
38  2019-06-07 by e-guy


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But I waaaaaant tooooo!!!

This, but unironically.


  1. 😎You've🥳Been🌈Reported👏🏾Sweetie🔥Don'... - archive.org, archive.today

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Not🙅‍♂️gonna🙄lie😛bro😽that's🧐kind🤠of😱 cringe😵bro🤭

As Pride month rolls along, there seems to be bigotted posts in every subreddit here. I've begun to immediately report stuff without even thinking now because its so common. Your post's title was misleading. Perhaps on purpose for attention...


Um, I did own up to it. I clearly said I only read the title...

I'll say it once more with great clarity this time if you'd like:

I made the mistake of reporting this post because I only read the title which is clearly copy pasta of transphobic rhetoric here on Reddit. Lucky for you, the mods are the only ones who have the power to remove posts so the fact I reported it isn't that big of a deal

Now if only the non-snowflakes could own up to their mistakes 🤔🤔...


can we nominate people for mod positions?

people like this would breathe temporary life into /r/Drama

If my non-gender specific child was like this I'd swan dive into a volcano.

So you didn't read what I said, and jumped to accuse me of shit? You do know thats the literal definition of stupid right? My title is exactly what I meant and exactly what my post detailed. If you're such a cuddled snowflake you jump shark at anything um what is it...not in line with your beliefs - you need to rethink who's the one wanting attention. The true bigot here is you.

That's not the definition of stupid, it's "jump to a conclusion", not "jump shark", and it's "coddled" not "cuddled". This person is an idiot.

Maam, you spend too much time on Reddit. In case you didn't know, there are these things called having empathy and being kind

This person is also an idiot.