[Gary, Indiana Post] Teachers to be fired after 'Most Annoying Male' trophy given to student with autism

98  2019-06-08 by jko831


This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


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make the winner of that award a drama mod

When you can't keep your Gamerghazi bullshit contained online so you bring it into your workplace and then face actual consequence for being a dipshit

This is what happens when you lead a life never facing consequences.

What's all this about ghazi

Damn I really thought I was a shoo-in this year. This was going to be my year.

Gary Indiana! This isn't the music man we all know Gary wasn't a real town. Fucking 4 chan trolls.

On one hand this is vanilla current year plus 5 "woke" bullshit. On the other hand, people with autism can be incredibly annoying, so I'm sure this award was justified somewhat. Being a literal sperg shouldnt give you liscence to live up to that title.

Oi! You got a loicence for that spergout?

The student's parent, Rick Castejon, told The Times earlier this week his 11-year-old son was given the trophy by his special education teacher at the May 23 lunch in front of other students and parents.

if a special ed teacher has the balls to do this in front of other parents the kid was probably a massive shit to everyone

He said his family plans to move to Valparaiso before next school year — a decision the family had been discussing prior to the May 23 lunch.


LOL Jesus.

Judging by their names, which I always do, they are of the Latino persuasion, implying relatively recent immigration.

Congrats Gary, a dying, drug riddled crime haven chased away one of the few people that actually wanted to live there.

Nah, education majors are some of the lowest performing (dumbest) college graduates. Plus the whole public school environment just reinforces the idea they can get away with anything. Teachers in America are the most significant problem with American education and anyone who says otherwise is coping about their dipshit mom being a teacher.

According to plebbit all the systemic problems with the American education system can be easily fixed if we just give all the teachers a pay raise. The US already tops the charts for per-student education spending yet has one of the worst ROIs, but yeah let's just blindly chuck more cash at the problem.

They unironically have phenomenal PR thanks to the union. The Police Union and the Teacher's Union have really fucked up America. Both of them represent a ton of forced contributions to a single political party and so they quite literally get away with murder.

FDR saw this shit coming decades before it hit the fan. We should've heeded his warnings.

When my sister, who has special needs was growing up, a special ed teacher gave her a pin that said "Dain Bramaged." She is infact brain damaged due to complications at birth

any repercussions for the teacher?

My parents came in and raised a big fit... she was removed from her teaching role in that classroom. (My dad was always very persuasive and knew how to make threats in the education world. )

Damn it must be nice to raise kids there. In Oregon if a teacher molests their students on the job, you can't even take away their pension.

He lives in Gary Indiana. I doubt this was even among the top 10 worst things to happen to him that day.

>literal dunce award

When did Gary get so based?

All the focus is on the male student. The most annoying female trophy winner isn't even mentioned once. I winder if they even bothered to hand her a trophy.


Honestly that was my first thought, I imagined it was just banter that went to far and there was a girl's version too.

Didn't even consider the possibility that it was a ghazitard IRL.

Readers from across the country have offered to send letters, replacement trophies and even scholarship funds to the family, though Castejon said he's not accepting major gifts — just cards and letters.

The kid is nonverbal. What a fucking waste of money.

Smh bigot just because someone lacks the brain capacity to speak doesn't mean he can't be a lawyer or doctor.

There's laws that there needs to be reasonable accommodations. Y'all forget Google exists. A non-verbal lawyer could sit in front of a tablet that clients use to ask Google Assistant for their legal advice, and the company should pay for a less diversely able lawyer to handle the small minority of cases where this is not enough. If big companies can't absorb this small cost (while enormously benefiting from the more diverse opinions and clients it will bring) then maybe they shouldn't be in business!

masterlawlz reportedly devestated at losing his title

Justice has been served.