One brave Chapo stands up against the (((metric system))), gets beaten down by his fellow comrades

15  2019-06-07 by RedditorGenocideNow


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. One brave Chapo stands up against t... -,,

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You mean a 22.86 cm dildo, Snappy

Damn, that's some major ameriburger cope: " why should we use something easier and more versatile? I DON'T GET IT!"

You will pry the imperial system from my cold dead hands. It's not like any of this fucking matters, the metric system is just as fucking stupid, it's just stupid with "easier" conversion, which is debatable. The metric system is infuriating because it's a designed system of measurement whose only real selling points are that it's in powers of ten and the mass of water is the same as the volume of water. They could have made a really useful measurement system, and they wasted all of their time on fucking novelty features that aren't even particularly useful. The only reason the metric system even caught on is because Napoleon conquered most of Europe and installed the metric system everywhere he conquered.

Based and Imperialsystem pilled

Imperial system implies colonization and bad whitoids. Ban imperial system now. It harms and demeans PoC.

The metric system is objectively better. But it's European so it's too gay for me

Gay is good tho

Bussy is good. Gay is gay

are you anti bussy

that's not very radical centrist of you

I'm anti gay not anti bussy

that's the radical centrist stance i can get behind

Americans are the most petty, proud, and stubborn people in the universe.


I wish i could meet u irl watermark

Just to point and laugh about your material existence.