Capeshit king speaks out against a normal parade his followers are absolutely busting atm

25  2019-06-07 by kidrobot0069


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Capeshit king speaks out against a ... -,,

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Are straight pride parades just as garbage as the gay fetish parade

I don’t know this was gonna be the first one

Lol the people getting the permits are right wing shit stirrers and pretty sure ones a convicted criminal. It would be good for Drama but seems to have nothing nothing to actually do with being straight.

Dem homos can't be havin all the fun on theyre own 😤😤😤😤😤

Its some edgy lads that knew it would push some buttons, they got denied at first i believe and sued, now they can hold it. Its like 3 peoples lol, the ‘’parade’’ is the media circus it generated.

Someone's gonna get shot or run over and that'll be the next "oh well your side loves killing" talking point until 2024.

So its like when Satanist put statues of Baphomet in front of court houses? Its all one big troll to get everyone mad? I can respect that.

Hopefully they just use straight fetishes instead like feet and cuckery

straight cis white dudes speaking for a larger community

gonna be a yikesarooni from me

He's SO BRAVE for taking a stance that 90% of Hollywood and other associated degenerates already hold. SUCH A HERO!

One of the comments literally says “that’s my cap”

Sad thing is, are they really wrong?

Empty virtue signalling in service of a multi billion dollar corporation's public image is about as close to social commentary as capeshit gets.

This would be like the underrated book 1984 being released for free on Twitter, by Disney.

Real human bean right here.

Much courage,so wow.

Real radical centerism would be condemning all parades on the basis of the equality of their faggotry.

Also it's a lot of standing around in the dark and cold and I don't even like this kind of candy mom.

I never said I didn’t condemn them

Ok, but gay pride parades are something special in terms of faggotry.

The only acceptable parade is a post-natal abortion parade

Cant somebody please tell this capeshit LARPER that he isnt actually Captain America.

No I don’t think I will

It’s so fucking brave to take this stand! I mean if you don’t absolutey support poop dick at every level you will totally be fired and have your life ruined but how dare you take away from gays the ability to day drink and have anal in public!

Hi fellow C O P E R

Globohomo gayplex will solve the population boom and state enforced homosexuality when?

There is a straight pride parade? Lmao what are they gonna do walk around in normal clothes and tell people hi?

Nah theres gonna be a cool parade like Nuremburg rallies.

In this current year of 2019 the college republican playbook from 30 years ago is now national news

Yawn and move on

Can't I just be a guy who hates all parades in general? I wouldn't go see the Pats victory parades and I wouldn't see the Blues (probable) parade even though it would go right by my office.

Fuck all Pride Parades. There should only be one parade the Fuck You parade. Its just a bunch of giant middle fingers and the word fuck you on floats. Also all of the city is backed up for hours and everyone is late for work, school and getting home. Then we are all equal in misery.

Exactly city is blocked for hours because people wanna wave bdsm gear and dildos around in public

Imagine listening to a Canadian

hollywood always gets the most soy infused effeminate dudes to play tough guys in their movies lmao hes such a dork