Chapotards: "wE'rE nOt aUtHoRiTaRiAnS gUiSe!!!!" Also chapotards:

53  2019-06-07 by Ghdust2


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I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Chapotards: "wE'rE nOt aUtHoRiTaRiA... -,,

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Sucking off dictatorships to own the rightoids

Sucking off dictatorships to own the rightoids libs


in these 2 weeks posts like these grew tenfold, could this have something in common with them inviting some cth2 and moretankiechapo mods in their mod team? really makes you think

anyway, another link sent to retakechaposquad. Keep digging your own grave imbeciles.


They unironically said it

mom I need 500 dollars to go to North Korea to meet communism daddy

Imagining the look of disappointment on xirs parents face would be worth every penny

Lmao I'd just kick them out.

Is north korea the "real communism ☭"? Is that why they are hiding their secrets from the world? 🤔

I love infighting amongst the Chapos. Shows how fractured they are, even amongst their own ranks.

Lmfao they're unrepairably fractured within their own individual psyches 😂

You could pay this every submission and it would always be applicable

Send all Chapos to North Korea. Or at least the ocean nearby

Enough with the fucking lame reddit novelty XDD accounts peoples

Unironic use of Drumpf and trumph within the top 10 comments

kill me

North Korea is the free Korea. We are the brainwashed masses.

Hey u r back!!! Hows seattle

This was possibly the stupidest thread I've read on reddit. And I'm a regular poster on occult subs ffs.

North Korea is lovely! Just last year my wife and I took a guided tour through Potemkin village and it's just such an amazing place!

do you ever feel

like a plastic bag

The more wealthy white leftists go to Best Korea, the more likely they are to get coma'd Warmbier style. This is beyond good for Dramacoin.

They only support North Korea because the US is typically opposed to NK. Anyone who is an enemy to the US they support. They support Maduro for the same reason even though the dude is okay with stuffing his face wirh food while giving a live address to his starving people.

I'm genuinely surprised how these people don't see how black and white and flat out stupid their reasoning is. They act like the brainwashed sheep they accuse normal people of being