TwoXChromosomes speaks out against the worst oppression of all - men offering to pay £40 for their underwear

48  2019-06-07 by feedbackplz1


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. TwoXChromosomes speaks out against ... -,

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Ladies which do you think is worse, being a whamen in a 21st century western country or trench warfare?

Easy. Being a woman. And besides, those trenches in WW1 were, like, pretty much 75% female anyway. Just sexist historians who are blah blah blah

75% female anyway

Wow nice female Erasure. It was upwards of 80%.

👏 trans 👏 corporals 👏 are 👏 corporals 👏 bigot

"muh historical accuracy" fuck off retard. There were never any wars. The world used to be a utopia run by trans women of color.

I think being a woman. Because once the men got torn apart by machine guns, who do you think had to cry at the funerals afterwards? The women. Just imagine the emotional pain - women are truly the primary victims of war.

I still cant believe she said that lol

"Um yeah u dumb masses of proles. When ur man dies. Im actually the worst off and the most impacted victim"

Women always bear the brunt of war via emotional labour asshole !

Google is your friend be a decent person because it's not my job to educate you.

Well, not specifically their underwear, that much we can be sure of.

I'm seething right now

We know sweaty

creep offers woman money for some retarded fetish item

woman declines

nothing happens

woman: help I have been telepathically raped

Obviously he stole £40 from her by not just crumpling and giving it to her anyway without getting the panties.

clearly guys arnt great when the vast majority act like this

press ❌ to doubt

If she only attracts creeps and weirdos maybe she should look in the mirror

honestly those are easy money, who the fuck would complain?


I wish I had the balls to ask a beautiful transgender for her well-worn cum drizzled underwear

I would sell my panties for 40 bucks. I’ll lick a toilet bowl and send a video of it for 100

>having easy money offered to you at every turn

>call it oppression

By Allah...

Yoga is supposed to be a safe space

Is anything not a safe space to these people? It's yoga. It's literally just stretching. Why is that a safe space?

Hopefully he doesn't come back and this will be the last of it!

Yes because how dare he ask someone for sexual favors! Consent is the enemy

I agree that it sucks that e have to have separate gyms because a few assholes can't control themselves

Lol no. You willingly go to separate gyms because you are easily frightened and offended by basic human interaction

This is mayos we're talking about. That Yoga has a ton of "spiritual mumbo jumbo" attached to it while everyone eats from a shared Publix cheese tray

So is this sub right wing or what? I see shitting on womenyz but also laughing at space daddy Donald trump. Equal opportunity shit talking?

Also laughing at manlets, circumcised men, gamers, and white men. Sorry, I've repeated myself.

feels personally attacked

I don't think it heavily leans either way, makes fun of either sides drama is centrist in that regard. There are of course people who are left/right of centre but usually not far left/far right - some people from banned subs do migrate here sometimes.


We strive for equality. Everyone is retarded and deserves to get made fun of, including us.

(Expect for maybe TayTay, she's look extra thicc now and daddy's hungry 😋😋)

Everyone including us is retarded. Except TayTay.

we try to be both. i, for instance, an an anarchoprimitivist christian buddhist stoic, and want to destroy industrial society and monetary exchange but also progressivism and government!

Equal opportunity shit talking.

This is almost certainly bullshit, or not a first world country.

Literally any of that behavior would be an instant ban from any gym.