As two former state senators are murdered in bordering states /r/news loses it shit and goes full conspiracy.

45  2019-06-08 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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  1. As two former state senators are mu... -,,

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That is pretty fucking weird. Two former senators? Both shot within a few days off each other?

How can you not wonder if something sketchy is going on

These both look like they were relative nobodies, and they lived almost seven hours by car away from each other. It's not that suspicious.

Maybe they had information that would lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest

I'm gonna seriousask, why are conservatards so obsessed with a pair of washed-up politicians? Bill Clinton isn't particularly influential anymore, and everyone but the Republicans wants to forget about Hillary. I never saw the Democrats S E E T H E so much about Mitt Romney in 2013, or John McCain in 2009.

She is a foid and that make rightoid seethe. Same reasonnement stand for negroid 'bama.

Lol you're getting down voted

Imagine downvoting a comment on /r/drama.

Just did

DDF just had a shift change

no u

She's their Emmanuel Goldstein... The focus of their collective rage to hide their own personal short comings

Part of it is that she's a meme.

I'm gonna seriousask

Oh, so you're only pretending to be retarded?

Bill was elected in 1992. The Eternal September was in 1993. Basically the Clintons were the first Presidential family to have the widespread internet collectively REEEEE at them.

There's since been George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump. Bush got off easy by everyone being distracted by 9/11, the great recession, and at least two wars. Obama did .... OK I guess, but now the wounds of the financial crisis have healed and everyone can REEEEEE again at Trump.

How would two Republican state senators know anything about Hillary Clinton.

The waman was from Arkansas, and obviously everyone in that backwater cesspool is second cousins at most. Clearly Hillary decided it was time to prune a few branches from the Clinton family tree.

obviously everyone in that backwater cesspool is second cousins at most.

this is true tho

Put your mind in that of a conspiracy theorist and try again

I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hilla-


They're state senators. Basically the minor league equivalent. Nobody would give enough of a shit to assassinate these two.

I'm honestly surprised no one blamed the Clintons yet

Oh my God they went full Russia

I get the feeling that you might actually remember Bill's presidency, snally (no offense). Can I ask, why do conservatives obsess so much about that guy? Democrats have basically forgotten Dubya.

Not snally but I think she's my age. Slick Willy lied to everyone pretty welll and they wanted so bad to impeach him and wasted everyone's money because he lied about fucking an intern.

The way the libs are with Trump is similar to how Repubs were with Clinton, but one thing is for sure life was pretty awesome when he was president. Social media wasn't around so it wasn't such a shitshow, but the Repubs were the same way about Clinton grasping at everything to impeach him. Same shit, different (and better, really) president. Money was flowing during his presidency.

I hate politics because people put a label on someone and if it's not their label they immediately hate the person regardless of individual issues.

Slick Willie is like that uncle you grew up loving but didn't know he ran over that family on purpose.

George H.W. Busy was a well respected war hero and general Republican Brahmin given his family's history. He presided over the country during the fall of the USSR and then he was beaten by some relatively unknown hick from Arkansas.

He was beaten by a recession and H. Ross Perot.

Yeah, forgot that Perot sapped a bunch of votes.

"Read my lips, no new taxes" came back to bite him in the ass. Not even Desert Storm could save him from that.

Damn they're all deleted.

I'm surprised r/news even cares since they were Republicans.

I see a ton of Republicans shrieking that everyone is celebrating Republicans' deaths, but I see no actual celebrations. What gives?

Victim mentality.

I'm going up take this time cross that moral threshold, yes their death causes me some small amount of joy.

I hate Republicans as much as Destiny does, but you're a retard if you write this on a public forum. Even Andrew Anglin knew enough about how to cover your ass that he didn't openly celebrate the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

Republicans are filthy animals, don't get me wrong, but I'm not a fan of animal cruelty.

I'm going up take this time cross that moral threshold

What word salad is this?

So what did they know about the Clintons?

(gilded multiple times and downvoted to hell)

This is honestly the best thing that we can do to republican senators 😂 Oh you like guns do you? Let's give you a taste of your own medicine, you vile pieces of human trash. This is what you've done to countless school children. inb4 downvotes by the_dumpster brigade, bring em ♥

Peak bipartisan retardation here. Love to see it.

Conservautist A points out that these are Republicans in an attempt to play the victim card, but Conservautist B gets confused and thinks A is cheering the "assassin" on.

They had dirt on Republicans. Republicans killed them. They clearly arent part of the family.

Edit: Russian trolls downvoting me. Theyre in force on this post. There is no such thing as a coincidence when two republic state senators get murdered in the same way in their home. Wake the fuck up. This is part of the coup

Troll, Qtard, or #Resistance member? I can't tell anymore.

She was calling for the resignation of a peer linked to a pretty serious corruption scandal, involving a "lobbyist" who tried to murder someone and was bribing state reps for close to 10 years.

But who knows if that has anything to do with this.

Given the Oklahoma senator death, I would not be surprised if this has to do with the larger Republican/Russian voter suppression efforts of 2016.

Case closed a Russian bot killed them.