The virgin Pizzashit vs the chad Circuck De Fudge Packer

72  2019-06-08 by Momruepari


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. The virgin Pizzashit vs the chad Ci... -,

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Did PoJM ever skype Pizzashill a titty?

closest thing to sex Pizza has experienced and the only time he ever felt loved.

I thought she died

being a drama mod is pretty cool

based mentally deficient poster

I never claimed to not be retarded

fuck outwitted again


They can't keep getting away with this!

I heard this Circo fellow is a crippled neet that lives off a foid that waits tables.

Anyone confirm/deny?

wb ps


can't confirm tbh

You got it wrong btw, I don't deal in opinions. That's why rightoids hate me so much.

how long is your dick?

Gonna go with 2.5 fully erect.

Is that going with the Southpark method of penis measuring? Because otherwise that seems a bit on the large side.

From the base of the balls of course.

base of the balls on a hot summer day when they're hanging pretty far away from the bottom of his dick

I’m not sure is balls have dropped yet, so it doesn’t really matter.

You're literally a neet dating a bigger neet lol. Your internet girlfriend is 30 and lives with her mom

Oh, do you have some proof I'm a neet, some evidence maybe? Or is that just something you made up?

A) pojo is not 30.

B) Pojo doesn't run around the internet running her mouth, like circo.

Circo is one of the dumbest people I have ever encountered. I wouldn't even mind circo, the reason I make fun of him for being a crippled neet is because he tried to call me a NEET, which is false.

But circo mom didnt drink when she was pregnant, so that puts him slightly ahead of you

Got a guy posting on summoner school asking how to play zed claiming my mother was drinking?

That's rich.

You can do better than that 4 years old post, i also used to post on the dumpster, your mom still drank pizza, me being a degenerate wont cure your fas

  • bad at video games.

  • posts on cartoon subs.

  • is French.

  • Plays runescape I'm pretty sure.

Should I keep going? The points are piling up in favor of "you're a retard."

Youre missing a big thing, my mom didnt drink when she had me

I don't know, video game playing ability in mobas is linked to intelligence, and you're bad at mobas.

Makes you think.

I never claimed to be anything other than a retard, idk what youre trying to uncover there sherlock, I just dont have fas like you

Yeah, but I'm much better than you are at these games linked to intelligence.


Thats not relevant to the topic at hand, which is your really how your hatred of women started, when your alcoholic mom decided you didnt matter

I mean, all of the evidence I can find points to you being very low intelligence, but the fact you think I actually hate women is probably the most obvious.

You actually have FAS

No, and if you actually think that, you have no idea what FAS is, likely due to low levels of education.

Lmao nice try

Yeah but I know who you are, I've argued with you before, the low levels of education thing is just something I know about you.

It's mainly because you aren't that coherent and struggle to formulate real arguments.

I've never debated with you faggot. I've only insulted you.

Oh we've debated, it's just you aren't so quick up there so you couldn't tell.

Like, you're the kind of person that buys computer parts and thinks "future proofing" is a thing, real low intelligence, not fun to deal with.

Suck my chode retard

You aren't high class enough. Hit me up when you aren't a retarded burnout that lives on /r/drama.

Future proofing wouldn't work for you because you don't have one.

Good one, gramps. In the end though, I suspect that's truer of yourself.

Given the fact you're a fucking TF2 player. That's even worse than the future proofing thing tbh, that's even more relevant evidence you're a literal retard.

Lmao are you OK or is this bait

He wants to bait but in reality he's seething. It's like that crying behind a smiling mask meme.

I can confirm he’s seething, I’ve had voice chats with him and he def gets into it. He’s just a bit of a sperg, but he’s a good guy overall imo

Damn son lmfao

We established a few comments ago, while you were embarrassingly rambling about being a pro gamer, than I am stupid, But i remember your rants on womyn, imagine having a mgtow phase. Not as bas as having fas tho.

Yeah, I totally hate women.

How dumb are you.

Pretty dumb, but you wrote essays here about the meanie staceys, and you have fas, and circo doesnt

You're entitled to your opinions. In the end, the evidence you have low levels of intelligence is overwhelming.

Your fas face posted here wasnt larp

Again, I'm not concerned with your mental illness, your low levels of education, your misunderstanding as to what FAS is, or anything else.

I've provided my evidence you're a dumb person, we can leave it at that.

Are you sure? Cause thats all you talk about and youre the only one mentioning it. You spent 10 comments after I said yes im an idiot repeating it, and ignoring the fas, that you btw have. I could put you on the wikipedia page and they wouldnt even ask for a source.

In case you missed it, I actually dismissed you in the last comment because I don't think you have an intelligence level capable of even understanding how dumb you are.

Man this is getting repetitive, thats beside the point, you have fas, everyone who saw your mug knew it right away

This is like watching a trumptard try to do basic math. I'm embarrassed for you tbh.

You bragged about your intelligence and being a pro gamer, but sure im the embarrassing one, plus i dont have fas

I just pointed out you're bad at intelligence based games.

And i agreed to that, its not relevant at all here tho. You have fas, whats behind your face doesnt matter, no one listens to an ugly face, you can be crippled, fat, even a manlet, but with fas no one will ever take what you say seriously, so circo is better than you.

I love when people like you try to come at me, it's just so awful to watch. You try your hardest but nothing you can possibly say will ever have any impact on me.

On the other hand, I know you're a bit steamed about the game stuff, because guys like you (really bad) get super heated, because you put so much effort in yet still never get any better.

It's part of your identity.

Sounds like projection, all im saying is you have fas and circo is better than you, dont make me out to be someone with insight

I mean it's not projection though, I am very good at those games, I deal with people like you pretty much weekly.

The reality is we both know how steamed you are.

Hi Pizzashill, sorry to interrupt this conversation, but I replied to you over 5 minutes ago and I still haven't received a response. In that time you have posted 4 other comments, so I was wondering if you could reply to me as well. Thanks!

No, I don't enjoy speaking to you because it was revealed to me by a trusted source you have confirmed autism, like actual autism and it makes me feel bad insulting you.

He's not the one with autism

pizzashill: Online IQ tests are meaningless for determining intelligence

also pizzashill: being better at video games shows higher intelligence

Maybe he's the one with the autism?

If he's good at video games than he probably does have autism

He likes video games and is apparently very good at them. He also likes recording skype calls to prostitutes for some reason

I have it on good authority he is autistic as all hell.

Then wtf are you the one sperging the fuck out?

I'm not, this is a weeks old argument.

I'm not,

this is a weeks old argument.


yeah, he came at me weeks ago and I laughed him off. He's so autistic you can't take him seriously.

Pizza, please stop.

Stop what, that's literally what happened. He kept trying to get my attention in dramacord and I just kept laughing at him.

He even came in VC and tried.

DAE dramacord vc?

Iirc you were actually shit on by everyone while bring milked and you sperged out as always before leaving in a tantrum as is tradition. You can try to lie to us about how you're totally not mad, blahblahblah, etc. but you're not fooling anyone. You're lifeless fucking retard that can't step away from Reddit, let alone r/drama, long enough to step outside and get your shit together because your case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Autism is so severe that instead of becoming some kind of sevant with a useful skill you've become a sevant who's skill is just acting like a total shit brained mongolo

I doubt that, because you always make fun of me regardless 🤔

I don't like to make fun of you.

‘’U mad’’ just baiting for a ‘’no u’’ epic banter there pizza. I forgot to mention, circo doesnt have fas so his crippled ddf edgy ass is still better than you.

Friend, you'll get better one day. The first piece of advice I can offer you is "admit you're the problem."

That's step 1.

I did in one of my first comments, Im a retard lmao, big revelation. Now time for you to acknowledge your fas, its ok, as long as you dont want a career where you interact face to face. Do you wanna be a pro vidyaer? Is that why you randomly mention your embarrassing gaming epeen

Yeah, but you didn't really. You don't actually believe you're the reason. It's ok, I'm well versed in this, I deal with it a lot.

Idk what that means, its not answering or replying to anything ive said. Are you mixing me up with one of your stalker in here? I just think you have fas and that makes you worse than circo. Simple aint it?

The sooner you admit reality, the sooner you can move on.

Ironic, ill make it simple for you circo=no fas. Pizza=fas. Pizza vs circo= circo better. Dildokin=retard irrelevant to the fact you can’t cope with your fas

Yeah, but you don't really believe you're a retard which is troubling to me, because the evidence is so overwhelming.

You kind of do this 'I'm so ironic" thing, you try to deflect attacks by claiming you know you're retarded, but we both know you don't.

Well idk what to tell you, im perfectly okay with my idiocy, i wouldnt be okay if i had fas tho. Its ironic coming from someone who cant even mention the main point of my comments in here. Circo is better than you cause he doesnt have fas.

But you aren't though, you do not believe that you're dumb. But you are, so that's an issue.

Nah its still about circo being better than you. We cant move past the truth, no matter what youre rambling about. If my broken english and moronic comments make you think I believe Im smart, im afraid your fas might have a bigger impact than I imagined.

You absolutely believe you're smart. The sooner you wake up to the reality the sooner you can be a normal person.

Nah, im not, doesnt matter tho, youre the one with fas

Yeah, but you think you are. That's the main point, I'm saying you should wake up.

Ok, youre wrong tho, and have fas

I'm not wrong though. You need to accept yourself.


Accept yourself man.

I am, cause i dont have fas its easy to do

Accept yourself man.

Lmao does your whole shtick come down to "u dumb and I'm smart", you autistic spergazoid? We can always count on you for copious amounts of COPE.

still unemployed then?

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Lol 😂 😆 😝

A) pojo is not 30.

34 whatever

B) Pojo doesn't run around the internet running her mouth, like circo.


34 whatever

Wrong again.


Not to anywhere near the extent Circo does. Either way, I'm not interested in furthering this discussion with someone I suspect has a sub room temp IQ.

pizzashill likes to talk big about his iq, but when I asked him to take the same IQ test as me so we could see whose was larger, he coped out and wouldn't do it

Or, I'm not stupid enough to think mundane internet IQ tests are actually a thing.

You taking that test revealed that you were low IQ, so I realized it was pointless.

Even if a given "IQ test" online doesn't fully capture one's intelligence, surely a person with a higher IQ would outperform a person with a lower one. Even though the test is imperfect, a higher IQ individual should score higher than a lower IQ individual, right? What are you afraid of?

Dude, those tests don't even make sense. You can "max score them" without even trying.

They aren't real you stupid mongoloid.

I could max score it without trying. it remains to be seen whether you could.

Yeah, clearly. Go back to banging fat foids and talking about blowing up your school.

You aren't entertaining enough for me.

"It's easy to max out the fake IQ test"

OK, take it then.



You gotta keep him sperging, I was really strong to enjoy it.

I tried! He's ghosting now :(

His FAS probably kicked in, master baiting on your part.

How long has he been back?

Or, I’m

Imagine inadvertently doxxing yourself while trying to say how smart you are


Smh 😔

You just admitted to being pizzashill

Do you even know what the word term doxx means?

dude we all know you could beat him, just take it already to shut him up

Or, I'm not stupid enough to think mundane internet IQ tests are actually a thing.

You taking that test revealed that you were low IQ, so I realized it was pointless.

Come take the mensa test bby. It's non verbal, very basic you should score 120+ easy with that galaxy brain.

Oh, do you have some proof I'm a neet

Being a drama poster


i think that you need to be real with yourself a little bit. you've engrossed yourself in the internet for such a long time and to such an extent that your mind, at this point, has been broken by copious prolonged bouts of autistic rage — this is something that you're displaying pretty clearly here by sperging out on a literal momruepari meme. you can't form meaningful relationships off of the internet (not that the ones you do form here are particularly meaningful), you don't have a job, and you spend absolutely no time doing anything except spreading your ill-informed opinions on reddit. no one cares, no one wants to hear it, and no one wants you here except as someone to laugh at.

these are things you should realize for your own good.

Marx, my problem with you isn't that you're a troll. It's that you're a bad troll, it's that you put no effort in.

i think you are annoying, to be sure, but i wouldn't say that i exactly have a 'problem' with you because i think that would imply that you are more of a difficulty for me than you are or ever could be. you're just kinda of weird and dumb.

Yeah but, here's the thing, you're a really bad troll. You put no real effort in, you don't even try to make arguments that are factually correct.

I know what you're trying to do, because I do the same thing, I'm just better at it than you are.

I do the same thing

idk if that is true. what you are doing right now is sperging out on a momruepari maymay — this is something that i can confidently say i have never done and will never do.

Oh, we aren't exactly the same. I have no underlying ideology that prevents me from making coherent, fact-based arguments while I'm doing this.

You do, that's why you're awful at it.

this is a pernicious aspect of your personality that has really only harmed you: an inability to improve or to confront your own flaws. you have no purpose — no reason to learn, no reason to grow — other than playing some infantile game on reddit whereby you scour subreddits, like some autistic crusader, for normies to unload your 'fact-based arguments' onto. you aren't much different from other petty-bourgeois leftists who regularly go on subreddits like /r/stupidpol to spout utopian nonsense and opportunistic memes about electoral politics, 'drumpf', the 'right', and all that other shit — you simply can not see the ideology for the trees.

this is a pernicious

I had to stop here tbh. I read this and knew it was gonna be another one of your long, borderline incoherent, boring troll posts.

This is exactly why you suck at this man.

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I agree, I am at least able to admit when I am wrong or joke about things. PS is unable to look introspectively, and over plays his hand constantly. He’s a good lolcow, but nothing more, nothing less

other petty-bourgeois leftists

pizzashill is a proud neolib though.

yeah i guess i'm not too familiar with pizzashill's politics. i will say that he bases his opinions almost solely on wikipedia articles.

wikipedia can be a good source of information sometimes though. i've learned a lot from it, and it has some really good articles.

Check the talk pages and see who’s writing it tho. When anyone can edit, fucking nut jobs edit

marx, your bait is retarded.

If it's retarded and it works then it's not- aw, who am I kidding? Pizza would get assmad if you pinged him with a cookie recipe.

Imagine believing you sound coherent throughout this autistic COPE.


Be a good boi, otherwise oneesan will spank you again!

Love you! ❤❤❤

do you have some proof I'm a neet, some evidence maybe?

Non-neets aren't posting on /r/drama and/or ranting on discord 24/7 on workdays.

So no proof then.

Please tell us what kind of job lets you sperg out online throughtout the day.

Yeah, let me jump right on that.

If circo is crippled then wouldn't potential NEETdom be justified? What's your excuse?

Woah settle down

Based lolcow, but don't break the fourth wall too much. It takes me out of my LARP.

She’s 30?

As r/drama's wizard of 4 dimensions I'll just say that everything she's said while I'm around about geography checks out. It's hard to prove that a person was born in a certain year (this is what my own personal disinformation plan relies on) but I've never detected anything that's inconsistent with her being the age she claims.

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Please don’t shit talk bats. She has a career and is a business woman. She does more than watch road crews for an uncle iirc

Lmao, you're so clueless.

Nope I know bats better than you do, and she is far more accomplished than you. No offense, I like you as a lolcow, but you either need to go to college or get a real job. Working for your uncles road crew and arguing with your based mom nightly is no way to be. Get a real job, move out, and pay to have pojo come down so yall can get laid. Sex is necessary for a sound mind. You remind of that Seinfeld episode where George gives up sex and reads a bunch, except instead of reading books you’re reading Vox and motherjones.

Let me tell you, I take the ramblings of a washed up fent addict that tthinks pizzagate is real and climate change is a hoax very seriously.

At least I have a irl gf, job, and college degree tbf. Ps I bet your uncle would lend you some cash to go to college.

You're bragging about things most adults have/do, you might as well talk about how you pay your bills and feed your dog.

Ya but he’s a literal neet with an Internet gf, that’s the only reason I bring these things up lol

Isnt he still in high school? It just feels like if I were go to the local kindy and call the kids coddled millennials. I might just be getting aged out of this sub.

Nah he’s like 30 and a neet that gets drunk and ‘owns’ people of the internet. And has a gf he’s never met irl. Trust me I wouldn’t bring these things up, in fact I don’t like my personal shit on reddit so imma delete that comment.

Dropper, you have no idea what you're talking about. I have a more advanced degree than you do.

You're literally a drug addict that fucking thinks pizzagate is real, get out of here.


I have a more advanced degree thannyou do


more advanced degree than you do

This is the kind of cope I come to r/drama for


You know something? I’ve been hanging around /r/Drama for close to 3 years now, and this is the sixth primary account I’ve used for /r/Drama in that time. One of my former accounts got doxxed, another may or may not have gotten suspended, and all of them posted pretty popular content on /r/Drama. In spite all of that, I’m proud to say that none of those accounts were ever connected to any of the others. In fact, I don’t think anybody would know I was /dootwiththesickness if I hadn’t stuck “II” on the end of my name.

You, on the other hand, are so consistently embarrassing that every single one of your alts has gotten clocked within a few hours. Good job.

You realize I've linked this alt in multiple discord servers and was at no point attempting to hide it, right?


Why are all power users like this?

The insatiable desire for validation from the clique? Extreme mental deficiencies?

acces to cub porn

This, this is it.

May Allah purge all discordcels with cleansing flame.

Log off, dude.

So has she skyped you a titty yet or are you still virtually drydicked?

assuming she's not his mom, well, making a woman do your bidding, even as far as working for you, is like the ultimate chad move imo

Pizza mogs him with his 6'2 chad height tbfh

more discord bullshit 😴😴

Two retards desperate to prove to everyone that they’re it retards.

You’re an artist, btw

thank you :)

This isn't discord shit lol. Pizzashill is our local retard and circo is a janny.

I knew most of our community is disabled. I just didn't realize any of us were actually cripples.

haha nice metapost man! i love this retarded power user bullshit !! :)

haha super funny meme dude, i definitely prefer this nonstop poweruser circlejerk to actual drama

be the change you want to see in the world

/r/subredditdrama <-- there u go

Send him to /r/ThePopcornStand

>checks posts

Sweety you can't talk clogging up my feed with shitty photoshops and low effort ms paint drawings that are oh so epic

shitty photoshops

like to see you do better cunt

First no need to be rude and second is this true?

Nevermind Xe's a commie.

yikes sweaty, I see here you post in chapotraphouse? cancelled, famalam

Xe's not even going to reply to the accusations of being a poweruser lover smh

yeah it's not true. next question, did you really crawl through my post history to find something to be mad about? lmao imagine taking the internet this seriously

You're on drama not CTH now boi checking post history is just good "praxis"

wahhh he posted on a sub reddit i don't like!

get a hobby or something lol

I do have a hobby cunt. I'm a gardener in nature while you screech post hog chud I'm reaping the fruits of my labour.

can't believe you're still unironically reeing that i posted on a subreddit you don't like

it's only the internet buddy, you don't have to be mad

Shut up chasing power user whore chud commie before I call your dad.


take a break bud, you're getting worked up

Insert crying wokjak wearing laughing mask

You could be spending this time harassing your e-bf for dick pics. Or making even more posts about how you're too cool for /r/drama because a) you're in some shitty discord server and b) you don't chase "ironically" but rather unironically

lol imagine following someone around reddit bc they made fun of your favorite eceleb

I don't care about the "celebs" of Drama. All I know is that you're a hypocrite lol.

Reminder to everyone reading this thread:

  • This guy is an unironic reddit powermod who has to change accounts so people don't make fun of him when he insults people for "taking internet too seriously"

  • He is an unironic shenis chaser who has successfully chased someone in this sub, yet he uses "chaser" as an insult.

  • He doesn't like people acting like they're in a secret online club, whereas that's literally all he does with his gang of discord trannies.

This guy fucking hates himself and uses reddit to feel better.

Imagine not being emotionally neutral when typing stuff on the internet of all places

is pizzashill

most damning part of this tbqh
