Actual Buzzfeed News reporter mentions /r/Drama, and then links to /r/videos in article

121  2019-06-08 by justcool393


I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


  1. This Post - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Actual Buzzfeed News reporter menti... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

You are human livestock


The announcement comes four days after a video titled "Youtube is Facilitating the Sexual Exploitation of Children, and it's Being Monetized (2019)" was shared to the r/Drama (/r/videos link) subreddit.


Why was it even necessary to mention us or any particular subreddit? What did it add to the article?

Whatever the reason, I hope we get many naive visitors.

This was written in February. They came and went I guess.

inshallah brother

Posted on February 22, 2019


Aw dangit

That was 3 shut downs ago.

Only 3? We're slacking.

Normies seriousposting on 2019 /r/Drama would kind of be like pissing in an ocean of piss tbh.

I can’t whip my dick out this week it’s covered in boils

At least it's better than the articles which are just lists of funny tweets.

The video's virality then inspired the #YouTubeWakeUp hashtag, which Watson and others used to demand advertiser boycotts. Brands like Purina, Epic Games, Disney, Nestle, and GNC have all said they're suspending advertising on YouTube until further notice.

Drama is getting some misaccreddited credit for this or something.

The hell you say! We're doing God's work down here, keeping kids safe from Darqwolf and all the other male feminists.

Let us not forget Darqwolf’s dark disciple, Oni of the Tan, Scorge of the native women of my Great White North.

Helping to give the reader an idea of how the video spread and got attention, maybe? That was my first thought.

they probably referenced us because of our high-quality posts and comment section


I learned long ago my friend to stop trying to make any sense of anything buzzfeed “journalists” say.

I, I mean, (((they))) want to distract from the trade war.


We’re famous!

🤔 alright, fess up. which one of you is a buzzfeed reporter?

It's big_papa_stiffy

I don't think he would be able to hide his power level that long.


Oh god that'd be his personal hell. Or even torture.

Force him to write daily articles about whiteness, beauty community, struggle of being a woman in modern western society and after a month 2 days, he'll tell you his social security, number and even where his secret stash of interracial porn mags is hidden.

We'll know if we ever see an article that's like "Oi! G'day mate, I was just finishing up my vegemite sandwich when I heard about another threat to the LGBTQIA++ community!"

Article is a strong word for this outright sperging

It's me. I'm a blockhead.

Keep yourself safe Joe.

I'm going to get you though, you wascally wabbit.

My trans gf is

I tell her all the juicy reddit stuff

He live in jew york, so it's most definitely one of (((us))).

I have a penchant for creating the most retarded, half-baked and at most tangentially-related ideas to whatever subject is under discussion, but even I couldn't lower myself that far

Don't sell yourself short. We all believe in you.

Thanks buddy. A vote of confidence is just what I need to slowly infest and destroy modern journalism with retarded leftist claptrap.





Can someone explain me this zoz zle and zozzle thing


I had to clear all my Firefox addon data to get the damn thing to start up and RES lost everything. But I still remember I had you tagged as "Roy Moore apologist". I unironically save that stuff to use as an ad hominem years in advance. Also you were around +250 iirc. 😘

Roy Moore is America's favorite Cotton Hill impersonator and no one could prove he diddled underage girls. He's an insane theocrat, not a male feminist. Insane religious people always get into scandals because they're caught fucking other dudes. This is proven science. Roy Moore did nothing wrong nothing he was accused of doing with young girls.

Mo Brooks should've been the GOP senate candidate and Roy Moore wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the real election if Mitch McConnell hadn't fucked around in the AL primary trying to keep Luther Strange in office.

Insane religious people always get into scandals because they're caught fucking other dudes.

Can't argue with that. There was a wave of them around the early 2000s. The wide-stance senator. The wrestling team guy. The one I remember most is the guy who got a massage but it turned out that it was a massage by a male prostitute who he bought meth from. He said one of my favorite sentences of all time:

"I've never been in a gay relationship."

We had this game we did in drama class where you say the same sentence but emphasize a different word each time to give it a completely different meaning. Do this out loud and you'll know why I love those words so much.

Mo Brooks should've been the GOP senate candidate and Roy Moore wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the real election if Mitch McConnell hadn't fucked around in the AL primary trying to keep Luther Strange in office.

I'm not in your party or region so I don't have any opinion on this but I've come to see you as a pretty reasonable guy over the years so I'll take your words seriously the next time something happens in the south.

"I've never been in a gay relationship."

Well, duh, who wants to fuck the same dude over-and-over again, amirite?

I'll take your words seriously the next time something happens in the south.

I generally don't eat grits, but here's a little retelling of The Adventures of Mitch McConnell in the Alabama Primary.

Probably lawlz. His stickyposting would certainly point to him.

It’s me, I’m the famed buzzfeed reporter Blockbead Joe.

Please hire me NYT 😭😭😭

Forced Labor Camps for Internet Journalists NOW


Delete your account.

the article is like 4 months old and only now its posted on /r/drama because who cares about buzzfeed lmao

Proof the BuzzFeed writer is a drama fag and is trying to whore karma


Wow it's like there's almost something here...

Hi Buzzfeed. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Also, please shut down. Your company is somehow worse than the talentless YouTube hacks you write about.


P.S. you can apply to trade schools to learn how not to be a cancer on society ... you will wake up each day much happier.


Buzzfeed News reporter mentions /r/Drama, and then links to /r/videos

That's just the kind of Pulitzer prize winning journalism we all know and love.

Hooray I can’t wait for new victims to come to our little hell hole

We made it, boyz


actual news reporter

choose (1) one




When you’re scrolling and scrolling and FINALLY someone gets to the root, ty...almost lost hope in humanity.

old news 😴

This is old news

Buzzfags OUT OUT OUT 👉👉👉🗑

that dude in the video and that paymoneywubby fat fuck are definitely pedos who jerk off to all the shit they supposedly "call out"

I just want to say, I feel like /r/videos has held up fairly well. The occasionally reddity feel good bullshit or political nonsense leaks through but otherwise it's fairly perusable content.

No news article ever references /r/familyman ☹️

I heard that's a good sub.

It is, and a good show!

The verge did the same lol Link

News reporters don't exist anymore. They've been replaced with social media readers

Honest question... do people still view buzzfeed as a legitimate news source?

BuzzFeed "reporter"