Foreigner becomes suspicious about burger education system when an assignment is posted with the requirement to "outline and color"

10  2019-06-08 by Typo_Knig


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This, but unironically.


  1. Foreigner becomes suspicious about ... -,

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imagine failing any classes when all you have to do is to draw some crayon pictures and fill out some multiple choice exams.
china doesn't only deserve to overtake them, they have to - otherwise, the human race is doomed.

If we're this bad, and we're still this far ahead of Europe, what's that say about Europeans?

Ah, America. Home to some of the most prestigious universities in the world, and then also shit like this.

I want to step on your weird Indian burial ground soil one day just to see if it grants me superpowers, or "the gay".

drawing is a skill that you europoors lack in droves. Sad!

i'm with the europoor, we burgers are pathetic.