There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.
That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.
And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.
True, I'm being generous that you'd need to pay taxes to understand the concept of a group pooling resources and not wanting others that never paid in taking from it.
This is dangerously close to serious posting so I'm trying to keep it succinct. Just an absolute mong take lol
This is dangerously close to serious posting so I'm trying to keep it succinct
I think you're mistaking me thinking this guy is a mong as me taking some anti-immigrant stance.
Immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.
Even if true in aggregate (don't know and don't care), it's absolutely not true for all individuals. That would provide a reason for opposition not rooted in "racism or circular reasoning".
Unless you're going to reduce all valid moral/political beliefs to debits and credits on a balance sheet (which would be hilarious coming from a Chapocel), someone can choose that they'd rather prevent any new individual non-contributors from immigrating in lieu of a net contribution.
Literally spoken by a faggot who has no clue and has never worked in a fucking emergency room hahahha this level of COPE is peak “chapocel who lives of parents” logic
You have never been for a fucking a member of the working class you lumpenprole nigger.
I’m not sure why working in an emergency room would make someone knowledgeable about entitlement and social services spending, but nearly every single expert on the subject agrees with me so, yeah.
I upboated your comment, then thought: Why am I upboating this? So I unupboated, because, hey, Iunno if he's a commie. Don't know if he's a tranny or a she, let alone a commie. So I read his comment history.
This was about 90 minutes ago, and I bring this up because I honestly kinda forgot how I got there.
I used to say the levels of crazy goes TheGreatAwakening > GenderCritical > Not-banned-yet Commie Sub > SmugRDines. No, fuck that ranking. CB2 is crazier than a fent-covered, Qcoin-investing, tranny Michelle Obaman-fearing boomer who drills holes into his head to keep his mind pure for his Chaturbate waifus. At least qultists are under the delusion that evil Democrats are eating babies. At least GCers believe that roving gangs of hard-cocked men of all races are looking for scared pale 40-something heifers to stick in cages. At least commies just honestly believe that one economic system can make anime real. At least SmugRDines hate life enough to spare us their ever reaching 30.
But what the fuck is a CB2? What the fuck is the average CB2 user?
Take the delusions of Boomergate, the fear of imminent bodily harm of GC; the unwordliness and autistic perspective of a FULLCOMMUNIST; the innate superior solipsism of any SmugRDine; and the purposelessness of the average Redditor; focus all that on the most innocuous of plebbit jokes, and multiply that by the number of hours in a day.
That's a circlebroke2 user. Someone who can't even choose one evil to countervail; one ideology to espouse or oppose; one thought he hates more than another. He's decided that his free time will be spent getting angry at normies and their jokes and laughter.
REAL angry
And all his time is free.
I'd say that at least this kind of person has found a community, but these people don't really talk to each other, they all just sorta try to one-up each other in owning the normies.
I'd call it sad if I could call them people, but the caste below the SmugRDine certainly is not my species.
there's literally no argument against undocumented immigration that doesn't come back to either thinly-veiled racism or the "because it's illegal" circular argument. prove me wrong
According to neoliberals, diversity is the reason why the U.S. cannot adopt social welfare programs like those found in Europe. If you accept this logic and support social welfare programs, you should oppose both legal and illegal immigration.
That’s your example for an argument that doesn’t boil down to racism or ‘because it’s illegal?’ That’s not a very good example because it’s about immigration as a whole. More importantly, it’s thinly veiled racism like the original commenter was saying. When people say Scandinavian countries are successful because they’re homogeneous, it’s pretty obviously thinly veiled racism, especially because those people also often claim sweeden is overrun with migrants
1 AutoModerator 2019-06-06
do not comment or vote in linked threads
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-06
There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.
That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.
And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.
And believe me: it is dangerous.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 rsrfy 2019-06-06
is anything more certain than this cb2er living with their parents and never having paid taxes in their life?
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-06-06
Imagine paying taxes at all
1 rsrfy 2019-06-06
True, I'm being generous that you'd need to pay taxes to understand the concept of a group pooling resources and not wanting others that never paid in taking from it.
This is dangerously close to serious posting so I'm trying to keep it succinct. Just an absolute mong take lol
1 TheGonzoTribune 2019-06-06
Immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.
1 rsrfy 2019-06-06
There's a million caveats which is why I said:
I think you're mistaking me thinking this guy is a mong as me taking some anti-immigrant stance.
Even if true in aggregate (don't know and don't care), it's absolutely not true for all individuals. That would provide a reason for opposition not rooted in "racism or circular reasoning".
Unless you're going to reduce all valid moral/political beliefs to debits and credits on a balance sheet (which would be hilarious coming from a Chapocel), someone can choose that they'd rather prevent any new individual non-contributors from immigrating in lieu of a net contribution.
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-06-06
Literally spoken by a faggot who has no clue and has never worked in a fucking emergency room hahahha this level of COPE is peak “chapocel who lives of parents” logic
You have never been for a fucking a member of the working class you lumpenprole nigger.
1 TheGonzoTribune 2019-06-06
I’m not sure why working in an emergency room would make someone knowledgeable about entitlement and social services spending, but nearly every single expert on the subject agrees with me so, yeah.
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-06-06
You chapocels never fail to be lolcows.
1 LightUmbra 2019-06-06
Delete your account.
1 Dramacel1 2019-06-06
Fuck I hate that shit, is there an extension I can get that bypasses it?
1 LightUmbra 2019-06-06
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-06-06
You ok?
1 TheGonzoTribune 2019-06-06
We find that all types of immigrants generate higher surplus for US firms relative to natives, hence restricting their entry has a depressing effect on job creation and, in turn, on native labor markets. We also show that substituting a family-based entry with an employment-based entry system, and maintaining the total inflow of immigrants unchanged, job creation and natives' income increase.
Also I know I’m on Drama, but it is possible to make your point without being a dick.
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-06-06
Can you stop being so lame that I feel bad? My entire point is your worldview is completely false and you come back and apologize holy fuck.
1 e-guy 2019-06-06
You answered your own question as you asked it.
No. Respect our culture and assimilate, we're all assholes here, so get used to it and be one too. And then let me lick yours bb 👅👅👅
1 TheGonzoTribune 2019-06-06
;) 303-443-6968
1 e-guy 2019-06-06
1 e-guy 2019-06-06
1 ashleychudd 2019-06-06
What about undocumented immigrants?
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-06-06
Why would they pay taxes when they have space ships
1 BernieMadeoffSanders 2019-06-06
(Also that's a lie)
1 painslutconnoseiur 2019-06-06
Those are because of your Asian stem workers. Not Juan from Mexico who works in bumfuckland Texas.
1 trilateral1 2019-06-06
legal immigrants
1 TheGonzoTribune 2019-06-06
1 trilateral1 2019-06-06
lol go take a shit you have no clue
1 Dramacel1 2019-06-06
Crow-eater detected. How's life in Sadelaide?
1 rsrfy 2019-06-06
what the fuck language is this?
1 2Manadeal2btw 2019-06-06
Australian. He thinks you live in Adelaide for whatever reason.
1 Last_Excuse 2019-06-06
Imagine not working for/paying in cash whenever possible
1 d4ddyd54m4 2019-06-06
Imagine having a job and not living off daddy bucks
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-06-06
Or gotten vaccinated, or dealt with a car insurance claim, or a myriad of other “adulting stuff”
1 YaBoyStevieF 2019-06-06
It's a commie lmao
1 tyuijvhvhcfcjf 2019-06-06
I upboated your comment, then thought: Why am I upboating this? So I unupboated, because, hey, Iunno if he's a commie. Don't know if he's a tranny or a she, let alone a commie. So I read his comment history.
This was about 90 minutes ago, and I bring this up because I honestly kinda forgot how I got there.
I used to say the levels of crazy goes TheGreatAwakening > GenderCritical > Not-banned-yet Commie Sub > SmugRDines. No, fuck that ranking. CB2 is crazier than a fent-covered, Qcoin-investing, tranny Michelle Obaman-fearing boomer who drills holes into his head to keep his mind pure for his Chaturbate waifus. At least qultists are under the delusion that evil Democrats are eating babies. At least GCers believe that roving gangs of hard-cocked men of all races are looking for scared pale 40-something heifers to stick in cages. At least commies just honestly believe that one economic system can make anime real. At least SmugRDines hate life enough to spare us their ever reaching 30.
But what the fuck is a CB2? What the fuck is the average CB2 user?
Take the delusions of Boomergate, the fear of imminent bodily harm of GC; the unwordliness and autistic perspective of a FULLCOMMUNIST; the innate superior solipsism of any SmugRDine; and the purposelessness of the average Redditor; focus all that on the most innocuous of plebbit jokes, and multiply that by the number of hours in a day.
That's a circlebroke2 user. Someone who can't even choose one evil to countervail; one ideology to espouse or oppose; one thought he hates more than another. He's decided that his free time will be spent getting angry at normies and their jokes and laughter.
REAL angry
And all his time is free.
I'd say that at least this kind of person has found a community, but these people don't really talk to each other, they all just sorta try to one-up each other in owning the normies.
I'd call it sad if I could call them people, but the caste below the SmugRDine certainly is not my species.
1 LongPostBot 2019-06-06
You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.
I am a bot. Contact for questions
1 YaBoyStevieF 2019-06-06
That bruh moment when I didn't read any of this trash
1 tyuijvhvhcfcjf 2019-06-06
I get drunk and get mad at Redditors to sober.
Maybe my hobby's not a good one either.
1 diggity_md 2019-06-06
I'm not reading all of that.
1 Platycel 2019-06-06
Are they just /r/drama users with less inteligence and more hatred?
1 tyuijvhvhcfcjf 2019-06-06
I think it's exactly that.
/r/drama laughs at anything, cb2 shakes if a normie likes a normie thing.
1 TouchFIuffyTaiI 2019-06-06
I wasn't aware that was possible.
1 employee10038080 2019-06-06
I didn't even bother responding to this comment:
1 TheColdTurtle 2019-06-06
I thought commies liked taxes
1 twelvefortyseven 2019-06-06
Just make everything free LOL
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-06-06
According to neoliberals, diversity is the reason why the U.S. cannot adopt social welfare programs like those found in Europe. If you accept this logic and support social welfare programs, you should oppose both legal and illegal immigration.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2019-06-06
1 drake_irl 2019-06-06
All neoliberals think what he said.
1 AnonymousUser163 2019-06-06
You think CB2 is a neoliberal sub?
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-06-06
No, I was just citing the source of the claim.
1 AnonymousUser163 2019-06-06
That’s your example for an argument that doesn’t boil down to racism or ‘because it’s illegal?’ That’s not a very good example because it’s about immigration as a whole. More importantly, it’s thinly veiled racism like the original commenter was saying. When people say Scandinavian countries are successful because they’re homogeneous, it’s pretty obviously thinly veiled racism, especially because those people also often claim sweeden is overrun with migrants
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-06-06
Including illegal immigration.
It's theoretically possible to be indiscriminately against any and all forms of diversity.
1 allendrio 2019-06-06
fuck off commie
1 drake_irl 2019-06-06
Thankyou for butthurting allendrio
1 allendrio 2019-06-06
1 the_marx 2019-06-06
no human is illegal
1 ashleychudd 2019-06-06
What about the owners of capital?
1 the_marx 2019-06-06
i said human
1 LightUmbra 2019-06-06
I am.
1 Lee13412 2019-06-06
Tell that to embryos 🙄🙄🙄
1 Arbys_Official 2019-06-06
Except rich ol' wh*te guys
1 trilateral1 2019-06-06
grammar, how does it work?
1 d4ddyd54m4 2019-06-06
Banned from CB2 :(
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-06-06
Nothing of value has been lost.
1 fernguts 2019-06-06
They like us! They really really like us!