BadPhilosophy is under siege from chapos

89  2019-06-08 by caliberoverreaching


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. BadPhilosophy is under siege from c... -,,

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tbh a chapo takeover would probably be better than the smug circlebrokesque progressive liberalism that's captivated the sub for the past few years

Isn’t circlebroke also just chapo? Like there are no smug progressive liberals left on reddit they’re all full-blown ‘eat the rich’ commies and anarchists

there are


Basically it's in many subreddits now I think CB2 has more though

r/enoughcommiespam has a lot of posts from CB/CB2 last I checked

nah they dislike chapo for being ableistic white dudebros who slur a lot

check worldnews for libs btw

World news has gone to the left since I was last using it heavily like 5 years ago. It's also noticeable to the left of other defaults like /r/news? Which is confusing because you'd think they'd have the same normie user base. But /r/news sometimes seem like a second TD, while world news can practically be chapo.

/r/worldnews has too many active bots at any given time that i can't really parse the true leanings of the sub. It's all either dedicated agenda-posting (ESPECIALLY when it comes to defending Israel) and just straight up bought accounts and bots.

No shekelshaming pls

Defending Israel is a strange term for 'shooting unarmed 12 year olds and demolishing Palestinian cities to make easy for settlers'. I think Palestinians need to defend themselves more.

/r/worldnews also has the trump posting top mod. Even though rules say that news about US politics is not allowed.
What I find funny is that when the Pulse shooting happened, news about it were removed from /r/worldnews at first because of that rule. Ever since the trump got elected it has been nonstop reeee-posting by that top active mod

Pulse shooting happened, news about it were removed from /r/worldnews at first because of that rule.

That was /r/news. Multiple articles about the shooting were removed in the aftermath, mods never really offered an explanation, and people still sometimes bring it up.

Isn’t circlebroke also just chapo?

Dunno haven't looked at that shithole in years

Like there are no smug progressive liberals left on reddit they’re all full-blown ‘eat the rich’ commies and anarchists

Oh, they're definitely still around. They're just not as noticeable because everyone's been paying attention to the leftists

There are technical differences between the image they like to present but in reality the members of the groups move pretty freely between each other. They just adopt different behaviors in different places.

The really really smug liberals are sort of a Twitter thing. I don't think there's any place on reddit that precisely emulates the extremity of sjw smugness you get on Twitter. Like even the smuggest place on reddit, that's some degree of irony, they're also highly conscious of how they're not the dominant position. Whereas on Twitter the smug sjws are prince's and princesses.

I don't think there's any place on reddit that precisely emulates the extremity of sjw smugness you get on Twitter.


Here or bp?


Case in point:

Ayn Rand was also an adamant atheist. If the conservatives really want to make Ayn Rand their patron 'philosopher,' then maybe they should think about their relationship with God.

This person seems entirely unaware that there exist political conservatives who are, in fact, not fundamentalist Christians.

Conservatives who aren't religious are worse than the ones that are. All that means is that they're nihilists with no value system. Unlike socialists and the religious, who at least have a value system, secular rightists are prone to barbarity because they believe in nothing but power. It's no coincidence that the nazis were basically the secular German right. And that when the German right wanted to get away from that they founded the Christian democratic party.

The primary problem with the modern right as I see it, is not too much religion, it's that even the religious evangelicals are in truth just nihilists with no value system and no morality.

Holy shit, imagine seriousposting this hard in arr fucking drama.

It's watermark, this is nothing new.

ol watermark's been doing this since 'nam

lol u bit and bit hard

Hey mang, I've been posting here for over a year. I'm just not "very online" enough to know who each individual faggot is.

This makes it so obvious that you haven't talked to someone on the right not online in a long time. nonreligious conservatives are mainly just skeptical of the promises of progressives, neoliberals and socialists. I'm not a conservative but if you genuinely believe that they're just amoral nihilists then you clearly don't know any of them. I should note that conservatives don't tend to be very good at articulating what makes them conservative as well.

They seem to think that literally all conservatives are hardcore libertarian objectivists.

They talk about conservatives like Boomer Republicans talk about liberals.

I remember back when that sub actually mocked atheists and even badly made arguments for abortion

even badly made arguments for abortion

Why would someone do that unless THEY WERE AN UNDERCOVER PRO-LIFER, I MEAN ANTI-CHOICER!?!?!?!

lol dae /r/enlightenedcentrism xd

I remember back when that sub shit on continental philosophy and critical theory

no way they shit on critical theory

I wish chapos would take over this sub.

smug circlebrokesque progressive liberalism

As if there’s any real difference between that and Chapo. CB2 is indistinguishable from /r/ShitLiberalsSay now.

Also, why don’t we care about the original circlebroke?

badphil used to be a very different place. Just like pretty much every other badx and circlejerk sub it has taken a turn towards CB2. There used to be a greater emphasis on mocking moral relativism and the "scientism" of reddit atheists. Come to think of it, Ben Stiller is really the only thing that has remained constant about the sub, only now they seethe over his "Intellectual Dark Web" shit instead of mocking The Moral Landscape for being an awful work of ethics.

There's a stark contrast between here and /r/badeconomics, which requires an explanation of the 'badness' accompanying each post.

Oh, you mean repeating your opponent's talking points lIeK tHIs isn't an instant rhetorical checkmate?

I felt like part of the fun of this sub was that it's just a snarkfest that didn't take itself too seriously, which is why I think the no learns rule is a thing.

That's the thing with sweetieposting though, you can always tell the snarky poster in question is using every ounce of willpower to not sound ruffled.

r/badeconomics also used to be much better. Now it is only discussion inaccessible if you don't do your Phd in macro or circlejerking to their political opinion

Microeconomics isn't economics, it's a form of superstition.

Phd in macro

But macro isn't real, that's what we use to scare the kids into good behavior then we convert them to MMT

macro no gud p*

Stop expecting people to cater to your mental deficiencies.

It's the only way to keep CAutists and Chapos from shidding and farding the sub into oblivion. As of right now, it's one of the few good circlejerk subs left. Economists and Economics enthusiasts laughing at redditards.

/r/panichistory actually managed to turn into the people it was mocking, though i think the moderators stamped that out recently

/r/TopMindsOfReddit used to be actually quite funny but now it's just another /r/ResistDrumpfFuck sub

badphil used to be an aggressive vegan circklejerk. Has that changed?

yeah I would say so. Back in the day the sub consensus was that professional philosophers had basically settled the matter and all defense of meat-eating was badphil. Maybe some of the people there still think that but you hardly see any discussion of veganism/vegetarianism anymore. I think it might have to do with their most rabid vegan /u/ yourlycantbsrs (or whatever his name was) devolving into a huge lolcow and getting institutionalized.

"Back in the day the sub consensus was that professional philosophers had basically settled the matter and all defense of meat-eating was badphil. Maybe some of the people there still think that, but you hardly see any discussion of veganism/vegetarianism anymore."

I mean, it's kinda settled. Most of the anti-vegan arguments come from Thomists/Neo-Aristotalian philosophers who say since animals don't have a rational nature they don't have any moral status whatsoever (see Tim Hsiao's this article for example), but other than that, almost everyone agrees that at least the farming industry is unjustifiably cruel and we shouldn't eat products coming from there.

almost everyone agrees that at least the farming industry is unjustifiably cruel and we shouldn't eat products coming from there.

that's a very different argument than "all animal products/meat-eating is wrong"

I'm aware of that, but arguments against industrial farming is equally applicable to other kinds of animal killings. It's just an extreme version.

I got halfway through your post and fell asleep.

Wait, yrly got v&? I gotta read up on this!

idk if it was in this particular srd thread, he was in several of them. I remember that in one of his best lolcow he responded to someone who accused him of sounding angry and unstable by conceding that he had spent time in an institution, but insisting that he lived a happy life and that he didn't see why anyone thought he was unstable.


oh man, my new life quest is to find this glorious post

I have this theory that given enough time all the meta subreddits start to become the thing they are named after.

so all the badx subs become badx themselves. They don't link to badx anymore. They are badx.

All the /r/topmindsofreddit users are top minds themselves. All the /r/inceltears users are inceltears themselves and so on

Sargon is super out of place on this, unless they think being an atheist requires you to follow Ayn Rand.

Why are Chapocels right-libertarians when large corporations censor people they both dislike?

Chapocels are neoliberal globalists LARPing as communists.

dont taint the good name of neoliberal globalist shills with chapos

those retards DEFINITELY deserve it

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