Dinosaur 🦖 of the month: Troodon

76  2019-06-07 by Cdace

Troodon is a small dinosaur which lived approximately 76 million years ago during the late Cretaceous Period. It was first discovered in 1855 by Ferdinand V. Hayden. When it was first discovered, it was classified as a lizard and it would retain this designation until 1901 when it was classified as a Megalosaurus. However, it wouldn’t be until the mid-1940s when it was finally classified as a therapod.

Troodon is a dinosaur that is very much like a big version of a modern bird. These dinosaurs stood about 3 foot tall at the hips, were about 11 feet long and weighed approximately 110 pounds. These dinosaurs are also believed to have had some of the biggest brains of any dinosaur group. This would make this dinosaur as smart as a modern bird.

This dinosaur is believed to have ran on 2 legs and its diet probably consisted of small invertebrates, mammals and reptiles. An interesting fact to note is that these dinosaurs probably hunted much like birds do today. They certainly had the keen eyesight for hunting. The only noticeable difference that probably existed between a modern bird and a Troodon was this dinosaur had small hands that could aid in hunting.

Some scientists believe that this dinosaur was an important stage between crocodiles and birds on the evolutionary chain. Some scientists have postulated that these dinosaurs not only made earthen nests like crocodiles but also may have alternately sat on these nests to keep them warm like birds.



On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Dinosaur 🦖 of the month: Troodon - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. image - archive.org, archive.today

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Thanks bb. I needed this dinosaur post after watching another KIA thread.


Lawlz shit posts get stickied and this doesn't?


Troodon sounds like an ethnic slur.

Shut up troodon spic


Its never to late to make it one, be the change you want to be.

Turkeycels BTFO

Turkeycels have been eternally btfo


What most people don't realize about the troodon is that they were probably the smartest dinosaur. Somehow they not only were able to invent a steam powered locomotive, but they also harnessed the power of time travel. Of course, they still weren't smart enough to not go extinct.

Troodons in their natural environment.

i'm unsubscribing

I will not listen about these "feathery" bitch made dinosaurs on my /r/drama

You are the kind of guy who can't watch a movie that isn't 64% giant robots blowing up.

ok enjoy your bitch bird dinos

I might finally take this as a cue and start shitposting about sharks (they are so much cooler than those scaly birds)

Dinosaurs are creatures of sky, seas, and land much greater than those swimming fools

If you don’t make a shark post that starts a war with Cdace I’m gonna be very upset.

Of all the drama affiliated factions, Dinosaurs are the only ones that have a workable solution to the Foid Problem. Checkmate braincel. 🦖

that's absolutely false, sharks have so high IQ that they won the abortion debate : babies proceed to do the abortions themselves inside the utero : http://www.elasmo-research.org/education/topics/lh_intrauterine_cannibalism.htm

Okay that's pretty hot.

Troodon is a dinosaur that is very much like a big version of a modern bird.

I wonder what they tasted like


It's an old trope, that people say many exotic things "taste like chicken", but I would imagine that most dinosaur would actually taste like chicken, considering that birds are the closest evolutionary descendant of dinosaurs.

We probably taste like game.

wow, that image. tay is looking good these days

I always wonder what they sound like? Could you imagine being hunted down by some of the smaller theropods and basically it is goose sounds.

Also fuck autocorrect for thinking theropod isn't a word.

Troodon sounds like a great insult, but these are actually smart dinosaurs! Are there any good dinosaur themed insults?

You can’t insult someone by calling them a superior being

Are there any shitty dinos?

Yeah but they’re still better than humans

Very true.

This is the quality content I subscribe for. The day of consumption cannot come soon enough.

This dinigger squats. Holy shit.


These threads always make me feel superior because you've never talked about a dino I didn't already know about

Post Dracorex you coward

I’d call you a scholar if you didn’t have an obsession with pottershit dinosaurs 🦖

It's not an obsession, it's a dream. A man can dream

But hey, you can always feel free to join in my film club! There we keep the discussion on point and do not allow negativity unrelated to the movie. I may even get to a dinosaur classic like Carnosaur soon ;)

Aren't these the ones with the hollowed teeth that scientists were saying may have been used to pump some sort of venom? Good post as always cdace.


This is the only reason I come to r/drama