Youtube famous ASMR prostitot announces she won't be on Youtube anymore because they keep removing her videos for being sexual.

46  2019-06-08 by pewkiemuffinboo



Not saying you need to eat only salad or anything but what you've said is reactionary and stupid.


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Youtube famous ASMR prostitot annou... -,,

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chewing absentmindedly on a box of sticky honeycomb, told BuzzFeed News that 12 of her ASMR videos have been taken down in the past three months alone by YouTube. The honeycomb video attracted over 13.9 million views before it was removed amid concerns that eating the “sticky” food could be perceived as sexual.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

it's pedo fuel lol

Okay so maybe I don't understand cuz I have a GF, but how the fuck is that sexual?

she spends like ten minutes extremely slowly sucking on it

That's......pretty gross.



They're deliberately wording it to make it sound ridiculous, but the video is sexual and they know it. This kid doesn't "eat" the honeycomb, she fucking fellates the honeycomb to completion.

s a s s y

There's also a video of her dressed as a sexy police officer, complete with handcuffs.

In which she's saying shit like "you and me, this will never work out" and other stuff you'd expect to hear from a prostitute.

Her mother is pimping her 13 year old out for 30k a month.

Honk honk?

Do YouTube hire pedos or something to determine what is too sexual for a kid to be doing? She was just eating honeycomb, why don’t pedos just watch loli weeb porn instead of this?

Kid asmr must be the softest-core child porn on the internet.

YouTube has algorithms to detect if you are jerking off. They also have algorithms to detect the age of people in videos.

Easy to combine the two to spot pedos


Do they track micro movements of your mouse, sort of like how a laser mic can read subtle vibrations on the surface of a wall to listen to the people on the other side?

Or did Tom Clancy lie to me about those?


YouTube has algorithms to detect if you are jerking off

How does that work?

Pedo shit or not (it is), this asmr shit needs to be condemned at every turn.

She was not just eating honeycomb, lol. If you respond to that video with anything other than abject disgust and horror you belong on an FBI watchlist.

Based and honeypilled

What needs to happen is, her pimp mom should be arrested and thrown in jail and this would be over in a 10 days solitary confinement.

YT is flooded with same setup, everyone knows about it but justify it as it's life in 21st century.

Jesus Christ, that kid creeps me out.

Paymoneywubby's video about her was hilarious

It was hilarious but also kind of hard to get through. Her videos are so fucked up

"I shouldn’t be discriminated against or punished for something that I enjoy doing,” Kelly told BuzzFeed News

Well, sweetie, Uncle Cucks enjoys playing with himself in public, but I've been punished for that before too. Welcome to America

E-child whores: the libertarian dream

E-child whores: the libertarian dream

If you accept horseshoe theory you must accept pedos are on all sides with more pedos the further you get from the centre.

Thank god. Her vids are aggressive pedobait.

If you're watching asmr vids your probably a degen pedo. I just listen to them so I dont know exactly what km jerking off to