Why y’all hating on trannies so much?

4  2019-06-08 by SpacePanther17

They’re literally bussy but with tits.


They targeted trannies, trannies!

It's about ethics in tranny hating

Cause they're bussy that doesn't want to be bussy anymore. Its fucking sacrilege


You're now a wanted fugitive in Canada for hate speech

Imagine not knowing what bussy is

No one loves trannies more than r/drama

They are moids who decided to betray bussyhood, wishing to become foids.

They gave up on the 'true way'. What's not to hate about that?

Middle school reaction to one's crush.

Running up to the girl you like and yanking on her dick

Dude bussy lmao

I don't, they are free to live and prosper how they choose, unless they are also tankies, trumptards or gamers.

Cool it with the transphobia!

Also if they're weebs

Especially if they're weebs

So no trannies are ok?


This tbh. It's not really the tranny part per se, it's the fact that they're pretty much uniformly psychotic screeching tankies.

Trappy, for instance, seems pretty cool and only a little insane, and is fine in my books.

what the fuck?

nah they're alright

Prob because they complain nonstop about dumb shit like vidya.

I mean, i know they trying to act like women but

y'all poster detected

Set phasers to "shut the fuck up srdine"

And, implausible as it might sound, twice as annoying as real women.

I hate them because they're attractive but at the same time 90% of them are insane, insufferable, cry constantly about their oppression, yet I can't stop posting /r/drama posts about them and stop giving them attention.

Shit, they really are women aren't they?

they're attractive

Someone post that chapo selfie thread.


I need this

Oh and I also hate women.


Those Memri TV memes are the best.

Half of the people on this subreddit are in fact trannies, it's just self hatred. Also I'm not sure that there is a mod that doesn't identify as female. And snallys the only one born that way.

because they retarded lmao

point out the tranny hate on this subreddit, i dare u. u wont find any. idiot. 🙄🙄🙄

bussy but with tits.

Neckbeards with long hair and poorly-applied makeup.

Traps are gay

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Trans women are women. The term is trussy you bigot. 😡

Because they are associated with deception and manipulation, especially in the dating scene. Look, I'm not against you looking like a girl but with dick and balls, but have some decency and tell me beforehand and not tricking me into thinking otherwise. I'm not against your dick-fulness, but I definitely don't want to date someone like you (just like I'm not into guys cause I ain't gay).

They're the most whiny, entitled and annoying LGBT group.

JC is one of the good ones but idk about the rest