Antifa takes on poor Americans to defend the Muslim congresswoman that married her brother

47  2019-06-09 by collectijism


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Dude the antifacells are here commenting on this thread it’s a triple reverse brigade someone tattle to the corporations about suppression of my cat fish larp as a fake online revolutionary

Banned for insulting mommy Omar

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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There can Only be one mommy and it's commie mommy.

v true

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Antifa takes on poor Americans to d... -,,

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What's this about her marrying her brother?

She may have married her brother. The records aren't clear and there are discrepancies.

What discrepancies?

There aren't.

Well, before we get into it, you already know michelle obama is trans right?

Idk I'm just repeating what I've heard.

Well for one if marrying your brother is just a cultural thing than it’s probably ok. Like how grooming young boys is a gay man cultural thing. It’s ok

HAHA sorry libtard. Based milo yibadibalopus is about to NUT on you with CUM and LOGIC for your transgressions.

I see you in your little antifa safe space talking shit about my post history calling it cringey.


I see you in your little antifa safe space talking shit about my post history calling it cringey.


Grooming young boys is a gay msn cultural thing

Don't you mean Christian thing you moron

Catholics aren't Christian.

Catholics are true Christians prove me wrong.

They hoard gold and wealth, touch kids and don't circumcise, and I bet most can't hang a door.

They get more bussy than you.


Prodcels seething

Hahahahhaha incest COPE

It's just the lastest TD conspiracy. One of them posted "proof" that she married her brother so now they all believe it.

To my understanding, the marriage was for visa fraud and not a sexual relationship, so it’s fine.

Yeah it’s cool just a representative for the congress cheating on taxes and visa fraud and lying to get into the country full of white racists. Just your normal 3rd world Somalian

Dear God put down whatever you're huffing

To my understanding that doesn't make sense, at all.

Dude if your gonna agenda comment the revolution where you get the communist rape limo and have all those beckies that ignored you at least keep the mask on and get on an alt. It’s super cringe

Markov chain bots make more sense than your fas riddled brain

I’m not a bot your a bot. Probably a Russian one too

I didn't accuse you of being a bot. I accused you of being dumber than a bot with a very severe learning impairment.

Holy shit that's a good one. I'll write it down.

They would probably support her if it was for sexual reasons

Sure, bud, of course it was.

Where's the beef drama?

Its in this thread.


i can confidently say these people are inhumane, period.

tfw you unironically decide who is and isn’t human based on politics but at least you’re not a nazi.

Lol, Saying someone is inhumane doesn't mean you're saying they aren't human retard

inb4 antifa are the REAL fascists

normally yeah, but antifa are cowards who don’t say what they really mean, i believe it’s called a dog-whistle.

the comments are truly disgusting. i was appalled and downvoted a ton but i couldn’t read anymore after a certain point.

stunning and brave

Supporting an extremely reactionary religion to own the fash