So r/darkjokes is a shitshow right now

48  2019-06-08 by Ghdust2


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. So r/darkjokes is a shitshow right ... -,*,

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Its amazing. Import that technology here...

how about you shut the fuck up cunt you just locked a thread a minute ago you cunt you're a part of the shitshow you retard.

Sorry. That was my first powertrip. I did it for free.

how about instead of taking anpowertrip abd right after that complain about people taking powertrips you take a good trip off a bridge


yeah it doesn't work here pussyboy

Lick me where I fart, FAGGOT.

Your mouth?

waduu heck

Haha holy fuck you are SEETHING.

Chill bro its ironic the joke is that i asked this bro here to lick my bum (which is gay) and then called him fag (making it ironic) see bro its ironic r/woosh get wooshed kid its ironic bro so chill bro chill im not seething bro its ironic ok chill bro please just chill you got wooshed bro chill its ironic bro

Oh god damnit I replied to the wrong fucking comment.


I don't even know how that happened. Oh well, I'm leaving it as a testament to my retardation.

That means a lot brother... Even if you are a soy boy beta cuck sjw ....


doesnt work, !lock spammer.

And you have made yourself a fucking asshole for free.

You're literally doing this for nobody but yourself. The mods gave power to the community and you don't expect every thread to get locked? Fuck off. That's what happens.

Nu-uh. I expected it. In fact, I already knew there will be clone account to troll people with !lock. So that is why, I am here to piss you fuckers off. Pissed so bad that you dont even want to comment anymore. Upvote and downvote, that is your only permission on Reddit.

What a great use of your time. Surprise surprise I can't comment anymore because I'm shadowbanned on r/darkjokes but if I wanted to I could just spend 2 minutes creating a new account so I can lock another thread. It's that simple. Until the mods sort it, this will continue to happen - you're not a white night for doing what you're doing. It's just embarrassing and will go completely unnoticed.

Also, if I block you, how are you going to 'piss me off' to the point I don't want to comment? You're in my control

If you can create another account, then I can. 7 clone accounts. That is the beginning.

Then guess what happens then? They all get blocked. Again, you're in my control here. You're only going to piss me off granted I even let you try

I am no one's slave. I know what situation I'm in, cockgoblin.


Yet you're still pursuing it, desperation at its finest

Eh, probably because I'm bored and those cocksuckers like you are bored so you troll them, right?

Only when immature little knob gobblers like you lock it. You are part of the problem dumbass. Grow up, get a life, stop taking pleasure in ruining other people’s time.


Why the fuck didn't our mods do this instead of banning everyone? The absolute idiocy of giving everyone mod powers is something that our mods should be striving for. They need to be better 😡

if everyone says yall cant behave, no one can behave

I live what the mods there do but I still hate them for doing it for the wrong reasons.

I thought it was just people subbed to that sub, I guess literally anyone can do it as I just found out lmao

The sub is fucking amazing. Why did our retarded mods not do this instead?

retarded mods

Thats redundant, sweaty.