Beyhive comes down with righteous fury against mayo thot who tried to steal Jay Z away from her

18  2019-06-06 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Beyhive comes down with righteous f... -,

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Wait it's not just retards tweeting about this? They actually got a real reporter on it?

Even Q's followers take a break, from time to time.

These guys? NEVER!

That's how you know autism is real.

To be fair most reporters are retards too.

>real reporters

>not just retards

real reporter

those went extinct around the same time as Operation Iraqi Freedom

Just spoke to Nicole Curran, the wife of Warriors owner Joe Lacob, about the “incident “ with Beyoncé last night. She was in tears. Said she had been getting death threats on social media all night this morning she disabled her IG account just to make it stop.

Jesus Christ Beyonce fans are retarded.

Beyonce fans are the Zionists of music fans. Any criticism of the subject of obession is automatically hate-speech.

They’re also all ugly from the sample of their profile pics I just took.

"I'm a single lady" was a declaration of the separatist matriarchal values of the beyoncian nation-state

I mean if you compare the lyrics to the Bey song Run the World(Girls) and Europe's hit The Final Countdown its plain to see that Danny Devito was the most prolific leading man of the late 80s/early 90s

What did she mean by "pay my automobills"

The worst date I ever had started with a girl loudly playing Beyoncé in my car while explaining the meaning behind the lyrics. I should have driven into the divider but back then I had some glimmer of hope left for the world. Foolish.

What was the meaning behind the lyrics?

That I should have immediately deleted my tinder account

I’m genuinely curious though.

Something about how lemonade was super woke, it was this clapback about some affair and how she showed how strong she was by not telling him until she released this album and it totally checked him.

I have no clue if this is true or not, so I took it at face value but I essentially asked why she didn’t leave him because of the affair, which was retorted with that I didn’t understand overcoming struggles in relationships.

It was nice to know 8 minutes into our first date this girl just thought of infidelity as a brave struggle to boldly overcome lol.

This is why women were excluded from government.

My foid has literally never voted and it’s a big part of why I love her. She’s happy just smoking weed and going to the occasional ICP concert. Compromise. It’s all about compromise.




Witness me!

going to the occasional ICP concert.

That's worse than voting.

I’m dealing with this as best I can ok?

Imagine allowing your foid to go to shitty clown ""musicians"" concerts.

pot head jugalette

So she’s a fat mayo ‘alternative’ chick.

pot head jugalette

Imagine the smell of this mayo

Fucking better than some yas qween from the beehive smelling like newports and abandoned fatherhood

And signed up for Grindr


Blessed analogy 🇮🇱

Lol Beyoncé is considered one of the prettiest and most powerful black women and she’s still scared of some aging cake faced white gussy.

But remember, black folk the strongest race of people!

She’s black?!

Beyonce has more stans than Eminem...and hers are more retarded. Now that's really something when you think about it.

Black people are really clueless.

Here we have Beyoncé in rare form! If you look closely at her left arm you will see her slightly nudge ole girl, a discrete but mighty signal saying...BACK THE HELL UP!

Holy shit women are embarrassing lmao

Imagine having the same sex chromosome twice lmao, no originality.

It may be the worlds biggest cope that I see that even if my foid was worth millions of dollars and world famous she would still act like a sperg if I speak to another female.

Fuck these fucking bitches

I was a women once and realized it was a mistake and trans'd back

I would like to pose a question to you all

beyonce is ugly and lumpy

also lol at rich black people that pretend to be illuminati because theyre in the entertainment industry and jews order them around

Also it's difficult for a Virgo to hide their facial feelings.

God fucking damn it.

Just kill them. Please Thanos be real and snap these people


Lmao anyone who actually thinks that woman did anything wrong is lowkey a cunt