SJWs REEEE and shut down festival over white woman saying the N-Word. Does it matter that the woman was directly quoting her black best friend, who the festival was in honor of? Of course not!

307  2019-06-07 by A_Big_Teletubby



25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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-Some dead black woman

You monster.





am very disappointed in this racism

Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. SJWs REEEE and shut down festival o... -,

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The bots are taking over

At least the Facebook comments are pretty sensible...



What is that

Not knowing that that means queer trans black indigenous people of color is akin to an act of violence against me personally.

Indigenous? Indigenous to where? New York City?

The wokesphere.

Population: not you, so fuck you.

Yassss kween 👏🏿

All it means is Not White.

queer trans black indigenous people of color

Why did they split 'black' from 'poc'?

Didn't feel special enough

Segregation is woke.

The south was right all along

The Deep South were the original woke lefties

It means "and all of the rest of the non-whytes", just like the + in LGBTBRRAPP+ means "and all the rest of the freaks".

Because Asians, Indians, and sometimes Hispanics act against the feels of the true PoC

Because Asians, Indians, and sometimes Hispanics act against the feels of the true PoC obliterate their victimhood.


Honory Mayos


Spicy mayos

They aren't poc they support the white menace!

Please stop using digital blackface, this is deeply harmful and violent to vulnerable communities.

Black isn't a colour moron


Fuck off, limey.

Not my fault burgers are so dumb they remove letters from words.

I'm not sure if you're joking or if that's actually what it means. But if it is what it actually means, who's the crackpot that came up with "black indigenous people"? Do they actually think blacks were here in America before white people came along?

It's separate words. You don't have to be all of them at once,though that would be impressive and I would probably fuck that person.

Not here to educate you sweatie


hate that I know but they probably mean queer, trans, bi person of colour or for they could mean queer, trans, bi, intersex, pansexual of colour 😳

Could someone give me an unbiased explanation of why “colored people” is offensive but “people of color” is the politest term?

Hey I attended a mandatory 4 hour sensitivity and diversity seminar at work, they aren’t “homeless people” they are a “person experiencing homelessness”... finally!! someone did something about that pesky adjective placement, that whole homelessness thing was getting out of hand.

Well that I can understand. You're just saying they're a person currently experiencing homelessness. It doesn't define them, it's just a situation.

The other example though, I dunno. PoC will probably become offensive as well in its own time. The next generation will have their own preferred terminology.

>Supports "radical thinking" and "open mindedness."

>Autistically shrieks at all expressions of thought which deviate into wrongthink.

My almonds ache.

you used # at the start of a new line

lurk moar

I lurk plenty, tyvm. How dare you doubt my llama cred?

This is the standard M.O. of American radicals, where have you been for the past five years?

nowhere near any of this nonsense

It’ll find you.

radically mainstream.

Got that BDE I guess.


mayo nonsense festival indeed


Suddenly this whole mess makes a lot of sense.

This is what happens to societies when food is too easy to get.

The Agricultural Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

6000 to 8000 years in the making

Make hunter-gathering great again

The Agricultural Revolution didn't cause overabundance of food. This guy, however, invented:

  • the process to create artificial fertilizer
  • a way to literally create gunpowder out of thin air
  • chlorine gas and chemical warfare in general
  • Zyklon B (ironic cause he was a Jew)

Fucking BASED!

a better centrist than all of us

it's over for agrariancels

This but quarantined for weeks to remove any trace of irony.

We "beat" evolution back when we figured out how to farm. The difficulty of survival in the age of hunting/gathering was the only thing stopping absolute losers from having kids. Kids need to grow up in a Hunger Games simulation until they're 12, tbh.

thats called fortnite

Forced grit-building, and State Mandated Homosexuality.

Imagine thinking evolutionary pressures stop simply because the environment changes.

Brain so smooth, I cannot imagine.


Ah shit man BRB I gotta go hunt a mammoth with the gang.

I can't stop laughing at this entire thing

the festival itself, the people that canceled it, it's all just so perfect

Honestly sounds like it'd be good if not run by and attended by shitheads. I aim to create the same sort of festival where it's donation-only and the only performers are myself and other small acts who don't have the connections to get into the hip and cool places.

What in the name of fuck does “caused direct violence to” even fucking mean anymore?

"me no likey"

"hut muh feefees", roughly speaking

I'm honestly impressed by how the meme-left has taken words and twisted their meaning to make it seem worse = giving them more ground to stand on.
"You assaulted me!!! By calling me stupid!!!" sounds "better" than "someone was mean to me"

So impressively smart that I know they aren't the (((ones))) who figured out how to do it

Space Lizards did it obviously

Remember, someone you find not hot looking in your direction for a second is JUST AS BAD as being graped and put in a coma.

Whole thing is just blasphemy 2.0

Direct action except...not

their words are violence

my violence is speech




And his words are zozzle



Haha, well put

We are not ready to join the galactic council.

Turns out white people were the real reapers all along.

Source: was POCshep

but some channeled alien entity said that within 50 years we will be

What does it take for you guys to understand context does not matter? You're supposed to just be a decent human being and empathetic to other people's feelings.

Even the racists?

Especially the racists.

My heart bleeds for the racists, the clansmen, the ramblers the gamblers the back biters for sooner or later God will cut them down.

If context doesn't matter, "nigger" wouldn't even have a negative connotation you mong.

You tell em nigga

Racists are subhumans at best

I wouldn't have it any other way, Massa.



Stupid nigger ape.

Niggerfaggots, the lot of ya.

Sorry sweety, I'm going to say the word nigger if I'm quoting a title with the word nigger in it, take it up with the black dude who made the work 😘

Stop downvoting such obvious bait dramatards.

this sub finally crossed over to absolute stupidity

Lmao, right?

I think the only thing to do is to have professional n-word sayers. They just stand to the side of the stage, and when the white person has to say the n-word, they pause, and the black person yells out the n-word.

Note, if any black person can say the n-word ~~three ~~ four times, I'll give them all the reddit gold they can eat.

Some of the Facebook comments actually suggest that they should have just had a black speaker read the white academic's prepared speech. Professional n-word sayers lmao

I'm sure there's no way the wokesphere could have found offense at that.

This is surprisingly smart.


That was only once. You've only earned a single mouthful of my gold.

professional n-word sayers

You could call them nigger niggers.

If she was saying it while bare backing a black guy she wouldn't be in trouble

she repeatedly invoked a racial slur by referencing, verbatim, the titles of a series of self-portraits composed by Eastman in the late 1970s and early 80s.


I laughed out loud at that sentence. Cannot believe that wasn't meant as sarcasm

Same. It reads like fiction, like something out of a book that’s supposed to parody dystopian societies

This is what /r/ABoringDystopia should be about, but instead it's just another faggy Chapoid-infested Top Mind LateStageCapitalism turd.

it's fun to shit that sub up because they don't ban (as much)

the boring dystopia part is that there's thousands of retards sitting in their rooms distributing propaganda for their superiors thinking they're revolutionaries fighting the man

Ion care if she was quoting Jesus, whoop that mayo hoe’s ass

caused direct directly referencing, verbatim, the titles

WOW. How anyone even remotely self-aware could write this is beyond me.

It blows my mind that some SJWs will insist that they don’t exist when shit like this is going on.

Do they really exist if evil white people keep erasing their identity and their “right to exist” though?

No sympathy for any of these people/organizations getting 'cancelled'. They're tasting the fruits of their own labor. If they didn't play the game then this shit wouldn't happen to them

I wonder how long until the Left realizes they dun goofed. How many more of their own need to be cannibalized? 🤔

Hopefully soon, we all need to speak up about this and not get distracted...

Oo, a penny.

Never apologize to SJWs. They will never stop reeeeing and it is useless to try to save them from themselves.

This is what white kids are afraid of in 7th grade when their English teacher makes the class read Huckleberry Finn out loud.

Maybe your pussy ass I relished in the opportunity to drop some hard Rs for class participation credit

The virgin "N-n-neighbor Jim" vs. The Chad "Nigger James".

vs The Thad "Nwabudike Jimbo"


One thousand, six hundred and forty-five words for this shit. Such self-aggrandizing, narcissistic faggotry.

nope nope nope chuck that white bitch slavemaster in the woodchipper. IDGAF she has spent her whole life in poc advocacy that cracker has to go

I'm gonna say the N word

That's right, bitch. Prostrate yourself before us and beg forgiveness for your transgressions.

That shit is hilarious! I would have thought it was a parody. And the festival is called "obey"?

Shit's getting dark (excuse the pun) if this is normal. They're like a cult.