'm not sure but it's nice to know she has at least one redeeming quality

Her body, Anita's choice!

Lmfao I like her even more now.

based and patriarchyPilled

I'll accept this if Anita herself replaces all booth babes 😩👌


25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Only women allowed are the ones who are pre approved by her and that align with her world vision

Your post has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of faggotry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot open reddit with these chodes inhabiting it. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a tranny offing themselves.


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i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. She's back! -,

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This woman unironically triggers me, though I am impressed by how she scammed thousands of neckbeards out of their money.

She gets uglier every time I see her.

Shes aging like milk

Feminist shitter-shattered.

Oh come on, she's average if anything. Have you never looked true ugly in the face?

Gamers will say she's ugly while jerking off to rage fucking her

Like some of these guys wouldn't crawl through broken glass to sniff her hair.

projection, thy name is alice

now we know what this foid jams the clam to: an angry three gaming inches

It's not exactly about her not being attractive, it's more about her hypocrisy about when attractiveness is okay and when it isn't. Such as that it's okay for someone to draw a pretty version of her, but she rages at someone who drew Rose Quartz not fat. So people knock on her not being as attractive as that 'vision' of herself because of her bullshit.

Average is ugly. You might touch her, but I have standards. Plus she’s over 30 so I don’t consider her to even be a woman.

She doesn't have a dick, so I don't want to fuck her. I just think there are some truly unfortunate looking people out there. Ugly isn't average, it's like a low 4 and below.

Moids: Date really young women cuz they get ugly as they mature. Mature being 24.

Also Moids: DAE foids are really immature and crazy and do things like smash your play station because you talked to another woman at a party?

Date really young women cuz they get ugly as they mature. Mature being 24.

I'll never date a woman my own age so long as I can still pull someone in their 20s.

I mean, as guess as long as you look for people who have their shit together more than most people of their age there's no problem. I wouldn't want to date a younger person who acted their age but that's just me.

I don't date women in their twenties because I'm looking for a long-term partner. I'm dating them because they're young and hot, and, most importantly, haven't yet developed the shitty attitude and sense of entitlement that's standard equipment on women over 35.

Oh, well if you're just fucking around who cares. I mean, I'd fuck a really stupid guy but I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with him.

Eh, you either like someone who gives no fucks and doesn't beat around the bush or you don't. I like people like that but that's just me.

Being a woman under 24 doesn't immediately mean they're immature.

quiet, you. I'm trying to mess with some moids, not present my graduate thesis.


I actually made the thread about Zoe Quinn on wizardchan and I'm not defending Anita when I say your full of shit.

You’d fuck anything you literal incel.

Have you never looked true ugly in the face?

I grew up in WV. You people have no idea what true ugly looks like.

Are the women all big and doughy and the men all little wizened string beans? Or does that stereotype apply to a different group.

Well, the women are big and doughy, but the men are a bunch of oversized farm goons, in most cases. There's also the hygiene issues and the fact that they make the dental practices of the English seem advanced.

Serious though, I used to hang around poor country folk and every time they'd get together the topic of where to get cheap dentures or a cheap dentist came up.

she's a cutie you're in just in denial

Gaymers talk shit about her appearance like she's some troll while secretly jerking it to pics of her.

It is known.

gaymers are gay and would rather fix her hair than jerk off to her.

Correction: she scammed rainbow-haired Ghazi posters out of their money.

thinking Ghazi posters have money

this was 100% done by male feminists.

Are you operating under some kind of assumption that Ghazi isn't 95-98% male feminists?

rainbow-haired Ghazi posters

women do the danger hair. male feminists are balding and bearded.

here's a picture of some faggot now let me act smug about a shitpost on the internet

literally you right now.

you should go outside.

I AM outside akshully. Your mom's leathery tits needed some more coppertone SPF -3 straight coconut oil.


She moaned. I think you might have a lil brother on the way sparky


getting this mad about a white dude with literal clown hair

no u

Tell me what gamer word means getting your ass pounded this hard online.

Isn't that literally one of the 'Five Guys'?


So he took the comb-over and scraggly beard and piled on with neon highlights? This is balding and "bearded." He just wants to be able to confuse people when they ask about his pronouns.

Woman is a dangercat

Woman is a dangercatunt.

Corrected for accuracy.

Yeah, her ex-bf was the brains of the operation and a full on Ghazi slave master. Hence why you barely hear anything about Anita anymore

Which sucks because she milks gamer tears like nobody

You mean McIntosh? I don't think he ever got even a whiff of her coochie, unfortunately.

Mcintosh sort of died out because unlike anita, a lot of people were brazingly critiquing his inability to critique and he couldn't cry that he's a woman so they were sexist. I'm not even kiding on this :/ This was really apparent during Anita's "Things I can't say/do as a woman" and Mcintosh' "Things I can say/do as a man" except she could say them and he couldn't.

A neckbeard in a dress is still a neckbeard.

Her dead eyes have always bothered me

Don't worry that's just American style smiling.

The things I would do to have her sit on my face and talk to me about the intersection of feminism and videogames

Gibs woke Armenian braps pls 👩‍🏫💨🤤

She doesn't look hairy enough to be an Armenian woman. She must go through more wax than a car wash.

Thats my shtick bub.

I wish she'd peg all the sexism out of me while calling me a sexist piece of shit 😢

All I realy know about her is that gaymers are upset by her, therefore she is cool and good

they claim that nobody cares about her, but they make 20 minute youtube videos every time she says or does something.

But she herself is a gaymer, so she's not cool.

Ok then I'm officially cancelling her

but to anyone half-informed she obviously actually isn't and just lies about it for the grift so you may actually be good

Right? She could be on the sidebar for all the drama and impotent rage she causes.

Some nerds actually counted shit on E3, including games with protagonists of multiple genders and games with character creation suite (so again one can play as both male, female and anything in between). You can play as female protag in ~60% of games in E3.

Tf is she smoking?

Norse Runes for user pic

Nier Automata isn't a women it's a sexbot

There are no male sexbots, you checkmated yourself.


Do vibrators count 🤔

Tom Servo

tomato tomato

I watched her video on YT out of curiosity and she has deeper voice than I do. I feel emasculated.

Tf is she smoking?

Her method always was to just lie / misrepresent stuff. The feminists don't know enough about video games or are fine with lying for the cause. The neckbeards get all riled up, some are dumb enough to send threats, call her a stupid cunt, etc., and then she rakes in the victimbux.

It's a good scam. Got her to the UN.


It really is a good scam. I commend her.

The real fun stat is that the group with the highest demand for more female protagonists is men, and more men will pkay a game if it has a female protagonist.

Women predominantly don't care.

All these gamergapers reeing all over the thread.

Passing off a half-baked undergrad-level thesis as some groundbreaking story worthy of coverage is the most offensive thing here.

Dunking on gamers for a living

"No more excuses for the lack of women at E3"

Men play video games more than women?

Again, ~60% of games in last E3 had the ability to choose/create a female protag.



What of it?


Your point?

Okay but how many games allowed you to give your female protag a big beefy weiner?

What's the ratio?

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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5 to 11

So true

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Unironocally? Probably 1 to 4.

In simulation games probably 60-65%

In MMO's 50/50

In sports and fighting games - absolute minority.

mObiLe gAMinG

lol look at dumb roastie and her candycrush

lol look at dumb roastie and her candycrush

lol look at dumb roastie and her candycrush

lol look at dumb roastie and her candycrush

lol look at dumb roastie and her candycrush


Watch Dogs 2 had the potential to explore issues of racism and police prejudice. Will Watch Dogs Legion take things further?

Hope we see a game tackle catcalling and incels.

When is her sex tape

no thx

God, is that from the parody camshow? I saw webms of it years ago but never found the full thing

Big mouth, big bash. Proven fact.

Im sure multi million dollar companies are going to ignore their market research and listen to some dumb bitch that scammed male feminists and trigger 4chan.

not aware she was invited to DICE Swedistan studios

not aware she worked for EA with some meaningless title

Gaymer drama lore knowledge 0/10.

I know she "helped" DICE with Mirrors Edge 2 and shockingly that game was shit.

She also spoke at the UN

Honk Honk

the rightoid shows it's true colours when presented with gussy

She must be getting low on money, she only appears when she is about to ask for a handout.

Bank account must have run dry.

Volcel if you wouldn't

What is the actual point of her?

Absolute scam-artist cunt.

She's basically a female DSP.


Digital Skeleton Postingshit?

DarksydePhil, an infamous vidya gaym streamer.

Although the premise of their content is vastly different, the way they draw views is identical, be bad at/not play and say false things about games that nerds like, so nerds watch their videos and leave angry feedback.

You will always be my favourite DSP.

This Phil dude is an arsehole cunt.

You will always be my favourite DSP.

Aww, thanks!

DarksydePhil, a gaymer youtuber that somehow has an audience despite being a disgusting, uncharismatic blob.

You just described every youtuber.

DSP is exceptional, even among YouTubers.

I've watched a little now and oh boy yikes is he special.

She helps redistribute the ill-begotten wealth of Ghazelles. It's a dirty job, but I'm glad she's doing it.

She makes me so confused. On one hand, I would eat the shit out of her bowels if she let me. On the other hand, I wish she’d stop talking.

Saint Anita!

Praise the Lord!

youtube sub count from oct 15 to now: 201k to 222k, 21k subs gained over ~4 years

youtube total view count from oct 15 to now: 20.4M to 30.6M, 10.2M over ~4 years

projections 5 years from now

228k subs (gain of 6k subs)

73.1M total views (gain of ~40M views)

🤔 anita scamNeesian

What the fuck theres actual unironic *gamers* in the comments here talking shit about our fucking queen how dare all of you get the fuck out and quit harassing this beautiful source of unlimited gamer rage

preach kween

We need Larry Flynt to offer her money to pose for one of his magazines. That drama would burn so bright it would be like looking into the sun.

KiA lifefuel

They won't shut up for another 2 years now

I'm back!

That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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