DSA thot compares #TheResistance to WW2 soldiers. Some drama in the replies over what constitutes a Nazi.

69  2019-06-08 by ResistingDaddyDrumpf


This, but unironically.


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Lol she got em.


They didn't ban milkshakes yet

That's we have #MeToo. Weaponized feminism.

national socialism inverted and bastardised an established notion of socialism in weimar germany.

Did I just get "not real communism"ed by that word diarrhea?

if you don't see how fringe commie larpers are as heroic as the men who bled and died in WWII then maybe it's because you're a chud

she's braver than the troops

My grandpa died at 94 still calling black people “mulis” and called a date of mine a “potato nigger” because she had strawberry blonde hair. Somehow I don’t feel like my grandpa would of been a top choice for keynote speaker at a dsa trans alliance meeting.

Based till he took his last breath. 😢

called a date of mine a “potato nigger” because she had strawberry blonde hair.

Lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo it's over for Irishcels!! Fucking dunked on by based grampy

It was actually hilarious, me and her still talk on occasion and she cracks up about it.

strawberry blonde hair

What is "strawberry" blonde hair?

Reddish blond hair you illiterate downie

What is "reddish blond hair"? I looked it up and its just light brown-red.

Light red hair.

It’s like red/orange hair with blonde streaks. I think it just has a specific name, versus someone with brown hair whose hair develops natural blonde streaks. It’s just the same for red and has a actual name.

o7 for grandpa Day_of_the_COPE


I hope you listened to your elders

Your Grandpa was way cooler than you

That is true of literally every white American man alive today.

No idea what he expected me to say. Obviously my grandpa not only went over and literally killed people, he built his house with his bare hands, worked a trade and still afforded to live comfortably and was able to use slurs without losing his shitty job lol.

Lmao how do people suggest that things aren't worse again?

I mean, aside from the ability to suck dicks during a parade.

No idea. I only know a few trades from my family owning land and doing construction 2 summers in college. Even then my skills are garbage compared to the average man in my grandpas generation. And even though I like to hunt and camp, my pansy ass would barely be able to eek out a starvation level existence in moderate clients. It’s pathetic how because we got comfortable we put all these things by the wayside. But boy I sure could kick my grandfathers ass at e-commerce merchandising, marketing and sales!!!

I wish everyone who LARPs like this unironically could somehow be forced to experience the Normandy Landing from an Allied soldier's perspective.

They'll probably be the most shocked when they hear the enemy on the beaches shout in Russian and Czech, with central and east Asians among them

because die for Israel u cucks lmao


Ah yes Israel , that country that existed in the 40s

You are retarded beyond words

Fight for israel using the israeli foreign legion stupid goy

Dying in St Petersburg while beeing under constant artillery barrage to defend the inhabitants and the city from their complete Genocide is literally the same as blocking people on Twitter.

You will never understand their sacrifice

nazism mirrors the white power movement as well as straight pride movements

we’ve just witnessed the bar for nazism fall to the floor

These faggots have hated everything even remotely related to the military their entire lives, now they're trying to compare themselves to ww2 veterans.

More confirmation the vocal left is actually the side accepting increased radicalization of their people. Just read their shit on Twitter, the average twitter lefty now seems more open to radical political action. What a time to be alive.



Guys it's definitely the rightoids being radicalized and not me who has openly talked about killing landlords and guillotining the rich

These people would consider every WWII veteran to be a Nazi, if they were only presented with their beliefs.

The language in that twitter conversation is impenetrable. This is why nerds shouldn’t be in charge of anything.

I'd rather not

Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today's warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children.

There is a guy who unironically said that they are braver than the ww2 troops because they are standing up to nazism before it happens. Wish they lived in 1930s Germany

They'd be cheering as the National Socialist German Workers' Party put the (((capitalist white men))) in work camps.

I had a long list of Brit bongs in r/Unitedkingdom start sperging at me yesterday when I informed them that throwing milk shakes at mean people, is indeed not, comparable to storming the beaches of Normandy. It’s funny bc you can tell they truly think it’s comparable. Also they refused to believe that those soldiers would be considered nazi/fascists by their standards. America still had him crow laws ffs


Those bongs you linked sound like insufferable twats.

Yeah I even tried to be as polite as possible, Unironically. They truly think throwing milk shakes at Tommy Robinson is comparable to storming the beaches of Normandy 🤦🏿‍♂️

Imagine guys who spread jim crow laws and fought for American world domination would be globalist

You can’t compare yourself to WW2 soldiers if you cry for two years over your one casualty via a Kia.