Tech journo "@DrPizza" charged with soliciting child sex online. pizzagate is still definitely fake tho.

245  2019-06-07 by eva_remastered


This should come as no surprise. These are the same people who literally argue in favor of the mayocide. Did you forget about that? I didn't. /r/Drama posters are literally pro-mayocide. That's not even me being hyperbolic or making insults, it's simply a fact.





They are autists. And they are completely irredeemable.


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The agent writes that Bright inquired about whether the “lessons” were to be heteronormative. When she professed ignorance, he explained, “Does [the Girl] eat flowers and [the Boy] suck snake.” The document says that the agent understood “flowers” and “snake” to mean vagina and penis, respectively.

Sick fucker

Lmao, did he think he was being covert with those euphemisms?

Just reading that transcript has me reaching for the bottom shelf whiskey. You must have to be either a full blown alcoholic or religiously straight-edge to actually work these stings day-in-day-out.

You’d need some serious Jesus in your life to deal

Warning: This article contains graphic sexual language

That wasn't nearly enough warning for me. I got PTSD like halfway through.

Wonder how the agent cracked that code?

Reminder that made-up SJW words like "heteronormative" are so infrequently used outside of certain niche internet communities that even specially trained undercover law enforcement officers are unfamiliar with them.

Per the complaint, Bright further claims to have molested an 11-year-old girl.

"I have a girl I’ve been teaching off and on for a couple of months now,” Bright reportedly wrote. “But she’s in the Bronx, which makes the logistics much harder.”

Asked by the agent what he is good at “teaching,” Bright allegedly responded, “I think masturbation and, [sic] anal sex are probably my favourite subjects. Helping girls find those special places to touch, it’s very rewarding.”

GROSS. I hope they find that girl if she's real she needs help.

Also Pizza gate is still fake Eva.

umm thats what I said, duh

But she’s in the Bronx

black cunny 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Why are under the impression most Bronx neighborhood are black? They aren't for the most part. Hispanic/white and a lot Puerto Rican.

soliciting child sex online

Ahh the old liberal rite of passage

Yeah, they should just buy them wholesale like rich conservatives, or just use their nephews like poor conservatives

Conservatives fuck women. I know, disgusting.

Not Denny Hastert.

That kind of proves my point. When a Republican takes a dick people talk about it for over a decade.

That kind of proves my point

Not really, but that's ok, we still have to fight Kelvin and Centigrade.

But it does. When a Republican is gay we still talk about it twelve years later because it's such a big deal. Being some sort of gay shit or sexual degenerate is the entire Democratic Party platform.

But the Dems are anti-cocaine so I refuse to side with them and will maintain radical centrism.

This is mostly because conservatives are all closet cases, and enjoy the thought of their fellow gays being tortured and abused.

This all the more reason to be radically centrist.

the reason conservatives think that being gay is a choice is because they are all constantly repressing homosex urges and they hate the gays for getting sweet relief

This guy's account history is fantastic: literal cuckholding defense Did Q predict this? Could Gamergate be responsible for this?

Maybe KiA will crowdfund his defense. On second thought, maybe not

On his Twitter bio, Bright states that he is “Poly/pan/pervy.”

checks out

“I’m ur personal pan pizza lol but seriously r ur parents home?”

What did he mean by this?

He means he's polyamorous, pansexual and pervy the first two are commonly shortened to poly and pan

he can now add pedophile to the list

Shouldn't pedo already fall under pansexual?

checks out, he meant peter pan sexual



His twitter is still up and there's a decent amount of ironic shit on it considering the fucker wants to rape kids. Been an interesting read.

So many of his tweets aged badly lmaooo

First they came for the paedophiles, and I did not speak out, because my mouth was filled with some kid's dick.

The best thing about these tweets are both Trumptards and woketards coming together to trash him in the replies.

Brings a tear to my radical centrist eyes tbh.

“He rapes, but he saves”

It's almost like pedos do tthings to blend into society.

Like how male feminists are rapists.

You would know, dr. Pizzashill.

Reset the Male Feminism clock

If we're being real we can just shut it off since they're always a-rapin'

No, it's part of a jobs program funded by the federal government. Keep your hands off our grant money.

Male feminism is actually like an atomic clock. They rape at such a predictable rate, you can set your watch to it.

As retarded as gaymers are it shouldn't be overlooked that every "journalist" or "industry insider" that took a piss on them crying about Five Guys Burgers and Fries eventually turns out to be a pedophile or a date rapist.

Sexual degenerates defend sexual degeneracy. Rly makes u think

I don't really think, I'm just really good at know when to point and laugh.

When someone calls themselves a Male feminist you can literally start the countdown to when the charges will be filed for sexual assault/rape/pedo shit.

It never fails. Crazy

These degenerates flock to feminism because it preaches that all men are as depraved as they are. It's through this cope that the "male feminist" can delude himself into believing his behavior is the norm among men.

It's the mirror image of the religious zealot who whips himself all the time because wants to molest kids and thinks everyone else does too.

Nah, the religious zealot is going to heaven.

^ marsey_going_to_heaven.jpg ^

(You know... since it doesn't show up when you click on your replies because the CSS is specific to our sub.)

lmao DrPizza. what an auspicious name

pizzagate is real but also its now doctorgate

He should just go trans-age

I’m thinking maybe something involving foreskin is the way to start

Is this something they teach in home school?

tfw no soyboy bugman daddy who will teach you about foreskin and sucking snake in exchange to play Nintendo Switch

I find it hilarious that this fat fuck put his “preferred pronouns” as “he/him.” As if there any question that this faggot was a guy. Kind of funny how the people who preach about social justice are usually the sickest fucks in the game.

I hope he gets mercilessly raped in prison.

I think feminism is good if your just honest about your feelings


  • blue checkmark

  • pronouns in his twitter bio

  • fat goony beard man with recending hairline

  • profile pic with junk food

was this guy made in a numale sexpest lab?

Prior to his arrest, Bright was a successful tech reporter; he has a Twitter following of 18,000.

Asked whether her daughter was a virgin, the agent wrote, “She has had the tip inside but not the whole cock … Does that excite you lol?”

Holy shit, these agents are a lot more crafty than Chris Hansen taught me

Even when talking about child rape these insecure fuckers gotta LARP about their penis sizes

I took that to mean he'd cum instantly.

Me too lol

  • male feminist
  • poly/pan/pervy
  • bug-man
  • soy face
  • totally ironic pizza references
  • Blue Check #Resistard

Worried there is a secret Pentagon project to create lab-grown child molesters.

Worried there is a secret Pentagon project to create lab-grown child molesters.

Isn't that called Afghanistan?

The mad-lads of Bactria have been buggering little boys since before the Pentagon existed, my dude.

How come most Trump haters are people of dubious moral character...

Eva bb, this is great content. This is why I forgive you for committing a sex crime against me. 😘

I know we're retarded but since when are we "pizzagate is real" retarded?

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🇹🇼Taiwan numbah one🇹🇼

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That's pretty fucked up tbqh.


Every time.