Former Canadian Minister of Defense and current dementia patient has escaped from the nursing home is doing an AMA to talk about Aliens, Zero Point Energy, and the Illuminati!

247  2019-06-08 by Quietus42


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Former Canadian Minister of Defense... -,,

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Canadian defense

It’s such a meaningless position that they couple it with transport 😂🤦🏿‍♂️ it’s over for leafcels

It never even began for maplecels.

He wasn't minister of transport and defense at the same time, brainlet.

The fact that you can swap those positions and be qualified, leafcels are still canceled 🤦🏿‍♂️

Being the minister of something uses the same skills regardless of what the something is, retarded yank.

Bro, you are only further canceling yourself with each reply. Come on man

with each reply

That was my first comment in this thread.


Says the S E E T H C E L


Like being minister of the exterior and minister of the intelligence service?

Like our bike mompio?

Real big brain move to turn your head spook into your head diplomat lol

These are political positions, they are almost always filled with politicians. The experts on the subject are below them and career officials. This is especially the case in a parliamentary system where a cabinet minister has to be an elected member of parliament. Americans can choose anyone and like to pretend they pick based on qualifications but it's more pointless American pretense.


You're just jealous that Canada's defense minister is a punjabi BULL and war hero while ours is some rando who only got chosen because the other one got fed up and quit

Take it to the ministry of cope snally, we don’t have commie ass (((ministers))) here

Only a limp-dicked pansy would prefer a shuffling secretary over a strong minister

Imagine thinking having a pooh over a mayo is a positive thing. Political correctness will be the death of us. I will say I’m still mad at daddy for getting rid of mad dog 😭😭😭

Imagine thinking having a pooh over a mayo is a positive thing.

You're just jealous of Indians because they can poop and you can't because you're addicted to opiates


How did you know

just a hunch 🚫💩🚫

It's the preggo powers


fuckin god damn snally

they can poop

boy can they ever

Have you seen the Chinese children poop pants they have no butt part just a slip that when you squat opens up for a fast poop and run. They poop in the malls on the floor just near the escalator

yeah ive been to south east asia

apparently thats why singapore made all those cleanliness laws like jail if you chew gum or whatever tf, because of all the chinese people peeing everywhere

BASED Singapore

It's over for sinocels

wtf dude

i can't believe this lmao

Yeah the Chinese call them mainlanders but everybody just looks the same to everyone else bunch a backwards ass communists smell like the dark ages with zero history or culture. Like a billion people with the morals of a cock roach

China makes me think of Beverly Hillbillies

all this money but just absolutely fucking retarded in how they act

Yeah the money’s fake. Who wants communist bucks? You can’t even own land just lease it for 70 Years it’s not a real place

That user posts to honkler and The_Dolan, perhaps his view of other countries isn't quite sound?

Then give them the I'm with Her flair.

It's true.

Fun fact, the Hong Kong slur for mainland Chinese is translated as "locusts" (or "yellow grasshoppers") -

Indians are known for their poop.

Specifically doing it in the streets.

The culture of poo in the loo vs the culture of trans-worship and fentanyl-abuse. What a choice.

Don’t knock it till you try it 😘

Turned out mad dog was a pibble, and wasn't welcome in the daddy-state.

You would definitely know a lot about being a limp-dicked pansy.

Day of the rake when?

Our defense minister actually was a war hero for a while basically. But somehow mad dog Matthis just was too much of a cuck for Trump.

Lol someone is reporting all your comments in this thread as targeted harassment. Seething.

Anytime I’m up there for work all they do is talk about the US. It’s pathetic, the only time I bring up Canada is when I’m watching letterkenny or making fun of them

when I’m watching letterkenny

I only saw the pilot and it looked alright, is it worth watching? 🤔

I’ve seen the first two seasons. It takes a bit to get into, but like the characters and the banter

Its okay. Good if ur bored to death

Dude bagged milk lmao

And now daddy made it so theses milk baggers are going to have to compete with our superior milk jugs 😍

I'd pay for Snally's milk jugs

Same 😍

Yeah, at least in Ozfalia all our neighbours are poor or New Zealand, we aren't overshadowed by a larger, more relevant and richer version of ourselves.

You already lost a war to emus and the rest of the Australian wildlife wants to murder you. Your women sound like hairdressers and whichever cunt is Prime Minister this week probably molests Aboriginal children (without saying "sorry"). Australia would be improved if every Australian spontaneously combusted, except then the rest of the world would have to deal with a noxious cloud of Down Syndrome and State of Origin reruns. I hope the fucking stingrays win.

At least we don't shoot up our own mosques.

No, you shoot up other people's instead.

Well yeah, why would we shoot our own?

Look you shoot our mosques we shoot yours, just become a state already so we can put all this silliness behind us.

Muslims in Australia have to live with Australians. They've been punished enough.

Canada being relevant militarily.

It's all relative. Like sure a Gorkha could kill five or six Pakistani guerillas and their war tigers with nothing but a kukri and a garrote, but a doughy chairforce beta can wipe out an entire Afghani village with the touch of a button before he's finished his morning joe.

Eh I am not sure a Canadian could even manage that.

Tbh you'd be surprised. Their pilots aren't all that bad and their grunts are just more polite versions of ours that run on maple syrup and beer

I can imagine, I just give Canadians on reddit mountains of shit as they are beyond the pale rude towards Americans. I am sure they are in IRL.

That's generally just how all plebbit fags are

Canadians have no bantz they are just obnoxiously smug.

Much like SRDines


The air force is the largest terrorist organization on earth

Canada actually does have a fairly decent military compared to other nations, it's just dwarfed by the US. Honestly if you put either Canada or Mexico literally anywhere else in the world they would easily be regional powers.

I see, still doesn't change how unfortunately obnoxious they are as a people.

The Russians have the Siberian super soldiers came down from the north to stop the Germans advance at Moscow. What do we have? Canadian ferries come down and pinch people’s cheeks and offer maple syrup? What is the point of Canada?

To preserve mayo ‘culture’ 🤷🏿‍♂️

It's a enormous buffer zone designed to keep members of the Palin clan out of the lower 48.

I love it how UFO nutjobs think that all the major world powers could keep aliens a secret when they can’t even agree if global warming exists.

all the major world powers could keep aliens a secret

If they're being kept a secret then the secret is so well-kept that various US presidents and other high-powered officials were UFO conspiracy theorists

Conspiratoid cope is that the power that be are "taunting" them by leaving these "subtle" hints out in the open that only they can see, e.g. the Denver airport.

What's weird about Denver airport


you can just say jewish dude

She, (((they))) will hear you.



I'm lazy and that was at the top of Google 🤷🏽‍♀️

Denver international Airport is based

There is a bunch of bizarre art, some of which could be interpretted as Satanic.

There's a lot of really weird art and symbolism there.

You mean other than the giant blue stallion statue with glowing red eyes?

I don’t give a fuck what anybody says, the Denver airport is absolutely housing weird shit

Like people that live in Denver and are fiercely proud of it

traditionally "illuminati" types love to do the whole out in the open thing to prove how much smarter they are than the plebs but denver airport seems like an attempt to fake it

like make a whole lot of weird looking shit and then pretend its not there to try and trick people into thinking youre real mystical

Illuminati types prove their intelligence by lording over the plebs. Claims that they need to "prove it" via obvious symbolism is just projection on the part of conspiracy theorists who are too stupid to understand the superior Illuminati mindset.

as if theyd bother with 90% of countries leaders

oh hey were hyper advanced aliens lets go to the brown people country said nobody ever

UFO nutjobs are going be disappointed when they find out that our Government once believe Aliens were demons in disguise.

Modern technological prosperity has broken a lot of people's brains, I think.

Uncle Ted tried to warn us all 😭

"you always on ya damn phone" uncle Teddy

Uncle Ted’s only mistake it he thought it could be stopped.

The guy is clearly creative but, tbqfh... there's not a single Redditor who even has faintest clue what Zero Point Energy is.

So, for that, I'd say old dude kicks ass.

there's not a single Redditor who even has faintest clue what Zero Point Energy is.

Considering it was mentioned pretty often as the main power source in Stargate: Atlantis I would have to disagree here, since there's probably way too many Redditors that watched SGA.

SG-1 was better than Atlantis, you can't change my mind

Lol nobody gonna try

^ not gonna try.

You can't beat Richard Dean Anderson's ass.

That ass simply want quit

He's a bossy power bottom.

So this big company just used the physics gun model from Garry's G-Mod? Did they get permission???

Woah, grandpa sure let himself loose.

Woah, grandpa sure let himself loose.


Bets on percentage of serious vs. "haha is this senile nutter serious" upvotes?

still less crazy than most politicians tbh

He seems like a nice enough crazy person.

Mod this based and canuckspiracy pilled man asap