Rich guy suggests University of Alabama students boycott class until abortion lawd are fixed. School proceedes to shit the bed, returns his $26 million donation and takes his name off buildings. Its over for endowmentcels.

69  2019-06-08 by WarBoyPrimo


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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Based bammer

Fuck you reactionary hick

Imagine paying 26 million dollars to study in Alabama

I feel like this isn't the full story. It strikes me as very strange that a university is distancing this harshly from a big donor like this. I imagine this is not his first incident with them.

Even so it's rather telling how UA was so abhorred by this guy that they shoved $26 million back in his face and essentially flipped him the finger

If you click the clickbait it quotes

"None of the issues between the Law School and Mr. Culverhouse had anything to do with the passage of legislation in which the University had no role,” the school system said in a statement

And it goes on to say the Chancellor said he made numerous demands regarding the law school that the University doesn't want to do.

The absolute state of journalism.

Although I'm sure the pro-chance also pissed off the Chancellor lol

This is essentially fake news, it’s meant to push the msm narrative. The university of Alabama has nothing to do with state legislation. My guess is they found out this dude is a male feminist and didn’t want his name on the buildings.

It's not fake in the sense that it is completely false like Trumptard news though. And, to add a bit more skepticism, maybe the initial reporter did not have access to the entire history of the university with this dude. Sometimes these big donors can be assholes. I know this because my dad is a fairly large donor at a major university here in Texas. A lot of people at his level behave like they are still in the fucking cheap seats. I can imagine that this was the last straw and a good excuse for the university to just dump this guy and distance. Like I say in my original comment, he has 100% pulled shit before and it is just not super public information.

Yeah you’re probably right, I know I didn’t even read this, looks too fake newsish. Like something yangpede would link

Nah, you're good. I think the fact that 'Bama actually did it is more indicative that they are making a ton of bank on the merchandise over donations. Whereas with a school like UT they are probably making pretty equal money on both so they can't really take cuts to either. Anyways, I digress. When Saban dies he is probably going to lie in state in the capital. Hell, if a Texas coach had five national championships and seven national championship game apperances he'd be bigger than Jesus here.

Lmao yup, man I hate Vince young so much. Y’all got that scrub from Louisville, Charlie strong iirc. Alabama is likely insanely well funded, and don’t want fruit cakes like this dude and his shenanigans. Their football dynasty likely has millionaires lining up to build them shit.

Personally I’m still pumped my team got Kirby smart. I think a NC is now possible!

I never said I went to UT.

Fuck off nazi

But the chancellor’s recommendation to return the money came just hours after Culverhouse said students should avoid enrolling in the university’s law school, which was named after him in 2018.

286 U. of Alabama (in-state) AL $23,920

rich mayo telling students of one of the poorest states not to enroll in one of the cheapest law schools in the country.

i don't think he's thought this one through 🤔

I don't think Alabama has the power to fix abortion laws in other states.

Culverhouse, whose father once owned the NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers,

ah a would-be social reformer who grew up incredibly privileged now slinging daddy’s money around to appease their white guilt? never seen that before