Is Phillip DeFranco alt-right? One NYT journalist seems to think so.

84  2019-06-08 by Ghdust2


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Is Phillip DeFranco alt-right? One ... -,

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literally who

Phil from up the street.

I don't know who he is, but 39,000 people endorsed total annoyance with NYT smug bullshit, thus fulfilling the 2010s prophecy of lefty media being the true source of a rightwing radicalizing force.

Phil's been making YouTube videos since the beginning. How have you not heard of him?

i have, it's just my passive aggressive way of saying WHO GIVES A SHIT

Thousands of teenagers are crying because of your comment

lmao its always hillarious when center leftists get branded as alt right by the people they'd normally support any other day of the week

Cut the centrist and the Alt-Righter bleeds

"OMG why are these people calling me Alt-Right can't they see I'm a centrist!?!?!?"


Defranco is alt light, like Tim pool and Dave Rueben

to be fair all those hand gestures he does in his videos could be codespeak for his secret underground off-the-grid right wing extremist followers.

It's not?

People famous on youtube should get invites to the helicopter party.


a friend of mine showed me a phillip defranco video once. it was literally just him mugging for the camera like Jim from the Office and talking about some youtube shit.

the fact that these people have far-reaching audiences is a shame to the human race.

That's basically it. I used to watch him in high school, he's basically a "cool" news anchor that talks about things relevant to teenagers you watch a lot of YouTube.

He’s basically the “cool intelligent” keemstar.

This is the first time I've seen the words intelligent and keemstsr in the same sentence.

Jimmy Kimmel they removed but kept Phil lmao

lol who would ever call cryin’ Jimmy Kimmel “alt-right”

And yet jimmy kimmel literally does black face

Of course he is. I saw 1 Philly D video and I knew there's no way he could realistically say "beautiful bastards" 6 million times in 6 years. And his YT profile pic is literally a monkey with exaggerated facial expression

Is there anyone the NYT doesn't think is alt-right?

Um swetie, questioning the NYT is like racism ok 💅

BTW this actually wasn't NYT being malicious or trying to paint De Franco as alt right, they're just bad at their job and retarded.

Wow journalists and being retarded how mew

Thats not better

Best newspaper in the country my ass. You know what, i don't believe them, i think they did it on purpose.

Ever trusting anyone but the WSJ neocons and neolibs smh

good job at literally falling for damage control

That wasn't damage control. They've got a deep left youtuber in the bottom right panel. That backs up their claim beyond reasonable doubt.

Absolute bullshit. It was a deliberate attempt to generate outrage and thus clicks.

They're not "bad at their job" they're doing exactly what they've been told to do.

I was radicalized into loving French firearms by Ian Mccollum of forgotten weapons.

I knew throat punching is an alt right gateway

Why the fuck is Yuri Bezmonov on there?

His speeches about how western society was being subverted by the Soviets, ties into rightoid fear of commies.

He defected from the peaceful paradise that was The Soviet Union, sweaty!


they even got the actual CEO of gamergate, big man tyrone!

lol they’re so clueless

the gold standard of current year journalism, folks

So Phil has been protecting the white race from black and brown sperm?

Is ok, this is only this weeks fake news.