A video of a Scottish guy ripping a t shirt has a weird backstory and even weirder comments. Everyone involved seems to be an idiot.

29  2019-06-08 by SubjectEgg


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. A video of a Scottish guy ripping a... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I'm trying to piece together this situation from this lady's comments, which is hard for me since I'm autistic, but here's what I've got:

I found what I think are her most important comments:

>It's complicated basically met him online initially but I'd known him for 3 months before this happened.



> Not a sesh or a festival. He stayed at my house like I said. His dad threw him out on the street so I said he could stay with me. It's definitely not a joke... did you watch the video?



> It's a very complicated situation I'd rather not get into. Basically I did not reject him at any stage until he had done the same to me very harshly and I didn't want more to do with him.




> I didn't kick him out. He was fine that day. This was a few weeks later. I never refused to sleep with him.

>I said I was going to block him which may have been what did it? Basically we were going to meet yesterday actually then he cancelled on me (again) and started talking about his friend's ass. I'm not comfortable with said friend I asked him to stop mentioning them. He sent me photos of the friend and repeated the name and I got fed up. I said this isn't working out. Can you post me the shirt since you can't give it to me Saturday. His response was paraphrased "fuck your t-shirt I'm going to burn it and piss on it and send you the ashes" that's when I blocked him. I forgot about Facebook group chat which is how he sent the two videos and the photo.


What I infer is that these two saw each-other as prospective partners. The guy did something that she saw as unattractive, or maybe didn't make her feel "wanted" enough. This hurt her, and she lashed out by telling him she didn't want to interact anymore, and that she wanted her shirt back to try to poke at him even more.


Because the guy is an immature loser, he retaliated, but very pathetically. The lady then created a version of these events with none of the relevant details for some (hollow) emotional support.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Wait I found another comment chain

someone else may have posted this, but I think he has a crush on you or something and took his hurt out on the shirt

It's a very complicated relationship and situation. But was pretty much the other way around

I'm going to narrow my guess to say that what he did to offend her was in fact not showing enough interest. Maybe not coming onto her explicitly like she expected him to?

This would explain all the mystery over the details, since she probably wouldn't want to come out and say "this all started with me getting upset because a guy wouldn't have sex with me."